I think not.
I love drinking, eating, dancing - this, that and the other. Anything that feels good. Physical is divine as far as I'm concerned.
But I haven't been oblivious to various arguments that life is somehow better when one doesn't drink and one eats the purest of foods...
After quite a few weeks of pretty much not drinking - OK a wild night/day here and there, accompanied by a pure diet of, as a major staple, organic brown rice - I THINK NOT.
No, I discovered absolutely truly, life feels much better with the wee drop of alcohol delivered every day, as most Europeans prefer. And whatever one feels like to eat/devour.
I've always thought that if one follows one's natural appetites (if one can be so lucky) one can never err.
My feeling is that there are people on this board who can afford/choose to follow these purist diets (no alchohol, no meat, no caffeine... snore...).
Has anyone ever found these purist diets to be of use?
Amused to know... xxx
PS - It's not entirely out of place to for me to ask this question, particularly as that as Leah Ireland, I was much criticised at one point for having photos done with a glass of (superb) red wine in my hand for most of the photos... Wierd.