Russia hacked the election???

JD Barleycorn's Avatar
No details just yet but the allegation has been made that the Russians hacked our latest election.

Okay, who benefits the most? The businessman who may or may not have ties to Russian businessman or the corrupt career politician who has taken milions upon millions of dollars from Russian oligarchs.

Of course, this source (an Obama controlled CIA) has not said what form of aid was attempted, whether or not it was successful, and if the CIA can prove the allegation.

What I see is that any charge coming from the Obama regime like this will cast a cloud of a Trump administration whether it is true or not. The real evidence is in the recount going on in those close states that Trump won. Talk about being bit on the ass by your own dog...if the Russians were going to hack anywhere it would be in a closely fought state. By now we would have evidence of hundreds if not thousands of non-voters casting ballots. We don't So it would appear according to the evidence that the Russians did not hack the election or they were totally ineffective in their hack. Either case strengthens Trump's victory but you'll never hear that from the MSM.
bambino's Avatar
LexusLover's Avatar
No one! And I mean No One! Has produced one shred of evidence that the Government of Russia, and/or an entity or person acting as an "agent" of the Russian Government hacked (or electronically intruded into) any equipment that was directly connected to the voting and balloting of the 2016 elections ... nationally, statewide, or locally.

At least two Federal judges have confirmed THAT FACT!

What Duffus in the White House is doing is:

Creating a "file" to leave on the desk of Trump that Duffus will claim contains the "actionable" intelligence to support the "accusation" of HIS OWN that the Russians hacked into the "election mechanism" of this country and/or intentionally manipulated information to create "Fake News" so that he and his whining, snotty nosed, blubbering wimp-LOSERS can complain for FOUR YEARS that Trump did nothing about it ... and he handed it to him on a "silver platter"!!!

If you don't believe me ....

..... copy this post and pull it out in 6 months to a year.

Keep in mind ... that the "intelligence" community he intends to use to create that report is the same one that: (1) reported to him that ISIS WAS JV and (2) was "cooking the books" to fit his political posturing. Where have any "heads rolled"? They haven't.
  • DSK
  • 12-10-2016, 03:39 PM
As far as I can tell, it was fake news stories in Facebook that brought down the Obama/Clinton machine - and Zuckerberg, the guy who stole the whole Facebook idea from the Winklevoss twins, couldn't stop the fakes then or now, because he would stop most of his traffic and revenues if he did - HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!
Defined "hacked." The only thing I'm seeing is that supposedly the Russians hacked into certain DNC computers and turned it over to Wikileaks. Assange has already denied that.

Given this is believable, then it's obvious the Russkies hacked into Hillary's server.

But no news media will accommodate this logic.

The reality is Hillary and the DNC hacked the election and it backfired.
Did Putin do this? NO! Were some black kids angry? OR?

The staffer, Seth Conrad Rich, was killed after being shot multiple times on July 10 near 2100 block of Flagler Place NW in Washington D.C. He was killed around 4:30 a.m., and some could speculate that maybe this was a robbery gone wrong. The problem is that all of Rich’s belongings (watch, phone, and wallet) were still found on him—and Rich’s mother said that bruises were found on her son’s hands, face, and knees; signs that he may have fought for his life. It’s a tragic event that’s recently entered the world of conspiracy theories, concerning whether Rich was targeted for possibly being the source of the leak.
This Putin fellow is ruthless!

UN Official found dead was set to testify against Hillary Clinton same day. “BARBELL FELL ON HIS NECK”

The truth is, some Hacker, whether it was the Russians, WikiLinks, or some kid in his basement, took the time to find out the truth and then release that truth about the Clintons and the entire corrupt DNC.

The MainStream US Media was bought and paid for by The Clinton's. The last thing they wanted was the truth to come out. That truth was..........

Hillary Clinton was, and still is, a despicable, lying, money grubbing, sexual predator enabling cunt.

To Who ever did the hacking. Thank You.
The truth is, some Hacker, whether it was the Russians, WikiLinks, or some kid in his basement, took the time to find out the truth and then release that truth about the Clintons and the entire corrupt DNC.

The MainStream US Media was bought and paid for by The Clinton's. The last thing they wanted was the truth to come out. That truth was..........

Hillary Clinton was, and still is, a despicable, lying, money grubbing, sexual predator enabling cunt.

To Who ever did the hacking. Thank You. Originally Posted by Jackie S
+ 1 !!!!!!
CuteOldGuy's Avatar
Hillary and the Democrats don't take internet security seriously. Who cares if Russia hacks us? We try to hack them. It's what countries and hackers do. Protect your documents. Don't put an unsecure server in your bathroom. You're not going to stop them from hacking. You have to stop them from being successful.
LexusLover's Avatar
The whole "hacking" story regarding the 2016 elections IS A FAKE STORY.

