Biggest Gossipers

Who do you think gossips the most about posts, drama, leaks, accusations and catfights and pissing matches??
Who do you think sends the most pm's amongst one another?

I say its the guys!
ElumEno's Avatar
Gossip? Never... but let me tell you about who I have heard gossips the most.........

We might not be the biggest gossips... but we sure can jump to conclusions faster then most of you ladies.
algrace's Avatar


Do I jump to conclusions? Nope, not ever! *sly grins*
ElumEno's Avatar
We all do...
it is just that I believe us males have a testosterone fueled advantage over you ladies when It comes to jumping to conclusions.

Mix one part Testosterone to one part Scotch and add in a pinch of stupid... well we have all seen the results.
We all do...
it is just that I believe us males have a testosterone fueled advantage over you ladies when It comes to jumping to conclusions.

Mix one part Testosterone to one part Scotch and add in a pinch of stupid... well we have all seen the results. Originally Posted by ElumEno
Any more than a pinch of stupid is definitely too much Elum! LOL
If conclusion jumping was a Olympic sport, my ex would have won it.
ElumEno's Avatar
If conclusion jumping was a Olympic sport, my ex would have won it. Originally Posted by i'va biggen
Not if she was up against our own Inspector Clouseau...

Now that would be fun having him as a Mod...
ISODT's Avatar
  • 02-20-2014, 08:08 AM
No stone would go left unturned

Both of the genders are equally bad IMHO, you (as in general 'you') should see the Men's loun.... wait... I've heard they do!
Any more than a pinch of stupid is definitely too much Elum! LOL Originally Posted by Gemma34
Well Gemma I think I took the Gold, Silver and Bronze in stupidity lol.
Well Gemma I think I took the Gold, Silver and Bronze in stupidity lol. Originally Posted by Grizzly
Its just a learning lesson hun
Its just a learning lesson hun Originally Posted by Gemma34
yeah and a shitty one at that, thanks for not giving up on me