P411 site seems to be down.

thecdog66's Avatar

I can't get P411 site.

Anyone else??

Dallas Diva's Avatar
No problem for me to get on, try again!
I can get on too
Saturn's Avatar
I got on fine today
Its up and running fine, just go on.
heymister's Avatar
yeah cdog -
I am having trouble with it too. I came straight here to the forum to see if anyone else was having trouble. Everytime I bring up the page, it goes to a godaddy page. Weird. It seems they host through GoDaddy. I hope nothing is awry.

Any thoughts????

heymister's Avatar
i just tried to access it on my cel phone and it worked. Double weird.
There is another thread here about the same problem that seems to have some answers...

[ame="http://www.eccie.net/showthread.php?t=21002"]What's Up or Down Rather with P411 - ECCIE - Your source for escort reviews[/ame]
Lana Warren's Avatar
I had trouble also, but after I rebooted my laptop, it worked just fine!
More importantly, what loser/stalker can we blame it on and flame to death here?
Lana Warren's Avatar
More importantly, what loser/stalker can we blame it on and flame to death here? Originally Posted by cpi3000

I swear I didn't have anything to do with it THIS time!
I NEVER have any trouble on P411 with GINA at the helm.
Ya'll need to check your PC's or Reboot

I like the new ECCIE logo on P411

Juan Pablo de Marco's Avatar
why the fuck do people panic every time they can't get to a website? about a hundred reasons why a particular website may be inaccessible at any given time. and rarely is there a need to reboot your computer unless you have serious pc problems that have nothing to do with the site you are trying to get to. and you might want to look into that.

take a break. maybe go outside. call a friend. AND TRY AGAIN A LITTLE LATER. it's probably not you. it's probably them. they will be back.

More importantly, what loser/stalker can we blame it on and flame to death here? Originally Posted by cpi3000
GinaXXX's Avatar
I screwed up and updated our name servers (incorrectly) today, and so the site was down for some ISPs (but not all). Whether you were able to access the site or not had to do with how quickly your ISP updated to the new (incorrect) name servers. Hope I explained that right! lol

It should all be working fine for everyone now, I noticed the mistake right away but it took a few hours for some people to be able to hit the site. Sorry about that... I feel like an ass.



Everybody makes mistakes so don't sweat it, you are human just like the rest of us. I am surprised that a DNS update occured as fast as you indicated but whatever the cause, the fact you are here explaining what happened should be good enough for everyone.

I am sure everyone that was affected is happy to read what you posted.