Starting to be Rediculous

I would prefer if people would leave my name out of their issues on this website. I have not posted on this website in quite a spell. I have nothing to do with any multi-names or arguments with other agencies. I run a business and do not have time for all of this that my name keeps being brought up in. Whomever the person is doing it, Grow Up. Everyone knows who i am, i speak to many members on a daily basis, so i would appreciate you rename the troublemaker. Santa does not have time to chase people around a message board and as i have said for years, i am not concerned with a group of people who constitute less than 3% of the elves client base, no offense. I find it flattering how anyone would believe i have time to do what i do, find all these girls, business in 9 cities, photos, ads, accomodation and travel arrangements, my personal life ,and still have time to concern myself with the drama here on one small area, however it is not the case. I may be Santa however i am bound by the same time constraints as anyone. I am quite certain there is no way i could have been posting on this board during my back surgery 2 weeks ago, or during my 3 day hunt in Texas the week prior.

PS. I will not comment on the replies here, this is my 1 posting. so attempting to draw me into a fight with accusations and slurs will not yield results. I am not concerned with people believing this post, however i figuured it was about time i address the issue, i have done so, that is all i will do in this matter. I do not care how well someone may copy my style or typing, there is only one of me, and thank the lord for that. Many thanks to those who continue to visit the girls.

Rich aka. Santa
Its a funny thing, about natural born, pathological liars - they keep expecting people to believe them and their stories
bayou boy
Outdoorsman's Avatar
I have never met Santa nor any of his elves. Simply put it is just a geographical dilemma. I have nothing against Santa or his elves I am also not on his side. I really could care less excpet it is somewhat entertaining to read the threads and drama, so I can say to myself "Thank God I am not a part of that!!!"

I have a hard time understanding why an individual that is not wanted keeps appearing, what does that person have to prove? and to whom does he have to prove it? Personally, if I am in a crowd that does not desire my presence I typically leave - not gonna be any fun for me, so I am outta there. Just me though.

My opinion is that all these fights are between agency people. I ask this: when is the last time anyone seen me post a review of an agency lady? Wanna know why? I have nothing against agencies, my thought is if people can be this immature and childish on an internet board, do I really want to do business with them? Or better yet can I trust that person with my info?

Just something to ponder, that's all. I do appreciate the entertainment and lets me feel good about the business I am in, Thanks.
BIG C's Avatar
  • BIG C
  • 06-04-2010, 05:54 PM
I have a hard time understanding why an individual that is not wanted keeps appearing, Originally Posted by Outdoorsman
The $64,000.00 question and one which I suspect will never be answered.....
HSP's Avatar
  • HSP
  • 06-04-2010, 08:19 PM
I have never met Santa nor any of his elves. Simply put it is just a geographical dilemma. I have nothing against Santa or his elves I am also not on his side. ....

I have a hard time understanding why an individual that is not wanted keeps appearing, what does that person have to prove? and to whom does he have to prove it? ... Originally Posted by Outdoorsman
I agree ... I just don't get it! I am not calling anyone person in particular out but beating a dead horse does get old, not just this, but on other issues as well. I think most people, and I did say most and not all, have some common sense and can read through B.S. so in the end what good does it do? None! All it does is hurt their business or ruin their hobbying experience.