
Let's be open. What exactly has she done to you. A handful of members keep talking about she's done this or she's done that. Let's see what she's actually done. Coolbeans10 comments don't count as he seems to be BSC.
Give it up Sarah.
Skip_8's Avatar
Apart from the previous allegations, should you be a mandle, this does not do you any help whatsoever. In fact, it would further cement any ambivalent positions against you.

This would basically be further proof that you were BSC prior to your ban and still BSC and a danger post ban.
You didn't learn a lesson and most guys would be wise to avoid you, lest they want to suffer real world consequences.
Apart from the previous allegations, should you be a mandle, this does not do you any help whatsoever. In fact, it would further cement any ambivalent positions against you.

This would basically be further proof that you were BSC prior to your ban and still BSC and a danger post ban.
You didn't learn a lesson and most guys would be wise to avoid you, lest they want to suffer real world consequences. Originally Posted by Skip_8

What did Sarah do to you besides have a high price?
Give it up Sarah. Originally Posted by WARHEAD
You might have a story, as well. In what way has Sarah harmed you?
Let's be open. What exactly has she done to you. A handful of members keep talking about she's done this or she's done that. Let's see what she's actually done. Coolbeans10 comments don't count as he seems to be BSC. Originally Posted by Justlookingjohn
Sweetsarah/ziba, just because I'm the loudest asshole in here doesn't mean the overwhelming majority of members do not see you for what you really are. Your continued attempts to deceive will be met with the same resistance.
Give it up Sarah.
Skip_8's Avatar
Yup, Sweet sarah, just sent me a text saying that she didn't do anything to me and yet I continue to talk about her.

Sarah, I just said If the Justlookingjohn handle is a mandle, then it's not good for you.

1. Justlookingjohn immediate response along with the text from Sarah prove she is using a mandle....I had only said If it was.

2. receiving unsolicited texts with regard to a post that was not accusatory is very disturbing.

To reiterate, I was not making accusations just stating that if the Justlookingjohn is a mandle then it was not a good thing.

Clearly, this girl has some issues as she perceives anything short of a glowing endorsement as an attack and I see a vindictive streak in her guys.

Now I can confidently say I was on the fence about seeing her.
[that means sarah, I left the possibility seeing you Open, as in I would probably have seen you at some future time.]

Not now, hell the fuck NO! Too many red flags.
Oh, the gif you put on bp was effing hilarious by the way
Skip_8's Avatar
Wow, she just hit me up via text using a differnt number. SMH, this girl crazy.

Sarah, you need to take a hint and quit stalking people.

The whole point of this site is for us to share information on ladies. There was an alert on you by a credible member in long good standing.

Then, your actions caused you to be banned.

We discuss your behaviour and give your thoughts on it. That is why I and others are discussing you.

Time to change my hobby number...sigh.
Skip_8's Avatar
Correction, Sarah just pointed out via text that it's the same number as I had deleted our conversation.

...my mistake, smh.
pyramider's Avatar
Has Sarah posted taint photos?
Has Sarah posted taint photos? Originally Posted by pyramider


Here ^^^^ but I dont know if its her skin tone or the camera, but I looks gross.
David.Douchehurst's Avatar
Has Sarah posted taint photos? Originally Posted by pyramider
IF ONLY!!! Harumph!
David.Douchehurst's Avatar
Let's be open. What exactly has she done to you. A handful of members keep talking about she's done this or she's done that. Let's see what she's actually done. Coolbeans10 comments don't count as he seems to be BSC. Originally Posted by Justlookingjohn
Tha werd onna street is thet she adopt'd sum cute l'il ol' baby kittens frum tha ani-mule shelter an' put 'em inna gunny sack an' toss'd um inta Town Lake ta drown!!!

An' she fucked Donaldt Trump but instead o' $130K ta keep quiet, she settl'd fer a gently used VCR, a gen-u-wine naugahyde livin' room set, an' a shee-yit ton o' half-off & BOGO Papa John's coupons.