Tan or Fair Skinned ??? I lean toward Milky myself......

Hey guys just wondering, do you prefer tanned or fair skinned girls or does it even matter just as long as shes HOT!!! I love my milky skin but I love to hear others opinions xoxo
RaulPenwa's Avatar
I prefer fair-skinned but as you said, if she’s hot who’s complaining. You are looking splendid.
DallasRain's Avatar

Fair skin. Frecles. Or jet black and wildly colored hair does it for me
Both are equally desirable. Having seen you I can testify that fair skin is a win(ner).
Thank you Raul and Miss Dallas its always great to hear from you xoxo
jaja133's Avatar
Freckles OH my I love Freckles. I try to lick them off.
A natural tan with tan lines is great in August, but milky in March is great too. I would not visit tanning centers to keep a year round tan if you have naturally light colored skin.
I'm an equal opportunity appreciator. In fact one of my current fantasies is an encounter with you and Penny85. The contrast between your milky white and her milk chocolate complexion would be absolutely awesome. And also sounds really deliciuos!!
While I love milky skin by itself, I do wonder what it would be like to have both at the same time��
Thanks for taking time to comment guys, you are awesome xoxo
  • Ginks
  • 10-29-2019, 11:09 PM
Tanned personally, but not a deal breaker.
Well Miss Bad Kitty lol I have to lean toward tan. I love the tan lines PLUS guys love the contrast of your fair skin and my darker tone when we play together..... See you soon Omaha xoxo