Food for thougth

Remember the day...
January 3rd, 2007 was the day the Democrats took over the Senate and the Congress:
At the time:
The DOW Jones closed at 12,621.77
The GDP for the previous quarter was 3.5%
The Unemployment rate was 4.6%
George Bush's Economic policies SET A RECORD of 52 STRAIGHT MONTHS of JOB CREATION!
Remember the day...
January 3rd, 2007 was the day that Barney Frank took over the House Financial Services Committee and Chris Dodd took over the Senate Banking Committee.
The economic meltdown that happened 15 months later was in what part of the economy?
THANK YOU DEMOCRATS for taking us from 13,000 DOW, 3.5 GDP and 4.6% Unemployment... to this CRISIS by (among MANY other things) dumping 5-6 TRILLION Dollars of toxic loans on the economy from YOUR Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac ! (BTW: Bush asked Congress 17 TIMES to stop Fannie & Freddie - starting in 2001 because it was Financially risky for the US economy):
And who took the THIRD highest pay-off from Fannie Mae AND Freddie Mac????
And who fought against reform of Fannie and Freddie???
The HYPOCRITE in Chief Obama
So when a LIB tries to blame Bush...

1977: Jimmy Carter (D) signs the Community Reinvestment Act, guaranteeing home loans to low-income
1999: Bill Clinton (D) puts the CRA on steroids, pushing Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac to increase the number
of sub-prime loans.
2003: The White House calls Fannie and Freddie “a systemic risk.” The Bush administration pushes Congress
to enact new regulations.
2003: Barney Frank (D-CN) says F&F are “not in a crisis.” He bashes Republicans for crying wolf and calls
F&F “financially sound.” Democrats block the Republican-sponsored regulation legislation.
2005: Federal Reserve Chairman Alan Greenspan voices a warning over F&F accounting. “We are placing the
total financial system of the future at a substantial risk
A brief history of the financial crisis, part 2
2005: Sen. Charles Schumer, (D-NY) says “…I think Fannie and Freddie over the years have done an
incredibly good job and are an intrinsic part of making America the best-housed people in the world …if
you look over the last 20 or whatever years, they’ve done a very, very good job.”
2006: Sen. John McCain (R-AZ) again calls for reform. “For years I have been concerned about the
regulatory structure that governs Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac … and the sheer magnitude of these companies
and the role they play in the marketplace … the GSE’s (government sponsored enterprises) need to be
reformed without delay.”
2006: Democrats again block reform legislation.
2008: housing market collapses; Democrats blame the Republicans
LexusLover's Avatar
"1977: Jimmy Carter (D) signs the Community Reinvestment Act, guaranteeing home loans to low-income families...."

Is that the same guy who ....

started "Operation Cyclone" that armed and trained Islamic terrorists in Afghanistan?
ibechill's Avatar
This post is so lopsided it doesn't deserve a rebuttal.
Truth sucks dont it
LexusLover's Avatar
This post is so lopsided it doesn't deserve a rebuttal. Originally Posted by ibechill
Uhhhh .... that is a "rebuttal" ... ain't it?

Sometimes in life the FACTS are so lobsided, that it just makes sense to ... throw in the towel.

The Obama-Biden "team" is so out of touch with reality that it is a concern, and should be for everyone. The latest example is the puffing about "bringing home the troops" as he "promised" during the campaign.

When those two bozos talk about "amnesia" ... they are talking about themselves, and perhaps they actually believe that voters in the United States are "that" dumb, that they would buy their bullshit. It's insulting.

Shouldn't they "blame" the withdrawal from Iraq on Bush?
ratboy jam's Avatar
This post is so lopsided it doesn't deserve a rebuttal. Originally Posted by ibechill
Koolaid is contagious
ibechill's Avatar
I like the way you glossed over Reagan's pathetic years. Yes I said pathetic.

Just skipped over how Bush #2 squandered a surplus left by Clinton. Meant # 2
LexusLover's Avatar
Just skipped over how Bush #1 squandered a surplus left by Clinton. Originally Posted by ibechill
Clinton left Bush #1 a "surplus"?

I think I would join Rat for some of that "Koolaid" he be sippin' ... if I were you ........ and stay off the "hard stuff"!

Is Reagan now to blame for the current unemployment rate?
Iranians, Chinese, and North Koreans flexing their muscles?
What else?
ratboy jam's Avatar
Iran-Contra...NUFF SAID!!
So, let me get this straight...this is all coming from guys who sign up for an escort board and are chasing pussy just like the rest of us.

So much for morals and family values.
ibechill's Avatar
So, let me get this straight...this is all coming from guys who sign up for an escort board and are chasing pussy just like the rest of us.

