Another one for Satin...

bluffcityguy's Avatar
and any other Whovians out there:

How old is the Doctor really?

“I’ve lived for over two thousand years,” the Twelfth Doctor told Clara last year. But it’s possible he was rounding up. Or down. Or sideways. Does he even know any more? Surely there comes a point when you stop counting those candles? Especially when you’re the sort of guy whose days, as the Seventh Doctor once remarked, are “like crazy paving”.

What is clear is that, for many years, the only consistent thing about the Doctor’s age was its inconsistency. But, here at, we’re not the sort to let a little thing like that stop us getting to the bottom of the matter. So – deep breath – here goes...


Well BCG, I don't know if you saw Saturday's episode, but he spent alot of years breaking through that "harder than diamond" material with his bare hands. I'm not sure how that effects his age being that he died and brought himself back the same as he was when first got there. As he got to the diamond thingy each time he said he could remember each time. So that leaves his memory much older than his body? Lol like always trying to attach regular thing like age to The Doctor is just silly.
SexyBritneyJ's Avatar
It's hard to keep up with it when his lifetime is all timey-wimey like that.
bluffcityguy's Avatar
It's hard to keep up with it when his lifetime is all timey-wimey like that. Originally Posted by SexyBritneyJ
Yeah, but it gives us geeks something to obsess over, and that's more than half the fun.

