COVID vaccine approvals

rooster's Avatar
What part of this do people not understand when they say these vaccines are unproven, not vetted?

-All 3 have been through "Phase 3" Trials approved by the FDA

-Pfizer is now fully approved by the FDA. And a shit ton of other countries. Moderna will be any day. J&J not far behind.

-391 Million doses have been administered in the U.S. with 185 Million people fully vaccinated, as of yesterday.

-Over 6 Billion...yes...BILLION doses administered world-wide to date.

If you believe that this isn't....vetting....if you believe that these vaccines are not...fully tested/proven....then you are driven by some agenda other than objectivity and common sense.

The efficacy rates: they are not in dispute regarding how successful all 3 vaccines are at preventing severe disease and death. Faak...even the Pussy Grabber admits that.

And the risks? Statistically, they don't exist. You will never in your lifetime know someone who has a serious complication from any of these vaccines.

They work. He lost. There was no steal.

Vaccine mandates are only being put in place because some of y'all are too stubborn to protect yourselves. And others. They ain't stealin yer freedoms. Get over it. Stop adding to the divisiveness.

rooster's Avatar
Closed in

(hopefully not before someone posts the Jack Nicholson "you can't stand the truth" GIF....)

offshoredrilling's Avatar
offshoredrilling's Avatar
disagree Originally Posted by offshoredrilling

to all in both posts
I respectfully disagree. It is obvious the vaccines are of limited efficacy. Thus it is one shot, then two shots and now booster shots. It will be vaccine whack-a-mole into the future for an illness with a 98% survival rate for people w/o comorbidities.

I received my regular flu shot last week. There is simply not enough clarity and too much coercive fear mongering for me to get this vaccine.
Rainbird4668's Avatar
My biggest pause is the amount of people i know in medical field against getting them. They are frontline... what are they seeing?
I agree with you regarding the vaccine but where you lose me and are dead wrong is when you make it political. Right now the left is doing a very affective job of making this political and how it is all those right wing Trump loving Republicans that won't get the shot.

First of all FACT #1. Who was it on the campaign trail saying there was no way they would get the shot if it came out during the Trump administration? The current President and Vice President.

Fact #2. Who is it currently that is lagging behind in getting the vaccine? African Americans and other minorities. Last time I checked those are not right wing Trump loving Republicans.

So who is it that is leading all of this divisiveness by claiming it is all Republicans that won't get the shot? Stop watching CNN, MSNBC, and FOX news.
Full disclosure -- I got my two Pfizer shots back in February. Thanks to Donald Trump and his Operation Warp Speed....

First of all FACT #1. Who was it on the campaign trail saying there was no way they would get the shot if it came out during the Trump administration? The current President and Vice President. Originally Posted by tbear4u77

Fact #2. Who is it currently that is lagging behind in getting the vaccine? African Americans and other minorities. Last time I checked those are not right wing Trump loving Republicans. Originally Posted by tbear4u77
CORRECT, and throw in many many many Health Care Workers

So who is it that is leading all of this divisiveness by claiming it is all Republicans that won't get the shot? Originally Posted by tbear4u77
That's an easy one.... all them WOKERS.... along with all the Dimwats and Dimtards
What's REALLY funny is that the government has pretty much forced the hands of Health Care Companies to FIRE those that won't be mandated to.....

So these front line workers are being fired and thus losing their health benefits... and they won't be eligible for unemployment....

Remember when the Dimocrats used to be on the side of labor and unions???
Who's side are they on now????

Oh yeah.... the hundreds of thousands of unvaccinated entering the country illegally at the southern border.... They aren't being mandated against.....
And.... IF these vaccines DO in fact work like Roo says they work (and I agree with him that they do)....

Then why, DAFUQ is anyone worrying about the unvaccinated????

Like I said -- I've got my shots and could give two fucks less about whether the guy next to me had his shots or not.....
Forcing the unvaccinated to get vaccinated to protect the ALREADY vaccinated just doesn't add up.....

Unless there is a different reason the Dimwats want to impose their will on YOU.
Thinck about it.
Traditionally would not be an issue but things have changed…..Government lost the confidence of the people. Too much lying, siding with the powerful and using the fed and govt agencies to enrich themselves and their benefactors. Not to mention using the 2 party system to divide and conquer

Look a little deeper and you will see the reasons. Americans need to become curious of what is happening or they will lose their heritage.
Hard2Kill's Avatar
Took vax. Just dont want to see it forced on anyone. Plus it will purge out alot of fools
Took vax. Just dont want to see it forced on anyone. Plus it will purge out alot of fools Originally Posted by Hard2Kill
Darwin them out....

It's simple.... and it works
Interesting why posters feel the need to state their vaccine status?
Carlos Danger's Avatar
Find a soft spot to administer boosters whew.