Personal Protection

Marshpirate's Avatar
Ladies and gentlemen.
Most of us are somewhat wise to the streets and the dangers that can lie in unfamiliar territory. This "virtual world" (internet,ECCIE) also, while it brings us close together, unfortunately attracts the dregs of humanity. Please be safe.

Situational Awareness: As your mother taught you, keep your head up, shoulders back, stand straight and tall. Keep that don't mess with me attitude on your face. Wear sunglasses as often as possible, your eyes reveal your fears. Keep that phone off of your face. It's a distraction, if you need to make or take a call, stop and do it in a safe environment. Look like trouble. If you look like food, you will be eaten.

Defensive Measures: Pepper spray is a very basic chemical weapon. A lot of people are somewhat immune to it, especially those who are chemically or emotionally altered. Do not put your trust in it solely. It does degrade and expire, so replace it annually. Go to cabelas and get a can of bear spray, although its a larger package to handle, it has a longer reach and more pressure to drive the chemical irritant.

Electronics, like tazers, zappers and shockers. These items can be good, but as with anything else, you get what you pay for. These are subject to Murphy's Law, anything that can go wrong, will go wrong. In my opinion, the best device is a personal tazer. Get, one, learn to use it, keep it close.

I will not get in to any other weapons on an open forum. I'll just say as far as self defense is concerned, those who cannot visit a gym or dojo and regularly practice boxing, Brazilian ju-jitzu or muy tai, google and YouTube are your friend. There are tons of devilish little tricks that one can learn there.

Anyway, I invite your questions, comments and especially contributions.

Thank you for your wonderful insight...
Melissa Madyson
Marshpirate's Avatar
You are more than welcome Melissa.
I am quarantined to my couch with strep.
I figured what better time to contribute.
Krav Maga Mudda freakers! Ill drop your ass in a nanosecond.

or a 357 with hollow points, either works lol
UndertheRadar1969's Avatar
Like MarshPirate said, nothing is better than situational awareness. Avoiding those situations altogether is the best defense.

For those who DON'T know Krav Maga, or if the situation happens once you are BCD and cannot get to a defensive weapon (if you had one), remember the 4 Ns:

Nose - punch or elbow straight through to the back of the skull to break it. Your assailant is usually blinded momentarily, and the pain can be incapacitating.

Neck (throat) - Same as with the nose. This is potentially fatal, but if it is between your life and the attacker's, better safe than dead.

Nuts - do I really need to explain this one? If it dos not give you time to escape, it usually opens up one of the other vulnerable areas.

K(N)ees - A straight downward kick (think stomping on a bug) high on the shin can easily tear an ACL. Done from the side, an LCL or the MCL. Either way, you opponent will be unable to chase you.

No matter how big or strong an assailant, those areas are always weak, and ONE of them will be unprotected.
Marshpirate's Avatar
Krav Maga Mudda freakers! Ill drop your ass in a nanosecond.

or a 357 with hollow points, either works lol Originally Posted by chellachella
Nice Chella, you are a good example of trouble sweetheart!
Marshpirate's Avatar
Like MarshPirate said, nothing is better than situational awareness. Avoiding those situations altogether is the best defense.

For those who DON'T know Krav Maga, or if the situation happens once you are BCD and cannot get to a defensive weapon (if you had one), remember the 4 Ns:

Nose - punch or elbow straight through to the back of the skull to break it. Your assailant is usually blinded momentarily, and the pain can be incapacitating.

Neck (throat) - Same as with the nose. This is potentially fatal, but if it is between your life and the attacker's, better safe than dead.

Nuts - do I really need to explain this one? If it dos not give you time to escape, it usually opens up one of the other vulnerable areas.

K(N)ees - A straight downward kick (think stomping on a bug) high on the shin can easily tear an ACL. Done from the side, an LCL or the MCL. Either way, you opponent will be unable to chase you.

No matter how big or strong an assailant, those areas are always weak, and ONE of them will be unprotected. Originally Posted by UndertheRadar1969
Good work UTR, this is what we are looking for. Keep them coming!
Marshpirate's Avatar
Of course, may I add, the best way to win a traumatic confrontation is not to get in to one.
Providers/screening. Hobbyist/research.
I know some of the more adventurous hobbyists enjoy sampling the fruits of backpage. Tread carefully, my friends, BP does not provide nearly the level of security and safety that is provided here and on other, more restricted forums. That being so, maintain vigilance either way.
I aint nuttn but trouble sweety lol...but seriously, unless you are trained to fire a weapon PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE DO NOT CARRY!

And I never kept one with me in the room with a client, never felt the need to have one as I was never one to dig at the bottom of the barrel and see anyone who would have caused me harm. Most of the guys in this have no intent of harm, its a small amount of scum, but unfortunately those guys make it necessary to always be on guard, even with the most upstanding just never know.

And Marsh, hate to bust your bubble on the apparent trust placed in women on this site--SEVERAL well known and loved ladies are more dangerous than you know. So never think just because she is verified that she is safe...
Marshpirate's Avatar
I aint nuttn but trouble sweety lol...but seriously, unless you are trained to fire a weapon PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE DO NOT CARRY!

And I never kept one with me in the room with a client, never felt the need to have one as I was never one to dig at the bottom of the barrel and see anyone who would have caused me harm. Most of the guys in this have no intent of harm, its a small amount of scum, but unfortunately those guys make it necessary to always be on guard, even with the most upstanding just never know.

And Marsh, hate to bust your bubble on the apparent trust placed in women on this site--SEVERAL well known and loved ladies are more dangerous than you know. So never think just because she is verified that she is safe... Originally Posted by chellachella
Agreed, my dear. As I said, firearms and deadly force training are for a more private venue.

As far as trust is concerned, I take your advice with great appreciation.
DallasRain's Avatar
Great post!

I may be a Texas redneck gal...but I am scared of guns!

I do know how to protect myself though......I have actually thrown a few guys out of my apartment when i was living in Phoenix!
Marshpirate's Avatar
Great post!

I may be a Texas redneck gal...but I am scared of guns!

I do know how to protect myself though......I have actually thrown a few guys out of my apartment when i was living in Phoenix! Originally Posted by DallasRain
D, when I wrote about electronics, I instantly thought of you. Lol!
Great Tips
I can scream really loud.
Marshpirate's Avatar
I can scream really loud. Originally Posted by heidilynnla
That would be a definite advantage in a pinch, make as much noise and trouble as possible.

We are going to have to test that theory soon.