A newbies guide to getting rid of unwanted attention

B.Wayne's Avatar
Ok, you're new. you havn't went through all the drama yet with some of these crazy women. at first it will be exciting, strange, intriguing, funny and sad. You might be an asshole, in which case you can ignore this cause you got it covered. You might be a pushover. In which case you MUST read on. Or you just might be the guy that is maybe slightly in between. In any case this is a simple guide to getting rid of unwanted attention in the hobby from women you kind of don't want to make a big stink about with as little drama as possible.

I was in the bath one day and it hit me like a lightning bolt. I can't believe I didn't think of it before but my pain and suffering is your wake up call. I was seeing a girl. we had met several times, id call or text and she would reply we set up a meet everything is fine. well out of the blue one day I get asked for money. This newbs is where it starts, I thought we had a good thing going, she apparently didn't. now im not without sympathy or empathy or compassion. but I know this girl. and shes lazy. no drive, no motivation. just business. and im ok with that but when you plays with my moneys it gets tricky.

Now this is a sure fire way to stay out of trouble. I guarantee it.

she asks for help with some kind of monetary value or a favor. or whatever. do this trick and it will ensure that she does not bother you any more. there are two main tricks I use but feel free to experiment as you journey into this hobby. this is assuming you have known the girl for a bit and she is starting to act a little off. and asking you for more.

Trick #1 This is straight out from elementary school. Its so simple and effective. boy or girl says they like the other, the other yells cooties and runs away. That's right! you pull the ol' I love you/like you routine and one of two things will happen she will get freaked out, and move along and you are off scott free. OR the all time backfire and she plays the I love you too and starts asking for even more then you pull trick #2

This one will get you in trouble to some degree but listen, in the long run it will be worth it. If a girl is asking you for even more stuff. Trick # 2 is not for the faint of heart, you gotta have some sack to go through with it. Trick 2 is if you want a girl to leave you alone and not ask you for anything else you gotta ask her about bareback. She will respond of how disgusting you are and chew you out and WILL NEVER talk to you or ask you for anything again. And the genius part about it, is that she will think its all HER decision.

Lets be honest, in a perfect world you could just say no sorry I don't want to give anything right now and that would be the end of it, but once you've been around a couple times you see its not that simple and you pick up the triggers of what you can say to "mutually" end a business relationship without the other person giving a sob story or trying to guilt trip you. I am by no means telling you not to do what you think is right and as a newbie you will want to help but then you will wise up because IT WILL KEEP HAPPENING OVER AND OVER AND OVER. trust me, if you are in a pinch and just need a quick out this is the way to go.

Disclaimer: this is not meant for women with legitimate problems that are actually great. this is for the lazy people that don't NEED help they WANT help(you know who you are).
Sounds like you just need to grow balls and say no if it is something you don't want to do.
B.Wayne's Avatar
Hahaha how would you know,newbie? U have no reviews and joined in 2015. I think you're using a fake handle. Unless you're that much of a pussy. Not that I owe you an explanation but if you read the post sometimes people don't take no for an answer and there can be unwanted attention if you simply just say no. So why don't you grow a pair of balls yourself and actually get some reviews of legit girls so people won't keep thinking you have a fake handle then the mods might give you some unwanted attention and investigate your handle and see if it matches other ip addresses.

UOTE=mdj7129;1060031982]Sounds like you just need to grow balls and say no if it is something you don't want to do.[/QUOTE]
Chung Tran's Avatar
true that.. you got a newbie response from someone you're trying to help.. fact is, if you are not getting unwanted attention, you are being ignored, you have been marked as a "nobody".

I think the 2 strategies are excellent. I have used #2 myself, it is quite brilliant.. she either runs away quickly, or you discover and uncover a Gem you didn't know existed.
WTOilMan's Avatar
It all sounds pretty fucking stupid to me. A bug understands those ideas just as well as you and you put them out as help to "newbys". Then someone writes back and you slam them on the ground. I'll look somewhere else for advice, thank you.
rexdutchman's Avatar
Just say I'm getting to close to you & Watch them run !!
B.Wayne's Avatar
yeah so why don't you go ahead and do that then there champ and pat them feet and turn them corners. thanks for announcing your declaration. could of just moved on but had to put your worthless 2 cents in. something tells me your real RL is in shambles. I would also suspect you of having a fake handle as well considering your last review was in 2013 and not a lot of recent post but you just felt compelled to comment on this thread.

It all sounds pretty fucking stupid to me. A bug understands those ideas just as well as you and you put them out as help to "newbys". Then someone writes back and you slam them on the ground. I'll look somewhere else for advice, thank you. Originally Posted by WTOilMan
B.Wayne's Avatar
that's classy. im worried it might backfire and she might tell me something like yeah im getting close to you too. hey im having some trouble with (whatever) can you help me out? I watched a video of tiger woods mistress and she said something similar to the effect of asking him (tiger) if she could help her with some expenses. Now keep in mind she was on TV and doing an interview and im sure swore to secrecy to tiger, until.. he wouldn't pay up.

Just say I'm getting to close to you & Watch them run !! Originally Posted by rexdutchman
B.Wayne's Avatar
how did I miss this post from the legendary chung? yes unfortunately ive had to use the tactics but after the same broken record over and over I finally got fed up. ive helped out girls before and got nothing in return other than headache and attitude when I wanted to stop helping because everyone of them has made it about themselves. so congrats to them.

true that.. you got a newbie response from someone you're trying to help.. fact is, if you are not getting unwanted attention, you are being ignored, you have been marked as a "nobody".

I think the 2 strategies are excellent. I have used #2 myself, it is quite brilliant.. she either runs away quickly, or you discover and uncover a Gem you didn't know existed. Originally Posted by Chung Tran

I was in the bath one day and it hit me like a lightning bolt.
Originally Posted by B.Wayne

Wait a second, dude.....you take "baths"??? <Snick>

B.Wayne's Avatar
how does the other half live? im sophisticated.

Wait a second, dude.....you take "baths"??? <Snick>

Originally Posted by Chateau Becot
~Ze~'s Avatar
  • ~Ze~
  • 10-12-2017, 04:31 PM
Why does every interaction need to be manipulated? Why can't people just speak plainly and gently.
B.Wayne's Avatar
I agree. I really do. You're hot and funny and I'd like to meet you one day. Unfortunately different people are wired differently and there are many with an entitlement attitude as best as I can figure but that's just one contributing factor.

=~Ze~;1060071494]Why does every interaction need to be
manipulated? Why can't people just speak plainly and gently.[/QUOTE]
dodecahedrine's Avatar
hard to tell who is legit
mrredcat43's Avatar
I like turtles, js