I need your thoughts on my BDay gift to myself (hobby related, sort of)..

So my birthday is in March, and some of my clients have been asking me what I want. So I started thinking about it. This is what I really want...

There are a few charities and compassionate organizations that are near and dear to my heart. One of which is Doctors Without Borders. So I'm thinking that for my birthday gift from everyone (and to myself) I want to take all of my tips from the month of March and make a donation to this wonderful organization. I would also like to ask my clients, instead of giving me a birthday gift, to make a small donation to them as well. I also fully intend on advertising my birthday wish, to try to gain interest and maximize my donation potential.

Now, I need your thoughts. I can name a dozen reasons why this is a good idea, but I need to know why it might be a bad idea. I have thought about it, and I think one point would be that clients may be concerned that I am saying such a thing, intending on keeping such well-intentioned tips. What could I do to satisfactorily assuage those concerns? I thought, maybe I could take a screen shot or two of the donation screens, and just remove personal info, and then post it on my website or newsletter or something? Other/better ideas? Would keeping an updated "goal counter" on my sig line be a good idea? How would you feel about discovering that a lady you are planning to see and tip will be giving that tip away? Does this seem like a pretentious or "Look at mee, I'm so PIOUS!!" move? Also, has this been done before, and if so, does anyone know how it went? Please, please share your thoughts with me, even if it might not be what I want to hear.

I haven't made any decisions yet. I really want to hear what you guys and gals have to say, first.
PoppyToyota's Avatar
I thought you were going to say I was your birthday present too yourself!
Great idea and very good of you to do. You could post a link to the site and donations "button", if there is one, on your site or ad and let them make the donations themselves. If they wanted to show you that they made the donation, they could show you a printed receipt? Just a thought?

I do this during Christmas and had a link for the North Texas Food bank donations site, on my site, for a long time. My friends donated regularly in lieu of tipping or bringing gifts for me. I think it's a wonderful way to give back.
RoDunn's Avatar
I think it's a good idea and that you shouldn't have to go through all the trouble and steps you mentioned. When I give a lady a tip, it's her money; she can do whatever she likes with it. And if she wants cash as a birthday present, the same logic applies. If someone needs proof of where your tip or birthday present are going, then they're not giving in the right spirit.

One thing you may want to consider is setting an online process where people can donate directly to one of these charities in your honor even if they can't see you in March for some reason. That was one of the great things about Reese's toy drive.

This may just be me, but while I might mention it in my signature line, I wouldn't have a running counter of the money collected. Maybe a note thinking everyone who participated once March has passed. But that's just one man's opinion. Others may feel differently.
I've done this before too, with great response. The Red Cross for Haiti relief and others at times. My clients were great about helping out with donations too.

I am thinking about doing it again for continuation of helping Haiti.

Christmas is awesome, too! People are good...they really are!
pmdelites's Avatar

first of all, happy birthday to you!!
that is a great thing to think of and assist others as we are very fortunate and capable of doing so, esp. in this sub-culture where we can afford time with women such as yourself!!

this year, i'm going to donate to various organizations 10% of the consulting fees i will be spending [just made my jan fees donation over the weekend - to http://www.familyPlace.org "reaching out to thousands of victims of family violence" for over 33 yrs and to http://www.soupmobile.org feeding and helping homeless people]. that's in addition to the donations i make from my personal non-consulting fee funds.

several possibilities for your project.
1. as some suggested, add a link to your webpage for the non-profit orgs you like and recommend.
2. when you are ready to collect the donations, ask a trusted person to watch you make the donation online, then they can "vouch" or testify that you made a donation for x dollars.
3. just let folks know you are collecting funds, make the donation, then just post that you made the donation w/ or w/out screen snapshots. you appear to have a pretty good rep here that i personally would believe you did make the donation. and i'm sure you would know if people found out you didnt.

more power to you!!!
TexasFlip's Avatar
Wow Traci! Just wow! This is one of the many reasons why you are my ATF!

I'd recommend linking to their tribute page and having hobbyist donate in honor of your birthday. Then they can send you the ecard which you can post on your site. There are a bunch of details that I've purposely looked over, but this is a possibility.

Some caveats are it does leave a paper trail. However you'd have to be the FBI to obtain it. And I just don't see that happening.

Another thing I would recommend is offering a perk to people that donate. Don't get me wrong, I'm not personally trying to get something out of donating - I'll get that on April 15th. I just think that helps the motivation for some to donate (not to overshadow the true reason which is your birthday).

Perhaps 15 minutes tacked on to the session or a t-shirt that reads I DONE DONATE on the front and I DONE TRACI on the back joking about the latter.
Haha. Txflipper, you're a trip, love. I really appreciate all the input about this, ladies and gents. You're all pretty awesome.

I think I've decided to take some of your advice, as well as a popular bit of advice, and make things much less complicated. Keep It Simple Stupid, right? I'm going to post a link to the donation pages for Doctors Without Borders and St. Jude Children's Hospital on my website, as well as just privately making a donation myself with my tips at the end of the month, and leave it at that. Thanks everyone!
What a lovely idea Traci.

All I want for my birthday next month is red pumps, and now reading your thread I feel a bit selfish.

Yes posting the links to the various sites to donate is great. Even having the clients purchase a money order already filled out would have helped to.

Your such a sweetheart. :-)
NeedingMore's Avatar
I'm going to add one more item. I have given presents like this also to UNICEF. They will automatically email the person that you donated on behalf of, with minimal personal information. They also have "Inspired Gifts", where you can specify you donation, such as HIV Test Kits, testing 100 people or Tetanus vaccine, that has 412 doses.

The best part is that it's specific and comes in a wide price range.

Heck, the donation is probably tax deductible.
Y'all truly warm my heart! So, Traci, Lisa and I are all March babies!
It's a win for everyone!
Hobbyfun's Avatar
Traci it is your money if they need proof that you donated the tip, then give it back to the person that gave it to you and tell them it seems like they need it more than the charity does and just don't see that person anymore.
Your doing a good thing here you don't need to prove yourself to anybody.

Reese since it is your birthday this mouth can I come over and wish you a happy birthday and spank are rub that cute butt for you?
flexywun's Avatar
...and March is just around the corner....
PPE is well known for supporting and even running charitable activities and is a HUGE fan of this idea.... and I nver ask for receipts or any other documentation, that is just tacky....

Ready to push he donate button!