Wishing they could have a mulligan...........

Nobel Peace committee demotes controversial head.

Norway's Nobel Peace Prize committee on Tuesday demoted its controversial chairman Thorbjoern Jagland in a move unprecedented in the long history of the award. Thorbjoern had drawn sharp criticism shortly after becoming chairman in 2009 for awarding the prestigious Nobel to newly elected US President Barack Obama.

The move stunned the world and the recipient alike, as Obama had been in office less than nine months and the United States was still waging simultaneous wars in Afghanistan and Iraq.
As usual, you are a stupid, lying, trolling piece of shit. One person doesn't decide who gets the prize numbnuts. It is usually a unanimous vote of the committee, or if unanimity isn't possible, a majority vote.

Dumbass. Post up something else that is a blatant misrepresentation of the facts. It is what you do best.
  • DSK
  • 03-04-2015, 05:45 PM
As usual, you are a stupid, lying, trolling piece of shit. One person doesn't decide who gets the prize numbnuts. It is usually a unanimous vote of the committee, or if unanimity isn't possible, a majority vote.

Dumbass. Post up something else that is a blatant misrepresentation of the facts. It is what you do best. Originally Posted by timpage
While I would have used less vitriol I agree he alone could not have been responsible, even if he talked the others into it. It is a group decision.
Yssup Rider's Avatar

Then the entire Peace Prize Committee are a bunch of morons.
  • shanm
  • 03-04-2015, 06:36 PM
Came here to say pretty much exactly what timmy just said. Do your research before posting bullshit threads with bullshit claims.
rioseco's Avatar
So in other words in crazy upside down world, if you don't like facts you throw a group temper tantrum and deny,deny,deny !

Yes the blue is for you, UraHomo Luver !
Guest123018-4's Avatar
Only an idiot would actually believe that Obama deserved the Nobel peace Prize. It was a joke, is still a joke, and denigrated what was at one time a worthy award. Now if he were truly a black man, that would be different.
  • shanm
  • 03-04-2015, 09:39 PM
Many people, if not most, win for their ideas. In Obama's case he got it for his contributions toward the NPT and global zero. The plans may not have worked out as well as hoped but the idea is/was brilliant and completely deserving of a peace prize. Now, If anyone on this hooker forum board claims to know better than the people who run the Nobel laureate award, you need to go and swallow those pills your ward gives you instead of spitting them out. They can only do you good.
Many people, if not most, win for their ideas. In Obama's case he got it for his contributions toward the NPT and global zero. The plans may not have worked out as well as hoped but the idea is/was brilliant and completely deserving of a peace prize. Now, If anyone on this hooker forum board claims to know better than the people who run the Nobel laureate award, you need to go and swallow those pills your ward gives you instead of spitting them out. They can only do you good. Originally Posted by shanm
They have no fucking clue.
Many people, if not most, win for their ideas. In Obama's case he got it for his contributions toward the NPT and global zero. The plans may not have worked out as well as hoped but the idea is/was brilliant and completely deserving of a peace prize. Now, If anyone on this hooker forum board claims to know better than the people who run the Nobel laureate award, you need to go and swallow those pills your ward gives you instead of spitting them out. They can only do you good. Originally Posted by shanm
Nope you don't win the Nobel Peace Prize on ideas only. You actually have to achieve the ideals of peace, not just the idea of it. So you think Obama deserved the Nobel Peace Prize? So what did he really do to instill peace in this nation and even around the world to gain that high degree of recognition for peace?

Nope you don't win the Nobel Peace Prize on ideas only. You actually have to achieve the ideals of peace, not just the idea of it. So you think Obama deserved the Nobel Peace Prize? So what did he really do to instill peace in this nation and even around the world to gain that high degree of recognition for peace?

Jim Originally Posted by Mr MojoRisin
Peace is fleeting. It's here one minute and gone the next. How long, exactly, does this peace have to last in order for it to count? And you're not really right about why you win it either. This is why you win it. And why did Obama win it? I think a lot of people in the US and around the world had a real sense of change when he was elected. Sadly, he was a politician like all the rest, but at least we had it for a moment.

The goal of the Nobel Peace Prize is to award people who "have done the most or the best work for fraternity between nations, for the abolition or reduction of standing armies and for the holding and promotion of peace congresses."
Oftentimes, the winners are people who have not completed their work toward peace, but who are at a critical juncture in their work and who need the support that winning the Nobel Peace Prize brings
  • shanm
  • 03-04-2015, 10:57 PM
Nope you don't win the Nobel Peace Prize on ideas only. You actually have to achieve the ideals of peace, not just the idea of it. So you think Obama deserved the Nobel Peace Prize? So what did he really do to instill peace in this nation and even around the world to gain that high degree of recognition for peace?

Jim Originally Posted by Mr MojoRisin
He has. And he still is. Actually, that's exactly what he is doing RIGHT FUCKING NOW by trusting diplomatic action over full scale war, like Bibi Satan-yahoo wants him to. You may not know this, but one of the reasons Obama was awarded the prize is because of his success in reaching out to the Muslim world and trying to maintain just the semblance of calm in that fucked up region. Is it his fault his actions can't come to fruition when they haven't even been given a chance by you and people like you?
Obviously, those that run the Nobel Laureate thought differently and were smart enough to see his point of view.
Peace is fleeting. It's here one minute and gone the next. How long, exactly, does this peace have to last in order for it to count? And you're not really right about why you win it either. This is why you win it. And why did Obama win it? I think a lot of people in the US and around the world had a real sense of change when he was elected. Sadly, he was a politician like all the rest, but at least we had it for a moment.

The goal of the Nobel Peace Prize is to award people who "have done the most or the best work for fraternity between nations, for the abolition or reduction of standing armies and for the holding and promotion of peace congresses."
Oftentimes, the winners are people who have not completed their work toward peace, but who are at a critical juncture in their work and who need the support that winning the Nobel Peace Prize brings Originally Posted by UnderConstruction
Peace isn't fleeting at all. It's a mind set a way of life. Obama won that award for what was considered extraordinary international diplomacy and cooperation between peoples. I think that was evident by his so called "Apology Tour" Included were his promotion of nuclear nonproliferation, eliminating nuclear weapons. He has depleted our Nuclear stockpile but there is no guarantee that other countries follow in that. Then talk of allowing Iran to obtain a Nuclear weapon seems rather contradictory. His efforts in reaching out to the Muslim world. Obviously that's important to him since he was brought up in a Muslim family. I am not going to say Obama deserved or didn't deserve the Nobel Peace Prize. But he hasn't achieved peace. Muslims still hate Jews, Jews still hate Muslims. Blacks and Whites in America are still divided as they have ever been. Now more than ever we have political animosities between Liberals and Conservatives. We still have American Military installations stationed all over the world. We aren't safe guarding our borders adequately at all. I am not going to shunt the Nobel Peace Prize. I suppose it's an honor but it's no game changer.
