Trump's State of the Union gets lowest ratings since he took office

matchingmole's Avatar
Down by 20%................sad.

People are burning out on his lies.
the_real_Barleycorn's Avatar
Sounds like fake got a citation?
matchingmole's Avatar

His pussy necked address was down around 20% from 2019 across the three major cable new networks and the four major broadcast networks. Tuesday’s speech drew around 33.7 million total viewers when you add together Fox News, CNN, MSNBC, NBC, ABC, CBS and Fox, compared to the 42.2 million who tuned in last year for the same networks.
I believe it.

Just like I believe Biden was leading in Iowa.
And competitive in New Hampshire. And has a firewall in South Carolina.

And Sen Warren is part Indian.

And Bernie isn't a Socialist. Unless you want him to be. Then he is.

the_real_Barleycorn's Avatar
I don't see your point. Due to the impeachment scam people have had it with politics.
The_Waco_Kid's Avatar

His address was down around 20% from 2019 across the three major cable new networks and the four major broadcast networks. Tuesday’s speech drew around 33.7 million total viewers when you add together Fox News, CNN, MSNBC, NBC, ABC, CBS and Fox, compared to the 42.2 million who tuned in last year for the same networks. Originally Posted by matchingmole

not so fast blindmoletroll .. remember that the NY Times is no fan of Trump. their reporting is somewhat higher than Variety. about 4 million more. FOX viewership easily led all mainstream outlets and actually climbed from last year.

what does this really mean? Liberals didn't watch. understandable since their fucktards in the Demonrat party failed them so miserably. and will again in November.

so the liberals didn't watch and their liberal networks saw their numbers fall.

nice try sparkymole. butt not quite the doom and gloom you wanted to portray.

TV Ratings Declined for Trump’s State of the Union Speech

About 37 million Americans tuned in on Tuesday, the smallest audience of President Trump’s tenure.

President Trump put a “Celebrity Apprentice” spin on his State of the Union address on Tuesday, seeding the 78-minute broadcast with surprise reveals and viral moments: a tear-stained reunion of a military family, a snubbed handshake and an impromptu bestowing of the Presidential Medal of Freedom to a guest star, the radio host Rush Limbaugh.

It was the kind of camera-ready spectacle that can translate into big ratings for afternoon talk-show hosts and prime-time reality shows.

This time, though, the Nielsen numbers did not come through.

Roughly 37.2 million Americans tuned in for Mr. Trump’s speech, Nielsen said on Wednesday, the smallest live-TV audience for a presidential address to Congress since Barack Obama’s valedictory State of the Union in 2016.

The viewership on Tuesday was a 20 percent decline from Mr. Trump’s State of the Union last year, and well below the audience for his speeches in 2017 and 2018.

Why the dip? For one thing, viewers may be feeling a bit overwhelmed.

A Pew survey last fall found that 66 percent of Americans said they were “worn out by the amount of news these days.” And those numbers predated Mr. Trump’s impeachment, American military conflict in Iran, the president’s trial in the Senate and this week’s Iowa caucuses — the outcome of which, as of Wednesday evening, was still in limbo.

Fox News was by far the most-watched network for the speech, drawing 11.5 million viewers, a slight increase from its audience a year ago. MSNBC, which is popular with liberals, fell to last place among the major channels airing the speech, a sign that Mr. Trump’s critics may have decided to tune out.

NBC had the largest audience among the Big Three broadcast networks, with 4.8 million viewers. The Nielsen data did not include C-SPAN viewers or those who watched the speech online or via streaming video, meaning that many more Americans likely saw some portion of the address.

During a week of intense political TV, Wednesday brought another dramatic episode: the Senate’s afternoon vote on the articles of impeachment.

In a riveting roll call — imbued with the incantations and solemnity of a church service — 100 senators, one by one, announced “guilty” or “not guilty” before a national audience.

“It’s a pretty dramatic and grave moment, and as far as the political impact, I think you’d have to say that Donald Trump is better off now than he was when this impeachment process began,” the anchor Chris Wallace said on Fox News afterward.

On MSNBC, post-acquittal, the mood was melancholic.

“The stain will always be on this presidency,” said Eugene Robinson, a political analyst and Washington Post columnist. Claire McCaskill, the former Democratic Missouri senator, commended politically vulnerable Democrats who voted guilty for their “courageous stand,” adding, “I’m very proud of them all.”

The final vote was preceded by another dose of TV drama, when Senator Mitt Romney, Republican of Utah, revealed that he would vote to convict Mr. Trump on both counts.

Mr. Romney, it emerged, had taped a sit-down with Mr. Wallace on Fox News earlier on Wednesday morning and granted advance interviews about his decision to The Atlantic and The New York Times, among a handful of news outlets. It was a deft public-relations move by Mr. Romney, the former Republican presidential nominee, that apparently caught the White House off guard.

The static, lo-fi images of the Senate floor vote were in stark contrast to the high production values of Mr. Trump’s State of the Union, where cameras swooped above the audience and zoomed in on the facial reactions of politicians.

That was because the Republican Senate leadership restricted television coverage of their proceedings to in-house, government-controlled cameras, rather than allowing independent news outlets like C-SPAN to cover the trial.

As for the State of the Union, Nielsen said that social media engagement with the speech peaked just after its conclusion, at 10:31 p.m., when House Speaker Nancy Pelosi tore up her copy of the president’s speech in full view of the cameras — her own contribution to the evening’s series of meme-worthy moments.

John Koblin contributed reporting.

let's see what the Democratic debate numbers from tonight are, eh?

matchingmole's Avatar
Is Trump still running for president?
LexusLover's Avatar
Down by 20%................sad.

People are burning out on his lies. Originally Posted by matchingmole
Was that your "rating"?

Oh, do you happen to have any quotes from the speech that is a lie?

You must be supporting the BoyScoutMayor!
LexusLover's Avatar
Is Trump still running for president? Originally Posted by matchingmole
Unfortunately for your candidate, YES!
HoeHummer's Avatar
MM, yous presented a factual report with scientific evidence,

The howling nutsacks don’t believe it.

The USeh has become a shitshole country.

And that hole is definitelys full of turds.
matchingmole's Avatar

His pussy neck is grossing out the viewing public.
Gotyour6's Avatar
Is Trump still running for president? Originally Posted by matchingmole
How can you be smart in politics and not know who is running.

Oh, wait.. answered my own question.
matchingmole's Avatar
rexdutchman's Avatar
But the polls ( for what it is) Big-t around 50%
WTF's Avatar
  • WTF
  • 02-10-2020, 07:13 AM
But the polls ( for what it is) Big-t around 50%
Originally Posted by rexdutchman
That does not mean that the number of viewers that tuned into the SOTU address were down.

I appears they were.

People got tired of his Apprentice Show and they are probably getting tired of his presidency.


Poor Bush 1 really dropped by 1992..