A PSA about PSA

Bababooie's Avatar
I haven't been on this site in over two years because of having Prostate Cancer. I have Advanced Metastatic Prostate Cancer which is incurable, so it's all about some treatments to extend life for who knows how long.

I won't go into details but I can assure you that if you become metastatic, your sex life is OVER. Between the surgery to remove the prostate and the hormone therapy after you find out you still have cancer, there is nothing left of your dick except limpness, incontinence, numbness, and no libido.

So fellas, take it from me, get your PSA Blood work done at least once a year once you're over 40 and twice a year if you're over 50. It's a complete shock to the system and way of life you are living now. You can live for a while, but it isn't pretty.

Over and Out
Plastic Man's Avatar
greats ...ta hears froms ...ya!

...thanks fer ...uh ...checkin in an knowin no ...matters whats life throws ...yer way the brotherhood a jimmies always welcomes ans loves ...ya
ben dover's Avatar
Sorry about your situation. It's always been a nail biter waiting for the test results.
AND don't forget to visit Dr. Jellyfinger!!
Bababooie's Avatar
Well I can tell you this, a prostate biopsy is the most uncomfortable invasion process you may ever go through, and it don't feel like jelly fingers.
buffalomw10's Avatar
I wish you well and thanks for sharing your situation with us. Your PSA is a reminder to routinely get checkups and maybe catch something in the early stages. I appreciate you.
Capt. Hooker's Avatar
Well I can tell you this, a prostate biopsy is the most uncomfortable invasion process you may ever go through, and it don't feel like jelly fingers. Originally Posted by Bababooie
Had one, lucky for me it was negative for cancer. Hope I don't need another one in the future. My psa goes up and down