Warren represents existential threat to the economy

  • oeb11
  • 10-19-2019, 11:09 AM

With three polls showing her in the lead, Sen. Elizabeth Warren, D-Mass., may soon eclipse former Vice President Joe Biden as the front-runner for the Democratic presidential nomination. That's great news for Republicans, because Warren has a problem: The central message of her campaign is that the economy is working for the very wealthy but it is not working for ordinary Americans. Unfortunately for her, ordinary Americans disagree.
A Marist poll asked voters whether "the economy is working well for you personally." Nearly two-thirds of Americans said yes. This includes large majorities in almost every demographic group.
Sixty-seven percent of college graduates and 64 percent of those without a college education say the economy is working for them. So do 68 percent of whites and 61 percent of nonwhite people.

So do Americans of every generation: 63 percent of Generation Z and millennials; 69 percent of Generation X; 63 percent of baby boomers; and 69 percent of Greatest Generation and Silent Generation voters.
So do supermajorities in every region in the country: 60 percent in the West, 65 percent in the Northeast, 67 percent in the Midwest, and 68 percent in the South.
So do most voters in every type of American community: 63 percent of both big and small city voters; 64 percent of small-town voters; 66 percent of rural voters and 72 percent of suburban voters.
Most everyone, it seems, says the economy is working for them.
The only groups who disagree, Marist found, are progressives (59 percent), Democratic women (55 percent) and those who are liberal or very liberal (55 percent.
So, when Warren declares that President Trump is "part of a corrupt, rigged system that has helped the wealthy and the well-connected and kicked dirt in the faces of everyone else," it resonates with almost no one except those on the political left.
There is a good reason for that. Unemployment is near a record low, and the United States has about 1.6 million more job openings than unemployed people to fill them.
Not only are jobs plentiful, but wages are rising. And The New York Times reported in May that "over the past year, low-wage workers have experienced the fastest pay increases."
Americans don't just think they are doing better in the Trump economy, they are doing better. Little wonder Democrats barely mentioned the economy in Tuesday's debate.
This progress is bad news for Warren. Why would Americans rally to her call for "big structural change" to the economy when they say the economy is working for them? Especially when they learn the structural changes Warren is proposing would cost tens of trillions of dollars and – whether she admits it or not – would require them to pay more in taxes?

Manhattan Institute budget expert Brian Riedl recently added up the price tag for Warren's proposals, and the numbers are staggering: $30 trillion to $40 trillion over 10 years for Medicare-for-all; $2 trillion for Social Security expansion; $3 trillion for climate change and environmental policies; $2 trillion free college and student loan forgiveness; and another $1 trillion for initiatives that include free child care and housing.
"Total cost: $38 trillion to $48 trillion," Riedl says. And that's before calculating the cost of offering free government health care to illegal immigrants, which Warren supports.
There's no way to pay for that miasma of spending with Warren's wealth tax; it will require massive middle-class tax increases.
No wonder the so-called moderates were going after Warren so hard at Tuesday's debate; they know it would be a disaster if she were to capture the Democratic nomination.
To win in 2020, Democrats need to win over voters who like Trump's policies but don't like Trump. They can't do that by telling these voters they are wrong about the economy working for them, and that they need to make peace with socialism. Instead, they need to convince voters that they can dump Trump and still keep their prosperity.

If Democrats nominate Warren, they will give voters suffering from Trump exhaustion no safe harbor. Her nomination would turn the election into an existential threat to the American economy.
And since Warren said Tuesday that, if she is elected, and Democrats take back the Senate, they will "repeal the filibuster," she will be able to pass her radical agenda by simple majority vote. That means Trump's message – "whether you love me or hate me, you have got to vote for me" – will ring true for millions of Americans whose votes might otherwise be up for grabs.

Marc Thiessen is a columnist at The Washington Post, a Fox News contributor and a fellow at the American Enterprise Institute. Thiessen served as chief speechwriter to President George W. Bush and to Defense Secretary Donald Rumsfeld.

Thiessen is hardly a Trumpist - but he got correct the economic implications of the socialism the DPST's are trying to foist on America.
SpeedRacerXXX's Avatar
The economy is very important to all people in this country, rich, poor, and in-between. Being retired the state of the economy has less impact on me than those still working. My income is for the most part frozen for life. I gained with the income tax reform. I am losing with an increased cost of living and the negative impact of tariffs. The cost of living rose 0.0% in 2015, 0.3% in 2016, 2.0% in 2017 and 2.8% in 2018. With the recent inflation rates I am losing money.

However, I think it is ridiculous to put all the focus on the economy. As was posted in a different thread, if Trump is judged solely on the economy, he comes out ahead. Yet, despite the sound economy, his approval ratings remain in the low 40s, more than 10 points in the negative. And a POTUS up for re-election has never won with a negative approval rating. (Note: approval ratings started during the Truman administration).

