I sure as Hell hate politicians

loveitdou's Avatar
So now politics have become the forefront of Carnival. Sad about the festivities and the deaths. Good time to be somewhere else make that Anywhere else!

We are out to sea headed roughly North on what is already a rough passage bucking the wind and the current but after a few days we should sail into favorable winds.

I do wish the Best for the wonderful people of Brazil and Thank You RIO!
loveitdou's Avatar
We are headed for the Caribbean out of Rio now over 48 hours in passage, we are making slow headway, about 180 nautical miles in 24 hours and it is not pleasant sailing, big swells on our starboard beam and tacking makes for a hard time to sleep. I get tossed around in my bed and almost thrown out when we are tacking. My brother and I are sharing turns at the helm, (3 Hours) tacking this yacht requires 2 people to handle lines and the helm so since we are both Jokers we are getting in some good times catching up with each other. I about 3-5 days should make the "nose" of South America and catch some very favorable winds and current.
BigLouie's Avatar
There are some real nice resorts at that point. Maybe pull in and relax
loveitdou's Avatar
Well after 6 rough days we are close to Natal Brazil and according to satellite info much more favorable sailing conditions. We have averaged about 230 nautical miles/day fighting the wind and current the whole way, still have about 80 miles to go. We'll stay over a couple days and re provision food and fuel. I will be getting a new playmate flown in from Rio to join me till we reach St Lucia.

I have put my driver J on a retainer to help arrange and transport a girl from Rio to Natal and back.
This beauty spent most of the night with me in my hotel overlooking the Carnival on the 10th and she's a Very Naughty Girl--VERY NAUGHTY!!!!http://www.riosexsite.com/files/foto...511_11_ftp.jpg

OBTW he's enjoying his new Toyota Avalon-Bonus!