The every expanding list of adult GOP members

TechPapi's Avatar
In an ordinary world without MAGACunts, it would be telling that a nominee is opposed by every VP of the three most recent GOP presidencies, including his own.

Not just that, but dozens of cabinet-level and other members of his own administration who knew him well, worked next to him, observed him daily, and knew what he was up to and all about have gone public in opposing his re-election.

It is astonishing and unprecedented in presidential electoral history. For reference:

List of Republicans who oppose the Donald Trump 2024 presidential campaign.

And this list is growing, not shrinking. Personally, I look forward to the weeping and gnashing of teeth that will manifest amongst the children that support drumpf, once he's trounced in November.

I look forward to seeing some of these meal team six motherfuckers actually try to follow through on their threats. Empty Green will start sucking democrat cock like the ugly little cockholster she is.
Jacuzzme's Avatar
Unfortunately for your side there’s not nearly enough politicians to put a dent in the peoples choices, nor does anyone care what they think. People are concerned about their quality of life, which has been sledding downhill since Biden took power. This election boils down to mean tweets vs an anorexic bank account.
TechPapi's Avatar
Unfortunately for your side there’s not nearly enough politicians to put a dent in the peoples choices, nor does anyone care what they think. People are concerned about their quality of life, which has been sledding downhill since Biden took power. This election boils down to mean tweets vs an anorexic bank account. Originally Posted by Jacuzzme
Since the economy is actually in a better place than it has been in a decade, I'd advise you to find a decent financial advisor since it sounds like you aren't capable of making money on your own.
Since the economy is actually in a better place than it has been in a decade, I'd advise you to find a decent financial advisor since it sounds like you aren't capable of making money on your own. Originally Posted by TechPapi

Only for the elites, not for regular people in the United States.

Credit Card debt dramatically increased in the last year to record amounts.
People behind on Credit Card payments increasing.

Inflation hits low and middle class the hardest.

The elites with money in savings and interest often come closer to keeping up.
TechPapi's Avatar
Only for the elites, not for regular people in the United States.

Credit Card debt dramatically increased in the last year to record amounts.
People behind on Credit Card payments increasing.

Inflation hits low and middle class the hardest.

The elites with money in savings and interest often come closer to keeping up. Originally Posted by farmstud60
"Elites." It's like "woke." Anything that the dim can't understand falls under a category they widen for all the complaints and victimhood.

I wonder what makes someone an "elite" and not a "regular people." Education and an understanding of financial systems?
Jacuzzme's Avatar
Since the economy is actually in a better place than it has been in a decade, I'd advise you to find a decent financial advisor since it sounds like you aren't capable of making money on your own. Originally Posted by TechPapi
It’s sad you actually believe this.
TechPapi's Avatar
It’s sad you actually believe this. Originally Posted by Jacuzzme

It's funny and pathetic that you don't.

Consider all these things that you don't want to be true because it pretty much kills your victimhood. As of the last calendar quarter of 2023:

GDP growth was 5.2 that quarter

US has had the best recovery from COVID in the G7

Wage growth remains robust, 5% via Atlanta Fed; wages have been beating inflation for many months now

Median wealth up 37% from 2020-2022; median wealth for 18-34 year olds in this period more than doubled

Jobs are more plentiful than anytime since the 1960s

US has lowest uninsured rate in history

New businesses being created at record rates

Stock market on a very good run, near record highs, Dow is 18 times higher than 1989

US setting records in oil AND renewable energy production

Gen Z homeownership matching previous generations

Many cities and states have raised the minimum wage in recent years, creating a much higher income floor for young and poorer workers

Biden has erased $127 billion in student loan debt (I know you hate that people might not suffer for life over getting a college education)

The current investment agenda from this administration will create growth and innovation opportunities for American workers for decades to come.

The WSJ (I doubt you read it)

Goods Deflation Is Back. It Could Speed Inflation’s Return to 2%.

Finally, data from a recent Economist/YouGov weekly tracking poll of registered voters doesn't track with your gloomy outlook and "regular people's view on the economy:

Click here to learn something outside the MAGATard universe. Since I doubt the attention span is there for this type of reading, here's the highlights:

Overall, how satisfied or dissatisfied are you with the way things are going in your life today? Satisfied 64%, Dissatisfied 35%

How happy would you say you are with your current job? Great deal/somewhat 80%, A little/not at all 19%.

Do you consider yourself paid fairly or underpaid in your job? Paid fairly 56%, Underpaid 38%.

Do you think your family income will increase or decrease in 2024? Increase 45%, stay the same 41%, decrease 15%.

