Cover cost and number of dancers

  • Iiris
  • 06-21-2019, 02:01 AM
1. Which top 10 clubs have the most women for day/night?
2. Which top 10 clubs have the lowest cover for day/night?
Call them and ask them, you've been around for 5 years.
TexasChiliDog's Avatar
BDD has to be tough to beat based on number of dancers and low ($2 or $3daytime) door fee. The Lodge daytime door fee is about the same. The Lodge typically has less than half the number of dancers as Baby Dolls. Mens club entry may be a little higher. They have even less girls. I have not been to Bucks in a while.
  • Captn
  • 06-21-2019, 11:07 AM
Baby dolls has the cheapest cover for sure and it's probably in the top two in number of dancers.
Baby Dolls always seem to have a good number of girls. Especially at night. For low cover, it's hard to beat Chica Loca's Free after 8PM. Though there's only a handful of girls compared to BD.
  • Iiris
  • 06-22-2019, 04:14 PM
I tried BDD last night and was left alone for most of the night. The only ladies who ever said anything to me were the waitresses.
blackmaleindallas's Avatar
I tried BDD last night and was left alone for most of the night. The only ladies who ever said anything to me were the waitresses. Originally Posted by Iiris
Based on this post you don't seem like the strip club type. The cover charge and number of women on a particular shift aren't metrics a true strip club goer uses to determine where to go.

You were in the right place but unless you're really old, really obese, or have a disability (many women see these cohorts as easy prey), women aren't just going to flock to you unless they know you.

Grab a drink, check out the stages, and when you see a gal on a stage you like, tip her a dollar or two and ask her to stop by when she gets off stage. Or if you see a gal walking around that you like try to make eye contact and make some convo with her. If you're on a tight budget you probably shouldn't go to a strip club, but even if you have a little money to spend use the convo you're having to determine which girl to spend the money on. If she's hot but distant leave her alone. If she's hot but seems cool give her a shot. It's trial and error and it's not for everyone but worth a shot at least..
  • KFB
  • 06-22-2019, 05:18 PM
Good advice from bm. With experience, when I tip a girl on stage and chat with her for a few seconds, I can tell with a high degree of confidence if we're going to hit off or not. Not bad intel for a dollar or 2 but it takes time and money to develop your confidence and reads.
billw1032's Avatar
I tried BDD last night and was left alone for most of the night. The only ladies who ever said anything to me were the waitresses. Originally Posted by Iiris
If you managed to spend an hour or more in BDD on a Friday night and not get approached by any dancers, then something is definitely wrong. You have to be sending the wrong signal somehow to not have anybody approach you. Just watch out for the ones where the first words out of her mouth is "do you want a dance". I always let those go by.

It does help if you tip the girls on stage. If you see someone you like, walk up to the stage with $1 or $2 and exchange a few sentences with her while you're there. Make sure you're not hiding at a table in the back corner where no one will notice you. Instead, pick a table that's in the main traffic flow. Also, you might get up and walk around once in a while to survey the scenery, walk up to the upstairs bar and see who's sitting there, and so on.

All that said, I'm inclined to agree with blackmaleindallas. If the amount of cover charge is important to you then this probably isn't going to work out for you. (That is, unless your goal is to have a drink and sit and look at the scenery all night. That works for some guys, but not many.) It is possible to be smart with your money at a Strip Club, but you do have to be willing to spend a reasonable amount on dances. More important than that, you don't want to look cheap or let the girls think that you have no money to spend. That will tag you as exactly the kind of customer they don't want to spend time on.
  • Iiris
  • 06-22-2019, 07:19 PM
I was sitting at a table near one of the stages that had alot of dancers and waitresses passing by.
If it's the wild west like daytime The Fare, just existing in the same room is enough. But that's not the norm. Places like BDD: stage tip, make eye contact, have a drink, ask if they're available after their stage rotation.
PetrusMaximus's Avatar
BDD for both questions #1 and #2.
PetrusMaximus's Avatar
I tried BDD last night and was left alone for most of the night. The only ladies who ever said anything to me were the waitresses. Originally Posted by Iiris
BDD has the most responsive and sociable dancers around the metroplex. They'll definitely chat with you and be friendly to you like any other dude who goes to the club. You're not that different or unique to be avoided or approached.

It's all in your head.

Next time, when you see Summer (or insert name of your fave girl here) go up the side stages, try to have a conversation with her and look at her in the eye and say to her "wow, you look so sexy, babe, can't take my eyes off of you."

Waitresses, they'll always ask you for an order, be nice to them and give them a dollar or two for asking you. One day, the dollar you gave them will come back to you in another way.
  • Iiris
  • 06-23-2019, 08:07 PM
Only the cute Asian waitress was the one to sit and talk for a few minutes.
I would love her number, probably won't get it.