Review: “Righty” – reliable but hardly remarkable

Cityjazz's Avatar
Date: mid- December 2010
Provider: “Righty”
Phone: not available
Email Address: not available
URL / Website: none
City: Austin
State: Texas
Address: Austin environs
Appointment Type: Outcall
Did the Appointment take place at the agreed-upon time?: Always
Activities: HJ to completion
Session Length: 10 min
Fee: BU (between us)
Hair Length and Color: short hair on back, but it’s not distracting
Age: ??
Smoking Status: No
Ethnic Background: White/Caucasian
Physical Description: Admittedly, “Righty” would not be considered attractive to most, but I’m satisfied

The Rest of the Story: This review combines several visits I’ve recently made with this sturdy, reliable provider. I’ve known “Righty” for some time, although I have only recently been availing myself once again of those services. I know the menu is limited, and it’s outcall only, neither of which I like, but the two of us can usually sneak away somewhere private to do our thing satisfactorily. Plus, I’d have to say that “Righty” has perhaps the best TCB I’ve ever seen. No matter when or where, “Righty” seems to be available for me.

“Righty” doesn’t have a lot of menu options, but what’s offered is pretty good. “Righty” always seems to know how fast or how firm to hold Dr. Johnson. Recently, “Righty” has complained of “cramps” and being “too dry,” which sorta pissed me off. I threatened to go to “Lefty” (they sometimes do doubles together), but we both knew that it was an idle threat – “Lefty” is great as an addition, but has never seemed to learn the techniques as well as “Righty.”

So I had to go back to “Righty.” But I can’t recommend. Actually, it’s more than just the attitude and limited menu. “Righty” and “Lefty” may both be bi (I know they love to get their hands all over the ladies), but they refuse to service any other guys. Plus, you can forget about trying to get “in touch” with either of them. No cell phone. No email address. No ad on BP. Hell, I’m pretty sure that neither of them is registered on ECCIE. Okay, I’ll still be using their services, but let me tell you, after mid-January, I’m washing my hands of them both!

Recommendation: No
ztonk's Avatar
  • ztonk
  • 12-29-2010, 02:31 PM
Another outstanding find, Cityjazz!

I'm really surprised by the No recommendation, though. Righty is one of my ATFs... always seems to know exactly what I need... You can't really beat the price, though, but I'm grandfathered at the introductory rate.
Righty is one of my fav providers, she never lets me down either
blenderhead's Avatar
Mods, please restore ROS. The private information is open for everyone to see.

Sorry you had a bad time, BCD and TCB have always been great with me. YMMV?
eglrdr's Avatar
Hell 64 out of 65 is not bad..had to have a No sooner or later.

Personally "Lefty" has always been more agreeable.
Does Righty provide CIH? Also is it true that Righty does doubles with Lefty?
guest031812's Avatar
tff LOL
Hola C J,
Great review -- as always.
Consider doing doubles with this pair. I wonder if they will shake hands and come out --Rubbing? Assuming both agree to the rules of engagement, I'll bet they go hand in hand. I'm going to take a leap of faith here, I will bet they have the same approach/technique. They may even "Go The Full Distance". I would also bet they share the donation , passed from one hand to the other. Last they will clean each other up while assisting you. Don't give up yet they could make a great pair!!
Thank you for sharing
Do you think Righty and Lefty would consider a session with you, me and Klovve after mid January? I know it sounds a lot like a crazy orgy, but you could just invite them both to the dinner date you won from the toy drive raffle, and see where the night takes us all...
cheater's Avatar
So who's your right hand man. And I think that's to many hands in the cookie jar.
78704's Avatar
  • 78704
  • 12-29-2010, 04:47 PM
Crossfit buddy talked me into kipping chinups for a while, which thickened and reshaped the deadlift calluses on my hand; felt like someone else's hand a couple of times. ;-)
VictoriaLyn's Avatar
Righty gave me whiplash....Thankfully Lefty was around to finish the job...
knotty man's Avatar
sometimes i put my wristwatch on righty. that way i dont feel like im cheating on myself. im a lefty in my civie life. im only a righty in my hobby world....that way i dont get caught! never underestimate my sneakiness!
InU's Avatar
  • InU
  • 12-29-2010, 05:30 PM
Lefty first.

InU's Avatar
  • InU
  • 12-29-2010, 05:41 PM
Righty should be inducted into the Satisfied Hall of Fame.

I really wish people would knock first.