omnibus bill...

dilbert firestorm's Avatar
its a shame that bill of a monstrosity passed...

this is what happens when you have 45 retiring republicans (don't know how many voted, but it would be enough) voting with democrats. they showed their true colors!!!!
Calm Down And MAGA!

Unrolled thread from @_VachelLindsay_ #MAGA

Vachel Lindsay

1. Everyone calm down. Trump signed this POS Omnibus Bill for one reason : to get $700 billion for the military. It's his #1 priority.

And the largest increase in defense spending in 15 years. That's a VERY good outcome.

Trump went to the Pentagon to send a message that funding the military is his top priority in any deal to avoid a shutdown.

2. Pentagon appropriations include $589.5 billion in the base budget and $65.2 billion in the overseas contingency operations (OCO) budget — an increase of $61.1 billion over the 2017 enacted level, when combined with other previously enacted funding.

3. From the same article (below), 'the bill surpasses Trump’s fiscal 2018 request for the Pentagon by $15.5 billion. Defense makes up more than 50% of the entire bill.'

Congress races to pass $1.3T defense-friendly omnibus and avoid shutdown
The sweeping $1.3 trillion spending bill that congressional leaders unveiled Wednesday includes $654.6 billion for the Pentagon. But it’s unclear whether Congress can pass the proposal without shutti…

4. To all the pearl clutchers out there baying at the moon & weeping that all is lost, ask yourselves : do you want America's military men and women to be treated properly? Do you want American military defense stronger or weaker?

5. Because POTUS Trump DOES support those who put themselves in harm's way, so we can whine about Omnibus.

And unfortunately, Omnibus is the price he has to pay. For now.

Is Omnibus a perfect bill? No. At least 45% sucks. But is it the end of the world?


6. Do you have any idea what Obama did go America's military?

His sequestration cuts gutted military capability. As far back as 2015, America had already lost the capacity to fight two major wars at once.

U.S. military decimated under Obama, only ‘marginally able’
The U.S. military is shedding so many troops and weapons it is only “marginally able” to defend the nation and falls short of the Obama administration’s national security strategy a shocking new stud…

7. But it's worse than just a degradation of capabilities and equipment etc.

Obama destroyed morale.

The will to fight.

As this article puts it, Obama 'destroyed unit integrity, cohesiveness and the “will to win.”'

Military readiness was undermined by Obama experiments
The Trump administration came to power with a clear mandate to restore U.S. military credibility, effectiveness, and capabilities. Such a mandate involves reversing not only the debilitating impact o…

8. As we have learned since Trump's inauguration, Obama's weakness meant that America's enemies grew stronger in capability, effectiveness & morale.

In particular, China, NK, Iran, Russia.

Obama trashed our allies and rewarded our enemies, 24/7.

9. It amazes me how some people are whining today, after we have seen the economy boom, unemployment tank, wages grow, business confidence increase, not to mention massive success against America's enemies abroad.

It truly astonishes me.

10. Trump has done all this in less than 14 MONTHS.

'But Omnibus Bill wah wah wah'.

Some so-called MAGA supporters are just crying, spoiled children.

More respected voices are right to point out the weaknesses in the Bill. Yes, much of it does suck BIGLY. Trump knows that.

11. But ask yourself: will the wall be built eventually? YES. Are sanctuary cities being cleared ? YES. Are the Obama & Clinton gangs in a world of pain (about to get worse)? YES.

Will #MAGA happen overnight? NO.

Everyone get some perspective.

12. The worst so-called MAGA supporters are those today screeching that 'I will never vote again', or 'Trump has betrayed us'.

Two words: SCREW YOU.

Yes, I said it.

The reason why Trump had to play this hand is because he has a bad deck of cards to deal with. Congress.

13. And the ONLY way to clear these jerks out is to VOTE them out, starting with the Democrats. They're a truly corrupt, despicable group of individuals. I have no doubt they'll be thrashed in the mid terms, because of the hammering that's coming their way in the coming months.

14. BUT it's not going to happen if some #MAGA people (so-called) refuse to vote, is it?


So, yes. Omnibus sucks in some ways. But it's good in others.

Take the good with the bad, get some perspective and get behind Trump to #MAGA.


