Hints on Getting SW in North Texas

I am new to this game...


1. Where are the best places
2. How much to spend.
3. Tip for keeping out of trouble.
4. Any other tips/hints
needingmilking's Avatar
dude... If I were you:
1 - read ALL posts in the forum
2 - have a notebook, and write down the answers to your questions
Everyone here has a different opinion. You will get 20 answers.
And to tell you the truth you just joined, and your first post is about where the good fishing spots are?
I am not saying you are not who you say you are (dave in dallas), but how do we know you are not... well... hunting for marks?
A good fisherman never tells where to the fish are.

You might try Glencoe st and vickery blv.
mar6's Avatar
  • mar6
  • 07-11-2010, 08:14 PM
Dave. In complete honesty, let me advise you to not even begin down this path. It is a dangerous one and the reward is not worth the risk. It's like trying a drug to see "what it's like" without realizing the dangers. Make no mistake- this hobby is addicting and once you are in it's really hard to get out. You will find yourself doing things that risk your career, your status and your very life. Don't mean to be Debbie downer, but I'm speaking sincerely.

If you absolutely have made up your mind to proceed, read everything in this forum for at least the last 6 months or so before you even do anything. It will at least inform you and minimize the danger to you.
mar6's Avatar
  • mar6
  • 07-11-2010, 08:18 PM
Tom- are you being serious with that location? On google maps "street view" it looks like a fairly nice residential neighborhood.
needingmilking's Avatar
You might try Glencoe st and vickery blv. Originally Posted by Truckertom
WHAT? that is my neighborhood!! there is nothing there!!
I smell doughnuts
You think I would tell a possable 5.0 where the fish are.
Read the OP again, sounds like bait.
Wolfe's Avatar
  • Wolfe
  • 07-12-2010, 06:56 AM
Dave. In complete honesty, let me advise you to not even begin down this path. It is a dangerous one and the reward is not worth the risk. It's like trying a drug to see "what it's like" without realizing the dangers. Make no mistake- this hobby is addicting and once you are in it's really hard to get out. You will find yourself doing things that risk your career, your status and your very life. Don't mean to be Debbie downer, but I'm speaking sincerely.

If you absolutely have made up your mind to proceed, read everything in this forum for at least the last 6 months or so before you even do anything. It will at least inform you and minimize the danger to you. Originally Posted by mar6
A-men to that.
Is a long lonely path we walk.
2020 North Lamar Street in Dallas‎. You'll find plenty of action there. If u don't see any thing just ask anyone walkin around they'll help you.
You know what I liked about ASPD? It was somewhat obscure. The information on this board, far exceeds in depth, in breadth, and in integrity of the old boards, but its grown too large, and done so very quickly. We have to be careful folks. Maybe this is a troll, or a cop, or a real unimaginative noob. The fact of the matter is that this board is really easy to get onto, you can buy BCD access, its fully searchable, and is apparently even fully searchable by google. I'm not going to bother telling anyone to be careful, cause the careful thing to do would be to hang it up, write letters and get this shit legalized and regulated (and then taxed all to fuck).

But, if you must venture into unknown territory, do so carefully. Always case for at least a few blocks. Watch the parked cars, watch the cops, are they looking at you? following you? Prostitution is a symptom of the greater social ill of poverty, a symptom that appears in the company of drugs and violent crime. So what streets are the girls on? Same as the pushers the pimps, boosters, and jackers. If you see a liquor store, and a checks cashed, look for a motel close by. Some of my favorite hot spots are housing projects, bus depots, and just random urban areas. You start to develop a feel for the area you're in, I mean, how do you think cops find them? Besides coming on to this board and blatantly asking such a stupid fucking question.
needingmilking's Avatar
You know what I liked about ASPD? It was somewhat obscure. The information on this board, far exceeds in depth, in breadth, and in integrity of the old boards,... you can buy BCD access, its fully searchable, and is apparently even fully searchable by google. Originally Posted by elpimpo
I prefer open knowledge rather than obscure...

Prostitution is a symptom of the greater social ill of poverty, a symptom that appears in the company of drugs and violent crime. Originally Posted by elpimpo
I MUST somewhat disagree. While this is the case some times, this board shows that MOST providers are not into drugs or violent crime.

I just had this discussion with a provider I see regularly, we are in this situation for a multitude of reasons! Some are bad (poverty, drugs) some are not (attention, just like to fuck). All of us have a different situation, but linking the negative aspects to all providers will only result in perpetuating the stigma providing has today.

mean, how do you think cops find them? Besides coming on to this board and blatantly asking such a stupid fucking question. Originally Posted by elpimpo
LOL, so true! but if the cop is that stupid... did it really found a pimp?
needingmilking's Avatar
2020 North Lamar Street in Dallas‎. You'll find plenty of action there. If u don't see any thing just ask anyone walkin around they'll help you. Originally Posted by Perro903
You are WRONG!!! that is a parking lot....

[Look at the literal douche!!]
I second elpimpo's take - we'r etalking about SW's, here, not "escorts." Big difference. Trolling most anywhere in the metroplex in lower-rent neighborhoods will offer potential working girl opportunities these days especially, if that's your thing.... there are plenty of dancers from low-end clubs who aren't making the $$ they need and the only way they're likely gonna make it is to put out. Also plenty of crack and meth addicts who can't keep a job in the clubs (or anywhere else) and have 'managers' who are more than happy to keep them busy at any price. Just remember - you lie down with dogs you're gonna get fleas.