Sloth Fetterman didn't pay his taxes from 2006 to 2019

berryberry's Avatar
John Fetterman (D) didn't pay his school property taxes from 2006 to 2019. The Woodland Hills School District placed nearly three-dozen tax liens against Fetterman & filed multiple lawsuits against him in order to collect Fetterman's unpaid taxes.

Senate hopeful John Fetterman has cast himself as a champion of Pennsylvania's public schools, telling voters he will "make sure our public schools have the funding they need." But his tax records tell a different story. In fact, as mayor of Braddock, Pa., Fetterman failed to pay tens of thousands of dollars in taxes on time to his local school district, one of the poorest in the state.

Woodland Hills School District, which serves Braddock, placed nearly three-dozen tax liens against Fetterman totaling $18,692 for unpaid property taxes from 2006 to 2019, according to records reviewed by the Washington Free Beacon. The district sued Fetterman twice over the unpaid bills, resulting in default judgments against Fetterman totaling $3,769. Fetterman has since paid off the liens, but in some cases it took him more than six years to satisfy the debt.

In failing to pay taxes to Woodland Hills, Fetterman deprived funding for one of the poorest and academically challenged districts in the Keystone State.
In all, agencies in Fetterman's Allegheny County placed 65 liens totaling $30,463 against Fetterman and Braddock Redux, the community nonprofit he founded with funding from his wealthy father. Woodland Hills placed $6,422.11 in tax liens against Fetterman and another $12,250.38 against Braddock Redux, court filings show. In Pennsylvania, taxing authorities like school districts, counties, and waste management providers send out separate tax bills to property owners.

Woodland Hills filed multiple lawsuits against Fetterman after months of failed attempts to collect the delinquent tax debts. One lawsuit filed in September 2008 shows the lengths to which the school district went to collect the money before suing Fetterman.

Woodland Hills sued Fetterman on Sept. 9, 2008, for $1,278.38 he owed in taxes for the 2006 tax year. The district mailed Fetterman notices on May 9, 2008, and July 30, 2008, regarding the unpaid debt, and the sheriff's office served him a lawsuit at his residence on Sept. 25, 2008, records show. The court issued a default judgment against Fetterman on Aug. 11, 2009, in the amount of $2,442.67. The debt was "satisfied" on Oct. 18, 2012, according to records.

Fetterman's delinquency didn't sit well with some Allegheny County residents.

"It's not very responsible, especially for somebody in a political position like that," Lisa Musta told a news station in 2016. "It's not a good example for other people, and it doesn't sit well with me."

Fetterman has been accused of hypocrisy before on the public school issue. The progressive darling supported school closures and other lockdowns during the pandemic in 2020, but took a family vacation to the Jersey Shore with a taxpayer-funded security detail in tow.

Fetterman since 2015 has sent at least one of his children to Winchester Thurston, a private school in Pennsylvania where tuition is as high as $34,250, the Free Beacon reported. David P. Hardy, the founder of a charter school in Pennsylvania, accused Fetterman of hypocrisy for opposing school vouchers in poor districts, telling the Free Beacon that "the poor people there are stuck going to those schools, and [Fetterman] doesn't give them any way out."
Jacuzzme's Avatar
Only 18k for 13 years? Did he live in a doghouse? That’s like 3 years worth of taxes.
eyecu2's Avatar
It's interesting, how taxes in Allegheny county used to be grandfathered into be just at the most recent sale price. My house I bought in Dormont had taxes $450 annually and it was your average $75,000 house in 1988. My taxes never went up until I moved out in 2000 to Westmoreland county. They've gone up every single year since. Looked in the old real estate taxes website for my old house, and they are now $3,900 annually. But yeah moving into a nicer house out in the sticks, only cost $6,000 in taxes or more. It's insane
I'm pretty sure that's the going rate for tree dwellers.