See? It's not everyone. Just you and your buddies.

You're welcome.
Since the economy is actually in a better place than it has been in a decade... Originally Posted by TechPapi
... Hee Hee! ... ...

#### Salty
It's funny and pathetic that you don't.

Consider all these things that you don't want to be true because it pretty much kills your victimhood. As of the last calendar quarter of 2023:

GDP growth was 5.2 that quarter

US has had the best recovery from COVID in the G7

Wage growth remains robust, 5% via Atlanta Fed; wages have been beating inflation for many months now

Median wealth up 37% from 2020-2022; median wealth for 18-34 year olds in this period more than doubled

Jobs are more plentiful than anytime since the 1960s

US has lowest uninsured rate in history

New businesses being created at record rates

Stock market on a very good run, near record highs, Dow is 18 times higher than 1989

US setting records in oil AND renewable energy production

Gen Z homeownership matching previous generations

Many cities and states have raised the minimum wage in recent years, creating a much higher income floor for young and poorer workers

Biden has erased $127 billion in student loan debt (I know you hate that people might not suffer for life over getting a college education)

The current investment agenda from this administration will create growth and innovation opportunities for American workers for decades to come.

The WSJ (I doubt you read it)

Goods Deflation Is Back. It Could Speed Inflation’s Return to 2%.

Finally, data from a recent Economist/YouGov weekly tracking poll of registered voters doesn't track with your gloomy outlook and "regular people's view on the economy:

Click here to learn something outside the MAGATard universe. Since I doubt the attention span is there for this type of reading, here's the highlights:

Overall, how satisfied or dissatisfied are you with the way things are going in your life today? Satisfied 64%, Dissatisfied 35%

How happy would you say you are with your current job? Great deal/somewhat 80%, A little/not at all 19%.

Do you consider yourself paid fairly or underpaid in your job? Paid fairly 56%, Underpaid 38%.

Do you think your family income will increase or decrease in 2024? Increase 45%, stay the same 41%, decrease 15%.

See? It's not everyone. Just you and your buddies.

You're welcome. Originally Posted by TechPapi
What a Fantasy.
Yssup Rider's Avatar
All of those things are true. Prove otherwise.
Lucas McCain's Avatar
And this list is growing, not shrinking. Personally, I look forward to the weeping and gnashing of teeth that will manifest amongst the children that support drumpf, once he's trounced in November. Originally Posted by TechPapi
Well, if Trump is "trounced" in November, I hope law enforcement officials are given shoot to kill orders. The way Trump is firing up his moron cult members, it is time to cull the herd IMO. This country would be better off with less idiots running around like they did on 1/6 after he loses again. Fortunately, now we know what MAGA dipshits are capable of so there will be no element of surprise this time if fools decide to get froggy and jump again.

I don't know who would be dumb enough to be his VP, but he better pick wisely to counter his bullshit that turns so many people off about him. It would be career suicide for him or her and on top of that, you risk your life if he loses... he probably should pick a woman, so I nominate MGT's stupid ass to fill the position.

The GOP opposition list was much longer than I thought. Thanks for the link to it.
eyecu2's Avatar
it's going to take a decade to de-program the watchers of FOX news and "conservative media" like OANN or Newsmax. When I watch any of these shows, it's a literal dripping of negativity about "how bad" things are,., hence the posts in this thread generally. My hope is simply that the vote is a higher percentage win regardless. The people of the country need to know that it's a conclusive and full representation of the country vs. a heavy finger on one or two scales. But that's likely a pipe dream here.

Wondering if the Trump lawsuits being reported on will have any impact on the election overall too. I'm betting not, but again, the alternative facts team seems to be willing to deflect any negativities associated to breaking laws; or normalize the activity as being completely aok.
TechPapi's Avatar

The GOP opposition list was much longer than I thought. Thanks for the link to it. Originally Posted by Lucas McCain

I was surprised to see Chip Roy in there. He's really a repug(b)nant lump of watery shit. Pot, meet kettle I suppose.
TechPapi's Avatar
Well, if Trump is "trounced" in November, I hope law enforcement officials are given shoot to kill orders. The way Trump is firing up his moron cult members, it is time to cull the herd IMO. This country would be better off with less idiots running around like they did on 1/6 after he loses again. Fortunately, now we know what MAGA dipshits are capable of so there will be no element of surprise this time if fools decide to get froggy and jump again. Originally Posted by Lucas McCain

I don't think there's anything to worry about. Most of the MAGAts are just like the ones you see in here. Posting links to telegram channels and single sentence posts with lots of mean emojis. That's pretty much the extent of their participation in insurrections.