antifa infiltrates K12 schools

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Public School Teachers Active in Antifa, Other Subversive Organizations

Parents nationwide are growing increasingly restive over what they perceive as the left-leaning politics of public school teachers and their unions.

When reviewing homework with their kids, parents often come across material that seems more aimed at indoctrinating students in politically correct and leftist politics instead of teaching them basic skills in required subjects.

The problem seems particularly acute in California and Michigan, where some teachers have become outspoken members of an organization that’s a visible part of the Antifa movement.

Of course, the problem is not limited to just public schools. It’s becoming a prevalent issue at colleges and universities as well.

On the next page, learn more about the Antifa network, another offshoot organization that’s recruiting teacher members, and the communist group that created these affiliates to spread their pro-violence message. Find out how some school districts are reacting, and the struggles underway to rein in the radical agitators who are teaching in classrooms today.

Public school teachers are the vanguard of a group called BAMN (By Any Means Necessary). BAMN has many dozens of teachers among its members, and some of those so-called educators are visible, outspoken BAMN leaders.

The affiliation between Antifa and BAMN caught the attention of the FBI and the Department of Homeland Security last July when BAMN and other extremists started a riot and attacked marchers at a white nationalist rally in Sacramento. As a result of the violence, 10 people were hospitalized, including several with knife wounds.

A prominent BAMN organizer is Yvette Felarca, a middle school teacher in Berkeley. A pro-violence militant, Felarca faces felony charges for inciting a riot in Sacramento.

Public school teachers are the vanguard of a group called BAMN (By Any Means Necessary). BAMN has many dozens of teachers among its members, and some of those so-called educators are visible, outspoken BAMN leaders.

The affiliation between Antifa and BAMN caught the attention of the FBI and the Department of Homeland Security last July when BAMN and other extremists started a riot and attacked marchers at a white nationalist rally in Sacramento. As a result of the violence, 10 people were hospitalized, including several with knife wounds.

A prominent BAMN organizer is Yvette Felarca, a middle school teacher in Berkeley. A pro-violence militant, Felarca faces felony charges for inciting a riot in Sacramento.

The Felarca-led BAMN group in Berkeley teamed up with Antifa to stage protests to keep gay conservative activist Milo Yiannopoulos and author Ann Coulter from speaking in Berkeley.
Just last weekend, Felarca helped organize BAMN’s mass demonstrations that “shut down” an anti-Marxism rally in Berkeley. As with BAMN’s other organized actions, left-wing actors at Saturday demonstrations violently attacked peaceful protesters.”
The latest BAMN incident in Berkeley prompted House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi to issue her “unequivocal condemnation” of Antifa last week.

In response, Felarca called the Berkeley action a “resounding success.”

Despite numerous warnings from the school district, Felarca has tried to recruit students during school hours to join BAMN in its subversive activities.

When the district tried to hold a disciplinary hearing, students swarmed the event and tried to shut it down.
The school district claimed that Felarca and other BAMN members “were actively trying to brainwash and manipulate” students to serve her “own selfish interests,” calling her conduct “particularly reprehensible.”
Because of union protection, Felarca is actively teaching today.

A similar problem is occurring in the Detroit area in Michigan.

BAMN organizer Nicole Conaway, a high school teacher, organized a sickout at her school in 2015 to protest the policies of Republican Governor Rick Snyder. The sickout forced six Detroit-area schools to cancel classes, disrupting the education of nearly 4,000 students.

BAMN members are active within the National Education Association (NEA), the country’s largest teacher union, as well as local and state unions. BAMN ran five candidates for national leadership positions within NEA in 2017. Last year, 17 BAMN members ran for positions with the Detroit Federation of Teachers.

Meanwhile, George Soros has bankrolled the efforts of Antifa and BAMN from behind the scenes, going so far as to pay agitators to join the groups’ various protests and attacks on rallies held by conservative and alt-right groups. In some cases, the effort has backfired when the protesters were stiffed on their pay or not paid quickly enough.

These paid protesters may not have the radical commitment that the Antifa and BAMN leadership espouse, but both Antifa and BAMN are happy to have the support to make their movements look bigger than they really are.

Both BAMN and Antifa trace their roots to the Marxist radical Revolutionary Workers League (RWL). For many years before founding BAMN in 1995, RWL forged an alliance with the North American Man/Boy Love Association (NAMBLA), a perverted pedophile group.

Out of these dregs of society come active public school teachers, which should give parents a serious wake up call to recognize their need to be more involved in school affairs, and have a greater say in who teaches their children and what their children are being taught.

Source: The Daily Caller

the daily caller has a little more details on this group.
winn dixie's Avatar
Fuck antifa
I don't remember learning anything from k through 12. I know I must have learned at least how to read, write and probably some arithmetic, but I don't remember.
matchingmole's Avatar
dilbert firestorm's Avatar
m-ought-m, you have no idea what ur talking about
matchingmole's Avatar
Trump has K9 problems...
I don't remember learning anything from k through 12. I know I must have learned at least how to read, write and probably some arithmetic, but I don't remember. Originally Posted by yitzchak
That's OK. You haven't learned much 12-today either and made it.

I seem to have missed Pelosi's “unequivocal condemnation” of Antifa. Oh, this article is from 2017.