The end.
dilbert firestorm's Avatar
I get the point about the military funding and understood trumps rational for signing it....

I'm talking about the so-called (45 retiring) conservatives that voted for it.

the deal by the 4 amigos wouldn't be possible without the 40 retiring house members who don't have to worry about reelection consequences from their district voters.

I had a feeling that they would do something like this, but I was surprised that they did this fairly early.
its a shame that bill of a monstrosity passed...

this is what happens when you have 45 retiring republicans (don't know how many voted, but it would be enough) voting with democrats. they showed their true colors!!!! Originally Posted by dilbert firestorm
Not just that, but when its 2000+ pages, HOW MANY of them ever actually read it, even just 1/10th of what it had in it..
And Trump caving in on his Veto threat, and signing it at the last minute.
THE DEMS ARE laughing their asses off.

I get the point about the military funding and understood trumps rational for signing it....
I don't, JUST cause it had the mil funding, does NOT IMO Justify
A) Keeping on funding sanctuary cities
B) Keeping on funding planned murderhood
C) barely 1/10th of the needed funds for a border wall
and D) PASSING that damnable CLOUD act...
Let the 0zombies laugh... fuckem!!!

This text was typed by a couple of treepers from the comments on

5:46 min
themystic's Avatar
I get the point about the military funding and understood trumps rational for signing it....

I'm talking about the so-called (45 retiring) conservatives that voted for it.

the deal by the 4 amigos wouldn't be possible without the 40 retiring house members who don't have to worry about reelection consequences from their district voters.

I had a feeling that they would do something like this, but I was surprised that they did this fairly early. Originally Posted by dilbert firestorm

TrumPutin is the great negotiator! Wake up Dildo. His strategy worked. He got the money to build the wall that Mexico was going to pay for!! Oh?? What? He didn't get the wall money?
WTF's Avatar
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  • 03-24-2018, 07:41 AM
its a shame that bill of a monstrosity passed...

this is what happens when you have 45 retiring republicans (don't know how many voted, but it would be enough) voting with democrats. they showed their true colors!!!! Originally Posted by dilbert firestorm
dilbert , you have people like IIFFOFRDB that think there is this Deep State within all departments of government except Defense. You want to see a true Deep State revolt....have Trump try and cut Defense Spending.

You will never cut government spending unless you cut it across the board. That includes defense Spending.

So folks that are not smart enough to understand that that includes the biggest expense (Defense) will never be happy.

Be like a fat person saying they want to lose weight but continue to buy more and more cake.
gfejunkie's Avatar
I'm talking about the so-called (45 retiring) conservatives that voted for it. Originally Posted by dilbert firestorm
Uh, no. More like RINOs and never-Trumpers. Good riddance!
WTF's Avatar
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  • 03-24-2018, 08:40 AM
Uh, no. More like RINOs and never-Trumpers. Good riddance! Originally Posted by gfejunkie
Trump is the reason for the huge deficit you silly SOB.

What did you think you elected....some fiscal conservative?

gfejunkie's Avatar
Did he write the bill? No.
WTF's Avatar
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  • 03-24-2018, 12:24 PM
Did he write the bill? No. Originally Posted by gfejunkie
He signed it dipshit. He is like the WB, extra credit but also extra blame. You seem to jave no problem giving him extra credit...

The GOP has the WH and both Houses. Kinda hard to blame this on just Democrats.
themystic's Avatar
Did he write the bill? No. Originally Posted by gfejunkie

This is the most ignorant post I have seen to date. You are a dumb cum drinking Putin bitch boy
WTF's Avatar
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  • 03-24-2018, 12:34 PM
Not just that, but when its 2000+ pages, HOW MANY of them ever actually read it, even just 1/10th of what it had in it..
And Trump caving in on his Veto threat, and signing it at the last minute.
THE DEMS ARE laughing their asses off.

I don't, JUST cause it had the mil funding, does NOT IMO Justify
A) Keeping on funding sanctuary cities
B) Keeping on funding planned murderhood
C) barely 1/10th of the needed funds for a border wall
and D) PASSING that damnable CLOUD act... Originally Posted by garhkal
They sound like Nancy, they can read it after they pass it!
bamscram's Avatar
I signed it , now for some golf.