Should the Supreme Court overturn the Biden mandate on vaccinations?

the_real_Barleycorn's Avatar
Well, the question has made it to the highest court in the land, the United States Supreme Court. The same court that through the years said that black people were property, slavery was legal, separate but equal was good, the mentally infirm could be sterilized, and people could be jailed or deported for resisting government fiats.

Biden issued his mandate, everyone working for a company with over 100 employees must get vaccinated. No word on people who don't work or own their own company but that it probably coming. Judges has issued stays throughout the country. Experts have weighed in on both sides. Some arguing the law and the Constitution. Others arguing fear and panic.

We have a problem with our Supremes as the more liberal justices don't seem to understand the problem. Sotomayor claims that Omicron is just as deadly as Delta...not true by any understanding of the diseases. She also claimed that 100,000 children are currently hospitalized by Omicron. The real number is 86,000 children have been hospitalized during the entire pandemic. Kagen says that the ONLY way to beat Covid is for everyone to be vaccinated.

So, these mental midgets, nominated by Barack Obama and confirmed by the democrats in the Senate are going to take the next step on the road to tyranny. So, I'll leave it up the members of ECCIE to take up the mantle. For some people here this is not about being pro vaccine or anti vaccine. This is about being pro mandate or pro freedom.

What say you?

Sorry, kind of reversed the question in the poll. No, means to overturn the mandate and yes, means to support Biden.
bambino's Avatar
dilbert firestorm's Avatar
I think scotus will rule against potus. They'll say mandate power belongs to the states, not federal govt.

I don't think scotus will overturn the 1911 vaccine mandate ruling.
I don't even want the states to be able to mandate vaccinations...but a private employer should be allowed to make vaccination (or regular testing) a condition of employment, on their own, and not have the government take the blame for it. If this was about the health of everyone, a mandate (or law) would be attempted to cover everyone, not just those employed by companies with more than 100 employees. This mandate is about keeping these companies' workforces taking less sick leave and working more. Period.
Jacuzzme's Avatar
Should a private employer be able to test for HPV? AIDS? Hepatitis? Crabs?
Yssup Rider's Avatar
I don't even want the states to be able to mandate vaccinations...but a private employer should be allowed to make vaccination (or regular testing) a condition of employment, on their own, and not have the government take the blame for it. If this was about the health of everyone, a mandate (or law) would be attempted to cover everyone, not just those employed by companies with more than 100 employees. This mandate is about keeping these companies' workforces taking less sick leave and working more. Period. Originally Posted by SecretE
I pretty much agree with that.

And employees should be allowed to sue an employer for knowingly creating a dangerous work environment.

Couldn't quite figure out what this poll means or what it's going to prove, besides the obvious.
dilbert firestorm's Avatar
Should a private employer be able to test for HPV? AIDS? Hepatitis? Crabs? Originally Posted by Jacuzzme
not for that. no. they should not be in position to enforce vaccine mandate.

but private businesses do impose certain types of physical health mandates that has something to do with job performance.

example. bad back, so you can't pick up heavy stuff. so business will either fire you, reassign you or not hire you.
Jacuzzme's Avatar
but private businesses do impose certain types of physical health mandates that has something to do with job performance. Originally Posted by dilbert firestorm
Right, if it affects job performance. Taking a vaccine doesn’t.