Contrived boarder chaos?

cowboy8055's Avatar
Looks to me the massive influx of children across the boarder is likely orchestrated.

Now some clown from NY want to give illegals the right to vote.

Seems like certain people are intent on turning Texas blue.
Looks to me the massive influx of children across the boarder is likely orchestrated.

Now some clown from NY want to give illegals the right to vote.

Seems like certain people are intent on turning Texas blue. Originally Posted by cowboy8055
communist/socialists organizing the Cloward/Piven strategy.

I guess Agenda21 puts a thrill up their legs...
Yes, all those central American children are working in concert with Obama's double secret subterranean (sp?) under-the-White-House-Fight-Club type deal that is charged with the responsibility of importing future Hispanic voters between the ages of 3-10 to Texas. Been in the planning stages for a while now, ya know. I'm surprised that Whirlytard and our other resident idiot, the Admiral, didn't "break" this story before now. You guys are falling down on the job.

Per Whirlytard, this will create a dangerous underclass, it will cause all the old fat white guys to lose money, it will make taxes go up, and it will, of course, precipitate the end of the world as we all know it. It will be bad. It's going on right now. Be afraid. Be very afraid. And respond to that fear by being even more intolerant, rigidly ideological and nonsensically idiotic at every opportunity that presents itself.

Same shit. different day.

Carry on.
Yes, all those central American children are working in concert with Obama's double secret subterranean (sp?) under-the-White-House-Fight-Club type deal that is charged with the responsibility of importing future Hispanic voters between the ages of 3-10 to Texas. Been in the planning stages for a while now, ya know. I'm surprised that Whirlytard and our other resident idiot, the Admiral, didn't "break" this story before now. You guys are falling down on the job.

Per Whirlytard, this will create a dangerous underclass, it will cause all the old fat white guys to lose money, it will make taxes go up, and it will, of course, precipitate the end of the world as we all know it. It will be bad. It's going on right now. Be afraid. Be very afraid. And respond to that fear by being even more intolerant, rigidly ideological and nonsensically idiotic at every opportunity that presents itself.

Same shit. different day.

Carry on. Originally Posted by timpage

10 year old Nicaraguan girls walked all the way across Mexico, by them selves... OK, that's plausible... LOL
cowboy8055's Avatar
Yes, all those central American children are working in concert with Obama's double secret subterranean (sp?) under-the-White-House-Fight-Club type deal that is charged with the responsibility of importing future Hispanic voters between the ages of 3-10 to Texas. Originally Posted by timpage
I'm sure all these kids trekked through all of Mexico a chaotic country run by drug cartels. Maybe they're all stealthy ninjas.

When they get here they're shipped off to centers. Some are flown off to other parts of the southwest. Supplies are being flown all over. Wish our veterans and homeless got this kind of attention. Local churches in Texas are transporting them to other areas.
The DOJ is assembling a legal team for these kids.
Ya, there's no plan to bring in scores of illegals and probably keep them here.
Innovative way to add to your future voting base.
It shows forward thinking. I'll give them that.
Yssup Rider's Avatar
It's BORDER, for Christ's sake!

You fucking idiots can't read, write or spell. Most of you can't do math.

You epitomize the present day GOPeeparty philosophy that education is bad!

Unless they are paying rent.
I'm sure all these kids trekked through all of Mexico a chaotic country run by drug cartels. Maybe they're all stealthy ninjas.

When they get here they're shipped off to centers. Some are flown off to other parts of the southwest. Supplies are being flown all over. Wish our veterans and homeless got this kind of attention. Local churches in Texas are transporting them to other areas.
The DOJ is assembling a legal team for these kids.
Ya, there's no plan to bring in scores of illegals and probably keep them here.
Innovative way to add to your future voting base.
It shows forward thinking. I'll give them that. Originally Posted by cowboy8055
Those kids got through Mexico and to the US border the same way most do: their parents pay someone to take them. Do you really not get that? Do you seriously believe that the fact that these kids are able to get to our border is evidence of some sort of government conspiracy? Is President Obama sending his double secret agents down there to guide them? Maybe he does it himself during his down time. Right?

Are the "local churches" you reference a part of this elaborate scheme? I'm surprised President Obama could find people in Texas willing to take part in his dastardly plan. He is not too popular down here in case you haven't heard.

You're nuts.
LexusLover's Avatar
Apparently, Obaminable's "boarder" policy is causing his support among Hispanics (legally in the U.S.) to drop dramatically. Since January 2013 at 67% to current at about 44%.

I think Hillarious is on the same "slippery slope."
LexusLover's Avatar
Those kids got through Mexico and to the US border the same way most do..... Originally Posted by timpage
Mexico's southern "boarder" allows folks in with a stamp on their "papers" for 3 days to make to the northern "boarder" ... unless they are old enough to do construction work on the West Coast ... where housing has been built to accommodate the South and Central Americans who want to stay there and work.....the kids coming up is a function of the "marketing" process in which those charging for the service of getting them to the U.S. "boarder" are generating business by passing out "information" on coming to the land of "plenty" in the "North"!
Lexie Lacking still has lots of boarders.LOL
cowboy8055's Avatar
It's BORDER, for Christ's sake! Originally Posted by Yssup Rider
Thanks for the English tutorial professor Yssup. You might want to cut back on the caffeine. You seem a bit tense.
cowboy8055's Avatar
Those kids got through Mexico and to the US border the same way most do: their parents pay someone to take them. Do you really not get that? Do you seriously believe that the fact that these kids are able to get to our border is evidence of some sort of government conspiracy? Originally Posted by timpage
Not suggesting a conspiracy. However, this is the result of Obama's horrendous border policy. He's basically given the green light in regards to child immigration. Holder assembling a legal team for these kids tells us they're here to stay. That will encourage more immigration chaos.
SEE3772's Avatar
JD Barleycorn's Avatar
Yes, all those central American children are working in concert with Obama's double secret subterranean (sp?) under-the-White-House-Fight-Club type deal that is charged with the responsibility of importing future Hispanic voters between the ages of 3-10 to Texas. Been in the planning stages for a while now, ya know. I'm surprised that Whirlytard and our other resident idiot, the Admiral, didn't "break" this story before now. You guys are falling down on the job.

Per Whirlytard, this will create a dangerous underclass, it will cause all the old fat white guys to lose money, it will make taxes go up, and it will, of course, precipitate the end of the world as we all know it. It will be bad. It's going on right now. Be afraid. Be very afraid. And respond to that fear by being even more intolerant, rigidly ideological and nonsensically idiotic at every opportunity that presents itself.

Same shit. different day.

Carry on. Originally Posted by timpage
Some days you got out of your way to demonstrate your stupidity. Today is one of those days....

How did those children from central American get to the US/Mexico border? How did they get across Mexico which has strict, very strict, border crossing penalties? Who paid for their food and transportation? A normally curious person would be asking these questions.