Coupon at Lunch/Dinner

Just wanted to get some of you fine ladies opinion. If you were on a lunch/dinner date with a gentleman and he used a coupon when paying for the meal what would your thoughts be..?? Just kinda wondering...
It's a little cheesy on a first date. It's less cheesy at lunch than at dinner. I think it's best to say to the lady...hey, my friend gave me this buy one get one free thingy at The Rusty Pelican...want to check it out with me? Then, don't seem cheap when you're there...order drinks, apps, etc. And be sure to tip on the full amount before discount. Some ladies will still be turned off, but IMHO...that makes them bitchy.
My brother and I were discussing it and he said "if I'm saving on lunch/dinner then it leaves more for a tip later" but I just don't see it that way.