The unhinged left strikes again...and fails.

the_real_Barleycorn's Avatar
A Jacksonville Wal-Mart was the scene of a bigoted attack by a left wing wacko. Gregory William Timm drove his van through a republican party registration tent and drove off flipping the bird to those he had just assaulted. No one was injured. So this typical little dicked liberal gets an F for effort.
LexusLover's Avatar
A Jacksonville Wal-Mart was the scene of a bigoted attack by a left wing wacko. Gregory William Timm drove his van through a republican party registration tent and drove off flipping the bird to those he had just assaulted. No one was injured. So this typical little dicked liberal gets an F for effort. Originally Posted by the_real_Barleycorn
No arrest? Oh, yes! Trying to figure out a "charge"?

Probably shouldn't label him a "man"!

As for a "charge" ...

... how about attempted vehicular homicide X number of volunteers?

In the meantime ... NO BOND!

He'll be wearing lipstick within a week and be the Saturday night date!
No arrest? Originally Posted by LexusLover
Can you be arrested anymore under liberal policies?
JCM800's Avatar
Gregory William Timm drove his van through a republican party registration tent and drove off flipping the bird to those he had just assaulted. No one was injured. So this typical little dicked liberal gets an F for effort. Originally Posted by the_real_Barleycorn

Wow, such shocking news. Didn't something like this happen before?

The fake outrage on here never gets old. Trumpy hypocrisy lives on.
has the look of the lebensborn program twice removed

typical antifa nazi
LexusLover's Avatar
Trumpy ... lives on. Originally Posted by JCM800
Freeze frame that thought until this time next year!!!!

All the stupid, ignorant bullshit you all have thrown at him ...

... hasn't stuck ... and this country gets GREATER EVERYDAY ... even though you and yours want the U.S. in the toilet and everyone's economy stinking like under Obaminable ... except of course unless you are the son of the Vice-President .... or

a big contributor to the SorryAss Obaminable who "repaid" his "friends" with taxpayer money!!!!!!!!!
the_real_Barleycorn's Avatar
Wow, such shocking news. Didn't something like this happen before?

The fake outrage on here never gets old. Trumpy hypocrisy lives on. Originally Posted by JCM800
You fools...this is just like all the other acts of violence that left always claims are perpetrated by a right winger. It's never true. They usually turn out to be certifiably insane or support one thing a main stream conservative supports but it always ends there. The left is a different matter entirely. They feel justified by the words of AOC, Warren, or Clinton. Why can't I assault someone with rock, a chain, my car, or a gun...they're just deplorables bent on destroying the planet or enslaving minorities like democrats did 200 years ago.
You fools...this is just like all the other acts of violence that left always claims are perpetrated by a right winger. It's never true. They usually turn out to be certifiably insane or support one thing a main stream conservative supports but it always ends there. The left is a different matter entirely. They feel justified by the words of AOC, Warren, or Clinton. Why can't I assault someone with rock, a chain, my car, or a gun...they're just deplorables bent on destroying the planet or enslaving minorities like democrats did 200 years ago. Originally Posted by the_real_Barleycorn
Damn right!

Fuck those left wing DPST's.
Munchmasterman's Avatar
The lying liars.
They say anything they want without proof or examples.

This isn't a new trump thing. Barleycorn has always been like this.

A half-truth. A misrepresentation. And a lie.
The standard formula/structure for a barleycorn story. Add in a heavy dose of projection (standard trump "secret" sauce) and you have the standard "conservative" topping they put on everything. The only difference is trump leaves out the half-truths.

It's never a wing-nut and always a lefty, right douche-bag?
I've learned to never underestimate your capacity for bullshit.
You fools...this is just like all the other acts of violence that left always claims are perpetrated by a right winger. It's never true. They usually turn out to be certifiably insane or support one thing a main stream conservative supports but it always ends there. The left is a different matter entirely. They feel justified by the words of AOC, Warren, or Clinton. Why can't I assault someone with rock, a chain, my car, or a gun...they're just deplorables bent on destroying the planet or enslaving minorities like democrats did 200 years ago. Originally Posted by the_real_Barleycorn
the_real_Barleycorn's Avatar
So where is the half truth?
eccieuser9500's Avatar
So where is the half truth? Originally Posted by the_real_Barleycorn
On your Kindle. The other half is in the news piece you should have posted.
It is interesting that the news article calls him a "maniac".

It is interesting that this isn't being carried on the US news.

It is interesting that he isn't dead, particularly in a concealed carry state. He must have chosen his potential victims carefully.

It is interesting that the next person who attempts this will likely not have the same outcome.

I'd note that there is no mention of the connection of this to the hate filled, racebaiting, fascist, bigotted propaganda being spewed by the main stream democrats. Imagine that.
the_real_Barleycorn's Avatar
So no answer...then shut up!
HoeHummer's Avatar
Disclaimer: No white people were harmed in the makings of this outrage.

Give your balls a tug, barlsy!