SO's and families

Just a random thought I was having the other night after a conversation with an older retired friend. We occasional chat about different shit and this was one. I know many of us are in this hobby for various reasons, whether to find strange, or not getting any at home, or any variety of other reasons. I'm wondering how many actually have a significant other or families in our lives, whether is be provider or hobbyist. And do they know or do you keep it a secret from them?
Wow. What a difficult subject. I have chatted with a few providers about family life. Does their family know? Are they supportive of it? It's usually a bumpy road. Especially when it comes to an SO. They may or may not liking their girl being a provider, and may end up dealing with more good than bad at times. There's all kinds of issues. Especially with the darker side of providing. Let's face it, it's a pretty risky "job". STD's, LE, and not to mention some of the crazies the girls might run across. They might seem fine during screening, but could turn out to be abusive or obsessive, and even become stalkers, to the point where it intrudes into the relationship and damages and even sometimes destroys it. These "couples" have a lot to deal with regardless. I know if I was that SO, I'd be in a constant state of worry and concern, and it would take a bigger man than I am to deal with it. I gotta give the provider and her guy a lot of credit to be able to deal with all the shit this "job" has to offer. Hats off to you both.
Plastic Man's Avatar
Just a random thought I was having the other night after a conversation with an older retired friend. We occasional chat about different shit and this was one. I know many of us are in this hobby for various reasons, whether to find strange, or not getting any at home, or any variety of other reasons. I'm wondering how many actually have a significant other or families in our lives, whether is be provider or hobbyist. And do they know or do you keep it a secret from them? Originally Posted by rodeomann22
burger ...what an important ...question! ...everyone give yer ...personal details on the jimmie board cause it been turned into the ...sharin is carin board be an even better ...idear ...bring yer family to yer dates! ...they can either wait in the car till ya done spent yer ...wad ...or they can come in the room and hold a ...towel ...fer clean up

Lexxxy's Avatar
I guess I'm lucky that the Majority of my GFs think it's hot , consider it swinging, and like to do duos with me . I will say that i have 1 gf (i guess you can call her my main Gf) that doesn't like me seeing new people at my home. She lives less than a mile away and works from home online. When i see someone new or where i am the sub at home she wants a text before and after just to know I'm okay. If i am booked longer or am going to run late I'll text from the bathroom or kitchen while freshening up.
I can't have 5 gfs and some subs with jealousy involved. The only time there was any jealously was when i sent a Gf to the lobby or pool while i had a date especially because one of the dates was with a super hot gent that I've known since college. I was in the dog house so hard for excluding her and for getting mister hotty to myself. Now i post that i do duos only while on tour after learning that lesson twice and the hard way.
burger ...what an important ...question! ...everyone give yer ...personal details on the jimmie board cause it been turned into the ...sharin is carin board be an even better ...idear ...bring yer family to yer dates! ...they can either wait in the car till ya done spent yer ...wad ...or they can come in the room and hold a ...towel ...fer clean up

Originally Posted by Plastic Man
That is not what I was going for PM, was just a general question is all. I'm sure most won't respond to having a fam or whatever but, if can get a few opinions that would be helpful is all

Thanks for you input though
Plastic Man's Avatar
That is not what I was going for PM, was just a general question is all. I'm sure most won't respond to having a fam or whatever but, if can get a few opinions that would be helpful is all Originally Posted by rodeomann22
helpful? ...hmmmmmmm ...this be a real head ...scratcher

...hows bouts if ya done gots a ya dont want them findin out yer involved in ...illegal activities and leadin a ...secret life ...then dont fuck no funnels

helpful? ...hmmmmmmm ...this be a real head ...scratcher

...hows bouts if ya done gots a ya dont want them findin out yer involved in ...illegal activities and leadin a ...secret life ...then dont fuck no funnels

Originally Posted by Plastic Man

Well no shit Sherlock, but that's not the point this is just a general question. I know you keeping it on point but some other helpful information would be nice man. Just saying
offshoredrilling's Avatar
ahhhh so who ya thinking of blackmailing? just askin
ahhhh so who ya thinking of blackmailing? just askin Originally Posted by offshoredrilling
That thought never once crossed my mind osd, was just a general thought for discussion that's all
What a great idea for a thread.
offshoredrilling's Avatar
That thought never once crossed my mind osd, was just a general thought for discussion that's all Originally Posted by rodeomann22
ok, just helping others I see

btw: TOS, taint easy to lurk, can you give me links to look at.
or do i have to join to get banned for . just askin
TheBisexualPhilogynist's Avatar
When I was a provider... My mom knew... Just in case something happened to me... It was better that someone knew. She also knows that I hobby on the other side.
And yes... My Significant Other knows that I hobby. We do it together most of the time! He also hobbies without me.
offshoredrilling's Avatar
When I was a provider... My mom knew... Just in case something happened to me... It was better that someone knew. She also knows that I hobby on the other side.
And yes... My Significant Other knows that I hobby. We do it together most of the time! He also hobbies without me. Originally Posted by TheBisexualPhilogynist
Oh go ahead and rent some pussy or dick on your own. shhhhhh we will not tell on ya
When I was a provider... My mom knew... Just in case something happened to me... It was better that someone knew. She also knows that I hobby on the other side.
And yes... My Significant Other knows that I hobby. We do it together most of the time! He also hobbies without me. Originally Posted by TheBisexualPhilogynist
What a cool position you and TM are in!
And that's pretty awesome also that you and your mom were able to share that info. I'm guessing most mothers would not be that cool.
DDarkness's Avatar

Thanks, interesting thread!