Encounter: Milf Waitress at BDD Goes OTC

Hogwild7's Avatar
Date: 5-25-19
Name: B*****
Phone: She will provide
Email Address: Unknown
URL / Website: None
City: Dallas
State: Texas
Address: Shady Trail
Activities: Dinner, drinks, GFE
Hair Length and Color: Brunette past shoulders
Age: 35ish
Smoking Status: Smoker
Ethnic Background: White/Caucasian
Physical Description: 5’-7”, 125ish, nice rack, Beautiful ass
Recommendation: Yes
Well done sir!
Numbersboy's Avatar
I'm jealous ...
aRandyOne's Avatar
Do you know the difference between a dancer and a waitress?

About two weeks.

It looks like she's got the crazy part down pat already.