I wonder...

What percentage of the population likes to hobby? Does my boss hobby? What about my neighbor? Does my father-in-law like to hobby? Sometimes I just wonder...
Whispers's Avatar
Yes she does.
runswithscissors's Avatar
True story....When I lived in North Austin before moving to the country, I owned two houses side by side, lived in one, rented the other. It was a foreclosure; fixed it up and put it on the market.

Showed it several times; one man wanted it and called his wife; she drives up and it was a provider I had known for several years.

Showed the house; absolutely no reaction from either of us; they both thanked me and wanted to think about it....

I immediately commenced to digging the tunnel from my house to next door....lol

Small world we live in......
Everytime I go someplace I try to pick out the ones I think are the type. Which is truly impossibly because there isn't a "type," atleast not that I've noticed. Though some of the providers that have been around longer might have an easier time noticing the subtle differences.

If I'm waiting somewhere bored I kinda play a little game with it. Try to pick out which girls I think he'd like best and if/what kink is involved... It passes the time more quickly than staring out the window...
sixxbach's Avatar
i wish i was so rich i could just go up to some random gal and see what her price is....... EVERYONE has a price.......
Thehardcase's Avatar
I would guess more than you might think. There's a reason that red light districts & "massage" parlors are so prevalent globally.

Or think of it this way - Austin has, what, $1mm people? P411 has about 200 registered Austin providers, plus another 100 or more that aren't on the site (just a guesstimate).

Add in another 100 or so for UTR players & strip club dancers. So 400 providers for 500,000 guys. The question is: how many of those guys does it take to keep these 400 ladies in business? 2000? 5000? More?

I'm pulling these numbers out of the air, literally, but I think you get the point - its a lot. Definitely more than you think, and certainly more than would admit it.
Sensual Sophia's Avatar
Hardcase, the numbers are MUCH higher than that. Last time I checked p411 there were over 400 in Austin. And bp/cl girls? I would be surprised if there were less than 200. Not to mention as you said, all the UTR girls and professional sugar babies, the girls that work at the MPs the girls that get clients from the SCs, the SWs and those ladies that occassionally answer an adult gig ad off of CL out of curiosity.
Elephant's Avatar
Last time I checked p411 there were over 400 in Austin. Originally Posted by Sensual Sophia
Can I get a link to the other 200 ladies please?....
blenderhead's Avatar
Isn't it something like at least 15% of men in the US have done it at least once? In other countries it's a lot higher.

One thing I wonder is if everyone knew about boards like this and the girls here, then what would the percentage be? Before I started hobbying I had a lot of preconceived notions about it. I thought I'd have to go to CL, get a SW, or go through an agency, neither of which appealed to me. One day I stumbled upon a blog by an escort and learned about the boards, reviews, etc. That was an eye opener, and I did some research, looked at a bunch of indie websites, and scheduled my first appointment the next day. I think if guys knew more about how the hobby works, a lot more of them would be doing this.