Alison Marie NCNS

65wolf's Avatar
Originally had a session with her two weeks ago. Went well.
Last Monday at 5:30 PM we set a meeting for the following day at noon.
Texted her upon arrival...crickets.
Texted again...still nothing. answer...left voicemail.
Texted again...still crickets.
Left after 15 minutes.
Sent another text and an email later that day asking what happened to her.
Almost a week later and she has still not responded.
I know she's new, but this was total disregard for my time and effort.
it happens on both sides we have the men that do that to us also sad really...:shif ty:
citizen44's Avatar
If clients do it to you, I suggest you put them on a "Do Not See" list just like other providers do. If you all have your own forum section, should should also name and shame him there.

What I would not do is come to our NCNS section and say its not a big deal. A text takes 10 seconds to send. If you don't have that much consideration for clients, you won't get much of a repeat business.