Austin police, citizens and business prepare for crime wave

pantsontheground's Avatar
Oh yeah. That time again. Texas Relays. Lock your car door, lock your house door. If you have a business, make sure you have anti-theft devices on all your merch, and a good security camera system. If you have kids, or animals, you may wanna hide them as well.
FWR's Avatar
  • FWR
  • 03-23-2012, 05:47 AM
If you run a restaurant be ready for walked checks, servers running their asses off and getting no tips. And we wondered why some businesses would just rather close during this time each year.
hide yo kids, hide yo wife and hide yo husband cuz they be rapin' errbody out here!!

run and tell that!
Blade78633's Avatar
Is it legal to refuse to serve anglo americans because of personal preference?

Funny, if I asked this in the "Providers with No Black Ads BP" thread no one would jump my ass.
Is it legal to refuse to serve anglo americans because of personal preference?

Funny, if I asked this in the "Providers with No Black Ads BP" thread no one would jump my ass. Originally Posted by Blade78633
The answer is yes. In Texas a business has the right to refuse service to anyone. It does make any sticky legal entanglements easier if you have a sign that is clearly posted for all patrons to see.

daxdakota's Avatar
This is why I woke up with a broken hand today