Did it occur to anyone...


I can't possibly be the only person that believes this: it shouldn't be "black lives matter," it should be "all lives matter." I'm pretty sick of this movement, I find it incredibly racist toward every ethnicity besides African Americans. (Which, btw, if we're being politically correct, shouldn't it be African American lives matter? Isn't saying black lives politically incorrect?) White people kill black people, black people kill white people, Mexicans kill white people, Asian people kill Mexicans, yada yada yada. Yes there is racism, but I believe there is a lot less of it than what is portrayed. I think people concentrate waaaaay too much on the color of a person's skin. The minute a black person is killed by a white person, it is immediately labeled a hate crime. And our African American President sure isn't helping to put out any fires in that category. It seems like he fuels it. Enough. I'm sure I'll get some hate mail for this. But I stand by it. I discriminate not by the color of someone's skin, but by the quality of a person and the standards they hold themselves to.
A friend of mine and I were in Wal-Mart the other day and a group of "black-Americans" ( I refuse to refer to a group of people that is 2 or more generations old as anything other than American) decided to throw out a racial slur towards my friend for being " in the way". Now mind you my friend is a post surgery amputee only a few weeks old. Still dealing with the loss of a few toes on one foot due to medical issue. We joke that they "went to market" all the time. So he is getting his scooter folded up and fixing to get an electric cart to due some shopping since he can't walk on his foot yet. When out walks a group of 5-7 black males between 25-35 and he is polite and sais excuse me sorry trying to move from there exit. When one spout of get the fuck out da way fucking cracker! Now my friend being who he is without missing a beat spout back " HEY I PREFER THE TERM SALTINE AMERICAN MR SHARPTON!" Oh The look on there faces was priceless. Some people are good some people are bad there's good and bad in every creed and color. You bleed red the same as I do. I will show you respect just as much as you show me. The moment you expect something without earning or want to disrespect me that's when we will have issues.
Very well put Evie I would agree
You are right Evie. All lives do matter! If we would be color blind and treat everyone with respect and dignity then this movement would die.
It seems to me, as a race, Caucasians are more color blind than African Americans. A black guy is shot by a white guy and the first thing said is that its a hate crime. Not, oh hey, hmmm, what did the guy do. And you got everybody in the states all over that. The freaking President sure as hell seems to encourage racism with his actions more than trying to unite a country. The race gap is bigger than its been in a long time. Yet, a white guy killed by a black man, barely makes news. This movement won't die til we have a President who isn't racist, an administration that will stand up to this bullshit. People get scared the minute someone makes a racist accusation. I say tell them to prove it or stfu. This is getting out of hand.
Good for your friend. I've been called cracker a few times. Its just a word, a pathetic attempt at an insult obviously coming from a small minded and pathetic person. You ever hear of a white person getting all pissed when called a cracker? But you sure hear it from the other side.
I agree with you to a point Evie....our president is just a puppet though the string masters are who is to blame. The reason why these type of crimes are being blown waayyy out of proportion is just another way to keep all races separate with hatred towards each other. It's another form of control.
Very well spoken Evie, I agree completely.
Prove it or STFU.
LongTimeMonger's Avatar
Totally agree Evie. Especially when you look into statistics of police shootings. Everyone should be judged by their actions, nothing else.
Never truer words... I don't indulge in any type of social media networks (aside from eccie) as its a cesspool of garbage. I have children of all races, so it's better for me to not even read the trash in the news and on social media sites. The biggest problem we have is too many black people still resort to the slave days whenever they want to make a point about white people being more racist or superior than other races. Gtfoh! I wasn't a slave owner!

It all boils down to ignorance- which so happens to be color blind.
LongTimeMonger's Avatar
"It all boils down to ignorance- which so happens to be color blind."

Well said Gemma. My deceased wife was Lebanese and my two daughter in laws are Viet, lol. It's all about who you are in your mind and soul. And I don't think anyone today can continue to blame things like slavery for their present situation. Nearly as many Irish were sold into slavery by the English and they sure aren't still making excuses.
this story is sooooo funny. I bet they didn't see that coming. HA
Flying1eagle's Avatar
If you can't love your fellow man then who can you love? I agree evie! Respect is earned and love is a gift.
(Which, btw, if we're being politically correct, shouldn't it be African American lives matter? . Originally Posted by Evie Doll
oh, you started so well

no, not everyone who is black is from africa.
you are dumb(not racist) to think all blacks are from africa
most blacks were born here in the united states
why the hell would you call them "African?
DO you call all asian people "Chinese" or Japanese?

Or do you call a fat guy, "impaired skinny guy"
or the tall guy, "not short?
skin color is a characteristic.
deal with it in a honest way not pC way where everyone gets 1st place and an oscar!

Being black in America does not make you African-American. Being black and African-American are not mutually inclusive descriptors that hold true for every person of color.
You are right Evie. All lives do matter! If we would be color blind and treat everyone with respect and dignity then this movement would die. Originally Posted by W020163
Would you say adold hitlers life matters(if he were alive)

not everyone matters
you dont "matter" or are "worthwhile" just cause you are alive
is a fat slob who watches tv all day the same as firefighter who has saved people?

not everyone matters