Crypto craze

Shanell Raely's Avatar
I remember looking online at the DOGE coin predictions last month. My friend told me I needed to get in on it.. I was ready to do so, but procrastinated.

"A man who procrastinates in his choosing will eventually have his choice made for him by circumstance".

A true quote indeed.. I woke up two mornings later to about 20 missed calls and messages. First text .. the friend who informed me made $259,000 overnight.

*slaps forehead twice*

I wonder if they'll hit another peak soon. Also, Ripple seems promising.. thoughts on that?
mrredcat43's Avatar
Invest in SAFEMOON
Dogecoin looks really promising since it has Elon backing it up. But to see those crazy %100,000 returns might be a little too late. Still at .47 cents It is still really cheap to start investing in but be ready to hold on to in for the next several years. It has worked for me with ethereum I bought in when it was still cheap around 15 bucks around 2016 fast forward 2021 it hit its highest price at $4,000 best decision I’ve ever made. Crypto is the future.
Grace Preston's Avatar
Heh... want to hear a story?

Imagine being the person who had 100 bitcoin back in the early days-- who excitedly sold them at a tidy profit of 5k.

Then fast forward a decade later-- and do the math and realize that those coins would be worth around 5 million today.

Who in the hell thought that computerized monopoly money would ever take off the way it did.....
billw1032's Avatar
Be careful, and be sure you know what you are buying. I was always of the impression that there were a fixed number of Bitcoins and no more would ever be created, hence the sky-high evaluation. I thought the same was true of Ethereum, but that it is NOT true of Dogecoin (which, by the way, was created by two software guys as a joke) and that more Dogecoin can be created in the future thus diluting the value of existing coins.

However, I'm now NOT certain how much, if any, of that is true. After a 15 minute search just now I couldn't verify any of the above information. Maybe someone who knows will enlighten us (preferably with links to reliable references), but so far I haven't been able to pin down reliable info.

Bottom line, know what you are buying. Don't put down a ton of cash just based on someone you know who seems to know what he's talking about. Be careful. And you might want to look up the story about investing in Dutch tulip bulbs in the 1600's.
dallasfan's Avatar
Yes. Currently there is no limit on doge coin mining. You can mine it to your content.

I just don’t trust anything where you can pretty much print your own money.

Enjoy the ride while you can but just know when to get out. It will most likely end badly.

Saw a crypto atm type machine when I stopped in a ghetto shell gas station a few months back. There are now 100s if not 1000’s of different cryptos right. It feels like a top to me. Or very close to one.
Everytime one of the top 3 coins peak, they say its the top...and a year or two later, its double. There are calls for Bitcoin seeing $100k or $300k in the near term (1-3 years). I believe that. Ethereum, with its smart contracts, has much promise also. Why not just buy 1 and let it right as a speculative investment? Worst case scenario for now is that you may lose half its value while holding but can liquidate it for your money back or a profit if you hold for 2 years.
Ronin3's Avatar
XRP should hit $5 and probably $10. After that it’s impossible to say. SEC games will have some effect on growth rate, but I believe no effect on growth in the end. It could stall or go to $100. I bought 55k coins when it was .10. BTC could easily be 300-500k in 3-5 yrs. ETH 8-10k by the end of the year and maybe 20k in 2-3. I like Cosmos and Compound. I have a dozen coins and 6 mining companies.
BLM69's Avatar
  • BLM69
  • 05-21-2021, 05:03 PM
I have a $1000 spare change to invest in something, what's the best thing that looks promising, I'll be happy with a quick double up
dallasfan's Avatar
I see the feds are going to start their own digital currency this summer. Think it will have any effect on crypto?
Played golf with a real fucking moron lately. Asked my advice on DOGECOIN. That pretty much marks a top for all you Bitcoiners. Its a fraud scam and it's for idiots! You are literally buying 1's and 0's on a computer.
No matter how much you warn people there's always another fool.
Joddxxx's Avatar
As I’m writing this, it’s crashing! You’ll have some winners and enormous amount of losers in the crypto world. It’s a bubble. Right now, I’ve invested in Coinbase that’s a brokerage company, so I prefer to invest in the brokerage than the actually coin.
Ralph Fults's Avatar
As I’m writing this, it’s crashing! You’ll have some winners and enormous amount of losers in the crypto world. It’s a bubble. Right now, I’ve invested in Coinbase that’s a brokerage company, so I prefer to invest in the brokerage than the actually coin. Originally Posted by Joddxxx
China banned Bitcoin mining.
First, sucks to miss out on these asset bull markets but Crypto has a ton of risks so it can just as easily go up as down - don't beat yourself up. And also, did you friend sell at the right time and capture that profit? That's another tricky part that people don't often mention (Grace alluded to it)

Since you mentioned Ripple, you might want to read this. I have some exposure to cross-boarder payments professionally and I don't think many in the industry have a favorable view of Ripple/XRP.
The centralized nature of Ripple is problematic to me as the controlling company is spending a ton of money to promote Ripple network while being able (and incented) to "Print" money using XRP issuance to fund their marketing budget. It's a little too incestual for my taste :-)
Grace Preston's Avatar
China banned Bitcoin mining. Originally Posted by Ralph Fults

And the US is looking into much more heavy handed regulations on it as well.