using your first name

Does your provider use your first name or does she use a generic honey, baby, lover ? I so prefer my first name.
When I ask, it is never a problem to do so. Still, your name said sweetly is a huge turn on.
Chung Tran's Avatar
I'm just happy those few times I'm not called Dickhead..
There are 1,514,205 guys in the US with my first name. I like a woman to you my name along with the words "Oh My god!!" But I am never sure if they really mean me.

Real number btw, based on the last census
I hear you guys. Asked my current companion to do so. She obliged, and that small difference made all the difference.
daty/o's Avatar
I don't care about identities, but not only do I prefer that she use my real first name, I like to know and use hers. Calling her SlutCandy or Pussy4U just doesn't endear her to me. Glad my name isn't Benjamin.
There are 1,514,205 guys in the US with my first name. I like a woman to you my name along with the words "Oh My god!!" But I am never sure if they really mean me.

Real number btw, based on the last census Originally Posted by OldButStillGoing
no they dont its lies:mf_seehears peak:
Jake B's Avatar
Handle, baby, honey, love. I haven't heard sir, you guy, or dude--thankfully.
Don't Be Daft!'s Avatar
I get called "James" a lot. I reckon it's the accent...
Phrodo's Avatar
Only one lady on here knows my first name. She accidentally told her real name once and I reciprocated with my first name. No issues, as I never gave my last name.
Phrodo's Avatar
Only one lady on here knows my real first name. She accidentally gave her name once, so I reciprocated. No issues, since she only knows my first name and I still use her professional name. And I do answer to phrodo, as well as a few other not so nice names.
I like to say the gents name during intimacy to show him how exclusive and special our time is together...
Phrodo's Avatar
Apparently I repeated myself. Oh well.
FunInDFW's Avatar
I'd love to hear them moan my first name. I make it a point not to give it, though. I also assume most providers haven't given me their real name; but I'll call you whatever you want. Usually "baby" is the best my brain can recall during moments of intense fun.
in one session I heard in a sexy voice "bananna give it to me, NOW !" we both got a good laugh about it later... but being the good bananna, I gave it to her....