I too do not like Warren's plans without her explaining how they will be funded. I fully agree with the statement in the article:

"To win in 2020, Democrats need to win over voters who like Trump's policies but don't like Trump. They can't do that by telling these voters they are wrong about the economy working for them, and that they need to make peace with socialism. Instead, they need to convince voters that they can dump Trump and still keep their prosperity."
Hotrod511's Avatar
The economy is very important to all people in this country, rich, poor, and in-between. Being retired the state of the economy has less impact on me than those still working. My income is for the most part frozen for life. I gained with the income tax reform. I am losing with an increased cost of living and the negative impact of tariffs. The cost of living rose 0.0% in 2015, 0.3% in 2016, 2.0% in 2017 and 2.8% in 2018. With the recent inflation rates I am losing money.

However, I think it is ridiculous to put all the focus on the economy. As was posted in a different thread, if Trump is judged solely on the economy, he comes out ahead. Yet, despite the sound economy, his approval ratings remain in the low 40s, more than 10 points in the negative. And a POTUS up for re-election has never won with a negative approval rating. (Note: approval ratings started during the Truman administration).

I too do not like Warren's plans without her explaining how they will be funded. I fully agree with the statement in the article:

"To win in 2020, Democrats need to win over voters who like Trump's policies but don't like Trump. They can't do that by telling these voters they are wrong about the economy working for them, and that they need to make peace with socialism. Instead, they need to convince voters that they can dump Trump and still keep their prosperity." Originally Posted by SpeedRacerXXX
Well speedy you better hope that dumb cunt don't get elected because she wants to take money from you because you save to much besides with the government wanting to take over your health care people like you and I won't be around much longer
matchingmole's Avatar
Well speedy you better hope that dumb cunt don't get elected because she wants to take money from you because you save to much besides with the government wanting to take over your health care people like you and I won't be around much longer Originally Posted by Hotrod511
matchingmole's Avatar
Originally Posted by Hotrod511

eccieuser9500's Avatar
I've been warned for posting the troll face. Just sayin'.
  • Tiny
  • 10-19-2019, 02:51 PM
Sen. Elizabeth Warren[/URL], D-Mass., may soon eclipse former Vice President Joe Biden as the front-runner for the Democratic presidential nomination. That's great news for Republicans, because Warren has a problem.... Originally Posted by oeb11
I disagree with this part of the article. She was the frontrunner in 8 of the last 14 polls tracked by Real Clear Politics. Based on predictit.org odds, where people are actually risking money, there's a 45% chance she'll be the Democratic nominee and a 19% chance Biden will be. I think she's already the front runner for the Democratic nomination.

As to this being good news for Republicans, it's not. It's bad news for most people, both Republicans and Democrats. If nominated, she may be the biggest threat to the long term health of the economy of any nominee who's run for President.

The reason this is bad news -- she may win and become the next president. She's ahead of Trump by 2 points to 10 points in the last six nationwide polls -- by 10 points in the last:


I'm no fan of Trump, and believe his foolish trade policies took away the gains we got from his corporate tax cuts and deregulation. But Warren scares the shit out of me. Will we be looking at $38-48 trillion added to the national debt? Or tax rates much higher than so-called socialist countries in Europe? It's one or the other.
  • oeb11
  • 10-19-2019, 03:06 PM
I am not a fan of Trump's persona and focus on the "art of the deal" - but his policies mesh with my stands on issues far more than any of the DPST Marxists.

I agree with your assessment of Warren -she is an economic disaster with her free stuff ideology.

Up to Conservatives to bring up the truth about her to the public and educate people in the Vote.

Warren still refuses to admit that her stands would raise taxes - she blathers on about how "People will be better off"!!
  • Tiny
  • 10-19-2019, 03:12 PM
Warren still refuses to admit that her stands would raise taxes - she blathers on about how "People will be better off"!! Originally Posted by oeb11
It was amazing at the last debate. She must have been asked about whether she's raising taxes on the middle class 6 times and she refused to answer.
matchingmole's Avatar
She just should have lied like trump and said Mexico will pay for it
eccieuser9500's Avatar
Just feel the Bern already.
  • oeb11
  • 10-19-2019, 05:55 PM
Thank You - the two above Communists.

If you want it so much - move to Venezuela!
eccieuser9500's Avatar
Thank You - the two above Communists.

If you want it so much - move to Venezuela! Originally Posted by oeb11
That is such a typically "little" statement from a little manboy.
The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
That is such a typically "little" statement from a little manboy. Originally Posted by eccieuser9500

eccieuser9500's Avatar
An even smaller reply.