Farewell thread

I have recently had some changes in my life, for the better.
I have found what I am looking for and know that I will never return here. I would like to give thanks to the Ladies and Gentlemen that have befriended me here over the years.
I wish you all well as your life goes forward. And wish that all may find their destiny as I have.
Sincerely Slingblade
Wish you all the best!
Congrats and best of luck doll
Say What's Avatar
seanj317's Avatar
Fair winds and following seas.
TexTushHog's Avatar
Hope it works for you, old friend. But if not, we're always here. Best of luck!
We should add status buttons to ECCIE:

1 . I'm in a relationship... for now
2. It's complicated
3. I'm under new management
4. A Krispy Kreme light for those working late hours
5. A Red Light for those on a cycle but still want to entertain clients
6. A Yellow Light for those already pregnant
7. A green light for those who provide BB services... eventually leading back to #6 on the list.

This is in no way an under-handed or intentional shot directed at the OP. Just a thought that popped in my head b/c a buddy of mine posted he was out of the "game" by changing his relationship status on FB
Luke Skywalker's Avatar
See you soon
pyramider's Avatar
He will be back.

We are not alone....