Phone number entries

Budman's Avatar
What's the possibility of have the phone numbers and area codes seperated in the review forms. The reason I ask is many times I will try and search a provider by phone number and depending on how the reviewer enters the digits will determine if you get a hit or not. If a dialogue box was provided for the area code and another box for the number you could search for a specific 7 digit number. TER has this entry system and it works very well. Here are some of the ways I've seen numbers entered.

(512) 555-1234
512 555-1234

Each one of these requires a new search.


PS: This is a great site and it keeps getting better.
...and some of the ways I've typed numbers

(512) 555 1234
512 555 1234
555 1234

I don't recall if the search works on just 4 characters...