The only purpose for talking about FAKE STORIES by the Loser-Democrats is an ATTEMPT to cover up the bullshit that was UNCOVERED and REVEALED the true nature of their character AND their lame ATTEMPT to explain the FAKE STORY the DNC continued to publish through their MOUTHPIECE the MEDIA regarding the inevitability and invincibility of HillaryNoMore .... just like on this Board with all the LOUDMOUTHS we had to endure for the past 18 months!

The "Russian-HackerGate" investigation by the LameAssDuck taking up space in the WH is to give the FAKE STORY and HACKING bullshit some legs and another lame ATTEMPT to "authenticate" the validity .... which is nothing more than more insults directed at the U.S. voters.

The DNC-FAKE-STORY IS: Someone obtained emails from a DNC computer (which anyone beyond the 5th grade can do these days) and turned them over to a person who could release them to someone else who could publish them through some media outlet .... and emails disclosed the nefarious scheming of the entire Democratic campaign system, even against their own people, and that Trump had been correct when talking about a FIX, ... and rather than accept responsibility for being a bunch of cannibalizing "crooked" liars they ATTEMPTED to redirect the focus on "meddling RUSSIANS," which morphed into the RUSSIAN GOVERNMENT based on more BULLSHIT .... like they disseminated regarding Obamacare!

What the Democrat's supporters, media, and conspiracy-theorists don't understand (and haven't for years) is that the likes of HillaryNoMore and LameAssDuckObaminable are so disrespectful of them that their ILK actually believe you all are stupid enough to believe it .... AKA ... they are also "DEPLORABLES"!

The Democrats are SELF-DESTRUCTING while Trump is RE-CONSTRUCTING!

You LOUDMOUTH-HILLARYNOMORE-APOLOGISTS on here haven't figured out that on November 9th Trump started the campaign of 2020, which is what he has done in business his entire life....cuts the ribbon on this high-rise and begins acquisition of the next and he is building consensus on the agenda he PLANS for the next 1200 plus days .. not 100.
  • DSK
  • 12-11-2016, 07:53 AM
The whole "hacking" story regarding the 2016 elections IS A FAKE STORY.

The only purpose for talking about FAKE STORIES by the Loser-Democrats is an ATTEMPT to cover up the bullshit that was UNCOVERED and REVEALED the true nature of their character AND their lame ATTEMPT to explain the FAKE STORY the DNC continued to publish through their MOUTHPIECE the MEDIA regarding the inevitability and invincibility of HillaryNoMore .... just like on this Board with all the LOUDMOUTHS we had to endure for the past 18 months!

The "Russian-HackerGate" investigation by the LameAssDuck taking up space in the WH is to give the FAKE STORY and HACKING bullshit some legs and another lame ATTEMPT to "authenticate" the validity .... which is nothing more than more insults directed at the U.S. voters.

The DNC-FAKE-STORY IS: Someone obtained emails from a DNC computer (which anyone beyond the 5th grade can do these days) and turned them over to a person who could release them to someone else who could publish them through some media outlet .... and emails disclosed the nefarious scheming of the entire Democratic campaign system, even against their own people, and that Trump had been correct when talking about a FIX, ... and rather than accept responsibility for being a bunch of cannibalizing "crooked" liars they ATTEMPTED to redirect the focus on "meddling RUSSIANS," which morphed into the RUSSIAN GOVERNMENT based on more BULLSHIT .... like they disseminated regarding Obamacare!

What the Democrat's supporters, media, and conspiracy-theorists don't understand (and haven't for years) is that the likes of HillaryNoMore and LameAssDuckObaminable are so disrespectful of them that their ILK actually believe you all are stupid enough to believe it .... AKA ... they are also "DEPLORABLES"!

The Democrats are SELF-DESTRUCTING while Trump is RE-CONSTRUCTING!

You LOUDMOUTH-HILLARYNOMORE-APOLOGISTS on here haven't figured out that on November 9th Trump started the campaign of 2020, which is what he has done in business his entire life....cuts the ribbon on this high-rise and begins acquisition of the next and he is building consensus on the agenda he PLANS for the next 1200 plus days .. not 100. Originally Posted by LexusLover
I don't think they will ever understand how condescending they are to people who disagree with them, and the detriment of unlikability in getting elected or even cooperation.

LexusLover's Avatar
.... FUCK 'EM! Originally Posted by DSK
They just got it put to them, ....

...and they are backing up for another go at!

Apparently they enjoy it more than we thought!
I guess President Obama and The Democrats have a short memory.
Remember when they tried to sell their swill to Voters in the last elections in Israel.