Adult Summer Camp

trekker's Avatar
How much do you want to bet some of the female campers are going home with more money than they arrived with?
That would be an awesome idea, but I'm getting into old fart territory so would have to tone it down a bit. I could see some ladies doing a weekend retreat camp where each gent gets a personal companion(counselor) for the weekend or one for each day and they have like skinny dipping, bonfires, body painting, naked volley ball, canoeing, BBQ, full body messages at the end of each day. Maybe an adult themed obstacle course or a blow off competition just for shits and giggles.
trekker's Avatar
I wasn't exactly suggesting arranging for something like this to be put on by our providers as much as I was just musing that this one must certainly be getting taken advantage of by both professional and casual providers.
I get where you were coming from. I was just building on the basic idea. Like all business ventures, the maximum amount of benefit for the least amount of resources and effort.
121270's Avatar
I would go lol
Me too. Lol
OldGent, I sure like your idea of summer camp!!
Count me in!! I REALLY want to go to camp!
Old gent, my best friend broached the subject of this and sent me the video. This would be one helluva super good adult vacation.