So much for morals and family values. Originally Posted by IceCreamMan
ibechill's Avatar
Clinton left Bush #1 a "surplus"?

I think I would join Rat for some of that "Koolaid" he be sippin' ... if I were you ........ and stay off the "hard stuff"!

Is Reagan now to blame for the current unemployment rate?
Iranians, Chinese, and North Koreans flexing their muscles?
What else? Originally Posted by LexusLover
Flexing their muscles??? In order to flex muscles, you have to build them up first. Workout for years. That is what they were doing the last 8 years under your boy Bushwhack.
ibechill's Avatar
GOP Failure

The Republican Party, personified by Bush and Cheney, is the impetus behind a number of disasters:

1. They implemented the No Child Left Behind debacle and then failed to provide funding to support even its good features.

2. They pushed through tax cuts that benefit mainly the wealthy and do not help those who need it most.

3. Their overspending has nearly doubled our national debt in only seven years to nearly $10 trillion.

4. They have reversed gains made in environmental progress and they have, until recently, denied the reality of global warming.

5. They have supported big oil while providing little support for alternative fuels, at the expense of the consumer.

6. Their laissez-faire approach to the economy has enabled the collapse of major mortgage and investment houses and precipitated the current recession.

7. They have supported the insurance industry and medical establishment over patients. (We are currently 45th in life expectancy.)

8. They have opposed stem cell research.

9. They have supported or ignored more corruption than even the Nixon administration.

10. They have valued political “orthodoxy” over constitutional duty (eg: Alberto Gonzalez and others.)

11. They have displayed the highest levels of incompetence and ineptitude, as in the Katrina disaster and the prosecution of the war in Iraq.

12. Despite promises to unite, they have divided the parties and the country more than at any time since the Civil War.

13. They have claimed – without merit – the moral high ground on “family values” while fomenting war, destroying the environment, and ignoring the needy.

14. They have allowed religious wedge issues like biblical literalism, abortion and gay rights to hold precedence over urgent national priorities like education, environmental stability and fiscal sanity.

15. They have undermined our freedom by unwarranted and unconstitutional invasion of privacy.

16. They have used a bogus definition of patriotism in the attempt to define critics of the war as somehow “un-American.”

17. They have used fear and lies rather than appeals to reason in the attempt to unite our people behind the war.

18. Most importantly, they started the Iraq war under false pretenses for faulty – and constantly changing – reasons.

19. Once starting the war, they have been criminally culpable for undersupplying and undersupporting the troops.

20. They have caused the international good will of post-9/11 to turn into resentment with their heavy-handed and unresponsive treatment of our allies.

21. They have allowed the focus on Iraq to undermine the righteous war in Afghanistan; bin Laden is still at large and the Taliban is on the rebound.

22. They have showed an inability to listen to reason and to tolerate loyal opposition from top generals (Shinseki, Fallon, etc) by removing them from positions of authority.

23. They have betrayed the essence of American values by encouraging, tolerating and even ordering the use of torture on presumed enemies.

Time was when the Republican Party was the party of fiscal restraint and fiscal sanity; when it stood for individual freedom against the juggernaut of big government; when it could make a credible claim to being the “moral” party; when going to war was entered into only as a last resort; when party members gave serious attention to environmental and ecological issues; when serious national and international issues took priority over parochial and wedge issues.

No longer.

The difference between the parties is now crystal clear. Democrats vs Republicans have come to represent – respectively – progress vs obstructionism, change vs stagnation, optimism vs pessimism, tolerance vs intolerance, focus on people vs property, national unity vs party loyalty, focus on the well-being of the middle/working class vs the upper class, science vs distrust of scientific solutions, environment vs exploitation, core American values vs jingoistic patriotism, fiscal sanity vs irresponsibility and unrestrained wartime spending, international dialogue vs warmongering invective, an attitude of work-with-the-world vs us-against-the-world, solutions vs pandering, universal health care vs no health care for too many, human rights vs torture, hope vs fear, dreams vs doubts, peace vs war, future vs past.

Republicans ask us to trust them to be better at running the economy and providing national security, but their record of the past eight years gives us every reason to distrust them. If ever they were better at these things, it is certainly no longer the case.Republicans have an inability to run on the issues or their record, and consequently need to sling mud and outright lies about their opponents in order to make political gains.
ness's Avatar
  • ness
  • 08-25-2010, 09:00 PM
1999: Bill Clinton (D) puts the CRA on steroids, pushing Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac to increase the number
of sub-prime loans. Originally Posted by chrome1996
How did the executive branch do this? It's a legislative issue. Try again?

Here's a hint:

Gramm-Leach-Bliley Act
ness's Avatar
  • ness
  • 08-25-2010, 10:21 PM
ibechill why didn't you just post a link or say your reposing that from elsewhere?