Providers: What is your ideal client volume?

In other words, how many people do you or would you truly enjoy seeing? Whether that's in a day, week, month, or even year

The keyword is enjoy, so not a number that you feel you have to do solely for finances

I think the "sweet spot" for me would be 3 dates per week. Not too little, not too much. Enough to keep me mentally, physically, sated...

I also like to ...well need to take frequent breaks so I don't get bored/jaded/burnt out ...the sweet spot keeps me wanting more ...hooked
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My two minutes of loving rarely even smudges the makeup.
I am perfect at 3-4 a week. Even at my lowest rates 4 dates a week is enough to get me where I need to be so I never need to book more than that I'm just a bum college student in sweats the rest of the time lol.

I get especially horny like a week after my period for some reason though (prolly cuz I don't work then). I don't take more clients but I am more eager to do multi-hours so I - I mean we can get off as much a possible...
its is interesting you two have said 3 or 3-4 a week. I have talked to providers who see 3-5 a day and one who sees 8 in a day when she can.
Oh good god no. 8 in a day?! I refuse to schedule more than 2 a day and prefer only 1 daily really. Well, the beauty about this job is that ladies can run it and tailor it to their needs. This is not my main form of income (and I really do just enjoy the sex and companionship) so I can be more picky about my clientele.

I came into this job thinking, what is the minimum I would like to make monthly and how many gentlemen would I like to see a week. 4 is my tops weekly so I did a little calculation and voila, I set my rates accordingly, so even if I just had 9 dates a month at only my minimum rate I would still make as much as I wanted to.

For a lot of ladies this is their entire career. They have time to see that many clients a day and truly need the money that it draws in. With 8 clients in a day however, that's just a lot of hours of sex to me. Counting in the times between dates (I hope) a lady uses to freshen up, she could literally be working from sun up to sun down. And where does that leave multi-hour dates? I love and prefer multi-hour dates but 8 clients at the lowest of 2 hours...16 hours of sex?! I can only commend the lady that works that hard because I couldn't do it, that's just too much wear and tear on my body.

I like only 3-4 a week because I have time to get to know the gentleman and personally tailor my services to his tastes. I don't want to worry about getting him in and out so I can see enough gentlemen that day to make my daily quota. This job is truly a pleasure and I like to take my time. Sometimes, I feel weird and a little bad because of the stress that some ladies express about not being able to take on enough clients to get the bills paid. I don't look down on them and I actually respect them more because they are such hard workers. I just don't happen to fall into this category of provider is all.
I usually see 3-5 clients a day.
I honestly think 3-5 daily is a good average in this lifestyle. If I ever decide to make this a full career I would definitely try to bump up my number of dates.

I know my count is unusually low lol people don't even believe me when I tell them so I usually just keep it to myself but it's all I want and need so I am happy
1 a day. I hate seeing more than 1 a day & I feel I'm at my best when I can devote that day (single rendezvous) to that 1 gentleman. I don't know how ladies can see multiple men a day. If you've got it in you, go for it. I envy you & the money you make. Maybe it's my age, but I just don't have the energy. Lol. I'll do 2 a day if one is in the morning/early afternoon & the other is in the evening such as, a multi-hour/dinner date. Even then, it's hard for me to get into being Evie again later in the day.

3-4 a week is perfect. If I get 4-5 a week, I consider myself totally booked for the week & I'm happy. I usually won't book more than 5 per week. I also hate working weekends. I don't want to be at my incall unless I'm doing an evening appointment such as a multi-hour or dinner date. I like to stay home with my kiddo, cooking, cleaning, working out, & relaxing. That is my ME time & makes me feel normal like I have a regular person's job & schedule.

Luckily, I'm able to get the rate I list & that definitely keeps me low volume. I set it according to what I think I deserve, what will keep me financially stable, & the amount of appointments I'd like to take per week.
1 a day. I hate seeing more than 1 a day & I feel I'm at my best when I can devote that day (single rendezvous) to that 1 gentleman. I don't know how ladies can see multiple men a day. If you've got it in you, go for it. I envy you & the money you make. Maybe it's my age, but I just don't have the energy. Lol. I'll do 2 a day if one is in the morning/early afternoon & the other is in the evening such as, a multi-hour/dinner date. Even then, it's hard for me to get into being Evie again later in the day.

3-4 a week is perfect. If I get 4-5 a week, I consider myself totally booked for the week & I'm happy. I usually won't book more than 5 per week. I also hate working weekends. I don't want to be at my incall unless I'm doing an evening appointment such as a multi-hour or dinner date. I like to stay home with my kiddo, cooking, cleaning, working out, & relaxing. That is my ME time & makes me feel normal like I have a regular person's job & schedule.

Luckily, I'm able to get the rate I list & that definitely keeps me low volume. I set it according to what I think I deserve, what will keep me financially stable, & the amount of appointments I'd like to take per week. Originally Posted by evietaylor
I agree wholeheartedly, Evie. Life always comes first for me.

Since appointments for me are mostly dinner dates, clock-free dates and weekend dates, and literally just ONE of the things I do, I look at things on a monthly basis. I usually have about 9 appointments a month, and if I have room for an impromptu meeting, I'll most definitely make room.

Even when I travel, 2-3 2-4-hour appointments a day is enough. I know ladies that see 9 .5 or 1 hour appointments a day too, and God bless 'em.
I get especially horny like a week after my period for some reason though (prolly cuz I don't work then). Originally Posted by Karyn Lovely
Tell me about it, period of abstinence .... LOL

Sometimes, I feel weird and a little bad because of the stress that some ladies express about not being able to take on enough clients to get the bills paid. I don't look down on them and I actually respect them more because they are such hard workers. I just don't happen to fall into this category of provider is all. Originally Posted by Karyn Lovely
Geez. ..I feel stressed when I get too many offers in one week and it's frustrating because I don't enjoy turning away good clients

And I'm curious as to what kind of lifestyles these women must live worrying about not being able to take on enough clients to just get the bills paid. What are you living in a mansion, driving a Porsche, got a penchant for Gucci and Prada? Lol all jokes aside who knows what someone's circumstances are don't know how it is unless you're in their shoes.

I know my count is unusually low lol people don't even believe me when I tell them so I usually just keep it to myself but it's all I want and need so I am happy Originally Posted by Karyn Lovely
Not sure why it would be so difficult to believe. Like all the indulgences in life, moderation is key for a healthy well-balanced life

1 a day. I hate seeing more than 1 a day & I feel I'm at my best when I can devote that day (single rendezvous) to that 1 gentleman. I don't know how ladies can see multiple men a day. If you've got it in you, go for it. I envy you & the money you make. Maybe it's my age, but I just don't have the energy.

3-4 a week is perfect. If I get 4-5 a week, I consider myself totally booked for the week & I'm happy. I usually won't book more than 5 per week. I also hate working weekends. I don't want to be at my incall unless I'm doing an evening appointment such as a multi-hour or dinner date. I like to stay home with my kiddo, cooking, cleaning, working out, & relaxing. That is my ME time & makes me feel normal like I have a regular person's job & schedule.

Luckily, I'm able to get the rate I list & that definitely keeps me low volume. I set it according to what I think I deserve, what will keep me financially stable, & the amount of appointments I'd like to take per week. Originally Posted by evietaylor
Evie I'm young and I don't have the energy to take on more than 1 client a day or 5 per week! I've always thought it's because I'm unusually sensitive. I just prefer a low-key lifestyle. What you're doing is great, sounds pretty healthy. I'm grateful and happy to be able to keep a low volume schedule as well