Do not see wellendowed1911

bowdown2me's Avatar
This is for providers and hobbyists... do not conduct business, or affiliate yourself with this guy personally at all... he will get your personal information and try to blackmail you.. by outing you to friends and family, SO... or even the cops...
He has sent me numerous pm"s claiming to have my personal information and threatening to out me if I don't meet his ridiculous demands...
This guy needs to be banned this hobby does not need people like this...
If he inquires with you about anything use the up most caution he will tey to BLACKMAIL you...
Roger.Smith's Avatar
This is for providers and hobbyists... do not conduct business, or affiliate yourself with this guy personally at all... he will get your personal information and try to blackmail you.. by outing you to friends and family, SO... or even the cops...
He has sent me numerous pm"s claiming to have my personal information and threatening to out me if I don't meet his ridiculous demands...
This guy needs to be banned this hobby does not need people like this...
If he inquires with you about anything use the up most caution he will tey to BLACKMAIL you... Originally Posted by bowdown2me
LOL. Now you're just embarrassing yourself. You were exposed for what you are, just deal with it. Your posse of lackeys still haven't made an effort to back you up.
So why haven't you rtm'd or forwarded me the PMs as I instructed when you told me this 3 days ago?

Unless you have proof, this is a pissing contest of he said, she said. If you have proof, pull up your big girl panties and rtm those PMs.

Moved to COED.
bowdown2me's Avatar
I must be a dumbness what is rtm
bowdown2me's Avatar
LOL. Now you're just embarrassing yourself. You were exposed for what you are, just deal with it. Your posse of lackeys still haven't made an effort to back you up. Originally Posted by Roger.Smith
Hah... dipshit sit down... your opinion is like taking a shit...
Kayleehotchick's Avatar
WOW....this is some serious allegations here.

Hopefully the mods can get to the bottom of this.....

Hooker board drama can be so pre-school sometimes.
ManSlut's Avatar
Oookay, as a HOBBYIST, I can promise you, no, guarantee you, I will never pay to FUCK wellendowed1911!

Man, go back to High School and learn how to behave on Facebook, this site SHOULD be for grownups, but, unfortunately it's not. Why didn't you ask 3 days ago what RTM is fool?

Manny just being Manny.
Luke Skywalker's Avatar
Oookay, as a HOBBYIST, I can promise you, no, guarantee you, I will never pay to FUCK wellendowed1911!
. Originally Posted by ManSlut
That is just hilarious manslut. You owe me a coffee... I just spilled mine laughing!
Seems he is right. Big girl panties were pulled up and PMs reported. Moved back to Alerts.

Threatening outing & violence to members will not be tolerated. Actions are in progress.
bowdown2me's Avatar
Seems he is right. Big girl panties were pulled up and PMs reported. Moved back to Alerts.

Threatening outing will not be tolerated. Actions are in progress. Originally Posted by Von Spieler
Thank you sir... now there is a man that deserves some respect...
For the rest of you talking shit because thsts your boy...
Sit down...
ManSlut's Avatar
wellendowed1911 ain't my boy and if he crossed a line, well that's on him, no sympathy from me to him.

I asked for the screenshots you offered on Maria Dinero's alert about you and you changed your offer that only providers could get them...I could have helped you if your side was legit but you chose otherwise...Fool

It looks like the You&Me Posse is losing credibility...davidfree actually predicted this before I got banned, for insulting asswipes on here, that eventually a Provider was gonna get pissed off with y'all's behavior and taking advantage of them with rates and photos and his words were PROPHETIC.

Good luck trying to think anyone gives a damn about you now, even if there is some truth in your DRAMA.
bowdown2me's Avatar
wellendowed1911 ain't my boy and if he crossed a line, well that's on him, no sympathy from me to him.

I asked for the screenshots you offered on Maria Dinero's alert about you and you changed your offer that only providers could get them...I could have helped you if your side was legit but you chose otherwise...Fool

It looks like the You&Me Posse is losing credibility...davidfree actually predicted this before I got banned, for insulting asswipes on here, that eventually a Provider was gonna get pissed off with y'all's behavior and taking advantage of them with rates and photos and his words were PROPHETIC.

Good luck trying to think anyone gives a damn about you now, even if there is some truth in your DRAMA. Originally Posted by ManSlut
Listen dipshit with your shitbtalkin lips... your just like the dumbass I put this alert on...
You wanna sir down and go through the hundreds of text between me and that hooker lets do it there are plenty of Starbucks all over the metroplex... pick one... no drama just one mouth and a guy that has something to prove....
If you aint down.. sit down shut the fuck up... and move the fuck on....
ManSlut's Avatar
I don't meet dudes off this site, ever! You offered to sent them to whoever requested them in a PM. I did, so send 'em. I don't need to meetup with cray cray, fool, quit changing your offers.
If wellendowed did something then he was stupid and will have to deal with the outcome. But you sir, make Davidfree /bigdog and FWOG look like outstanding members of our community. There will always be desperate women who will take your money but hopefully many more will realize all money is not good money.
So why haven't you rtm'd or forwarded me the PMs as I instructed when you told me this 3 days ago?

Unless you have proof, this is a pissing contest of he said, she said. If you have proof, pull up your big girl panties and rtm those PMs.

Moved to COED. Originally Posted by Von Spieler
Because he has no case......even if he tried to substitute the words and send it to you, surely wellendowed1911 has the original PM he sent to bowdown2me, and then that would probably make you look worse than you already do. So bowdown2me, why did you start this thread? You are digging yourself deeper and deeper.

BTW, this thread is still in the Alerts forum

I must be a dumbass what is rtm Originally Posted by bowdown2me
Fixed it for you, and no truer words have been spoken. But in case you need it, the little white outlined in red with an exclamation point in the middle of it triangle on the lower left of every post and PM on this site is what you click when you want to Report a post/PM To a Moderator.

This is for providers and hobbyists... do not conduct business, or affiliate yourself with this guy personally at all... he will get your personal information and try to blackmail you.. by outing you to friends and family, SO... or even the cops...
He has sent me numerous pm"s claiming to have my personal information and threatening to out me if I don't meet his ridiculous demands...
This guy needs to be banned this hobby does not need people like this...
If he inquires with you about anything use the up most caution he will tey to BLACKMAIL you... Originally Posted by bowdown2me
Why would you do anything personally with or give out personal info to anyone you know who is on this site to begin with? Anything of a personal nature is another world and the two are not related in any way. If you are stupid enough to give out personal info or who your RW friends and family are to anyone on here, not that it is right, but then you are deserving of what you get. I have exchanged numerous PMs with wellendowed1911 and he has not asked for anything to blackmail me with.

This is just another blatant attempt to shift the drama that you caused onto someone else. If you are a real man, tell your posse err, entourage to leave you alone and have nothing to do with them, standing on your own two feet. None of them boys have come to your rescue when Gina Dinero put out an alert on you. No one in their right mind would consider anyone a friend if they are only with you in good times, and these are bad times on this site for you. Where are your buddies now?

You have said that you have been with many of the well known popular providers in another thread, and have the p411 OKs to prove it. Only a low life two faced idiot would keep his two handles on p411 and Eccie separate, for long anyway. Usually because he causes drama in most every post he makes, is an asshat to everyone who disagrees with his opinion, an agenda seeking cyberstalker, hijacking threads in one form or fashion to let others know he still has his agenda or just your garden variety asshole with his Eccie handle and/or most definitely has something else to hide.

Man up, bowdown2me and start to build up your dignity again, if you have any left!