How far is to far for in call?

Miss_Mya's Avatar
Good morning everyone. I hope everyone is having a decent weekend. I am just very curious on the subject of how far is too far to go to an in call? I have been reading the other post about both in call and out call and understand why some prefer one over the other. So now I am very curious about this question. Thanks everybody and I hope the weekend goes great for all.
Redwolf's Avatar
If she won't cum, it is never too far to go into her, err, I mean, go to her.

My longest drive for Incall was 2+ hours one way (yesterday!).

I could see myself driving 4 hours, getting a place and cleaning up, having a date, staying and driving back the next day. Any further distances for Incall would happen on business or leisure travel.
KCQuestor's Avatar
If the provider is worth it, no distance is too far.

That being said, if your incall is too far from a metro area you might limit your options for customers
Reminds me of that old cigarette campaign saying...

"I'd Walk A Mile For A Camel." LOL

swarmyone's Avatar
If its a reliable provider who you know doesn't play bullshit games, then I'd say that there isn't a max distance. IF however, it's not someone I know very well, 20 minute drive tops. Too many times I have been burned by the bullshit "okay, call me when you get close" crap, only to have the double booking bitch not answer the phone after you just drove 40 miles to the general area.
I have gone from KC to Wichita quite often, and used to go from KC to Columbia, Mo about once a month when Abby's and Lynn's were in business. A couple hours is not too far if you are familiar with the providers and know you will get good service, and not a ncns.
If I'm having any dreams, they're taking place over my "extended" lunch hour, so I'd keep it within 30-45 minutes from central KC.
Bartman1963's Avatar
I once had a lady friend I would drive to Shreveport once a month to see for the weekend. The only thing she ever took from me in payment was my heart. And Godiva chocolate, and Grand Marnier. God bless you Mrs Jackson wherever you are.
  • rayc
  • 08-21-2010, 08:07 PM
I've driven a half hour a couple times before without hesitating. I drove 2 hours to go to a casual encounter once, which I won't be doing without seeing better pics again. lol
I have gone as far as 80 miles. It just depends on who it is, my mood...
john_galt's Avatar
Maybe I win the prize for distance and stupidy. Back in the 80s when I was stationed in Norfolk, VA you could buy a magazine that listed ladies looking for fun. I wrote to one woman in West Virginia. She jumped at the chance to host me and I drove about 350 miles based on a couple of letters and a Polaroid. She was real and we got down to fun but the first couple of times I was exhausted. She left me at the motel to get some sleep and the next day I went to her place. I realize now that her 18 daughter could have been on the menu. They were at the very best red necks or at worst what we call "white trash". This was not about money but few dollars and a suggestion would have had that young lady dropping her denim cutoffs. Probably with mom helping. What did I know; I was horny, stupid, and maybe 24 years old. It was a busy weekend with mom though.
TattooHead's Avatar
I'd probibly fly 1/2 way around the world and go on vacation for a well reviewed provider for an incall. Having a change of cultural surroundings once and a while is a great way to stay fresh yourself. That's just me though.