interesting email spam

pmdelites's Avatar
i can imagine that most guys get those spam emails selling ED drugs or promising satisfaction every nite - both in your hobby and real life email accts. here are two email subject lines i saw today that got zapped by my super-spam-inator filter.

Time for wonderful delight in bed
===> they're reading my mind.

You can have pleasance several times on end
===> wow, a new term to use!

ladies, do you all receive spam emails in either your hobby or real life email accounts?? if so, how much?

just wondering if these spams are "gender" targeted [based on acctname] or just scattering shoots blasting out into the email sphere.

i also get a ton of spams in chinese. are spammers thinking that chinese is THE language of the world??
Sir Lancehernot's Avatar
I get a lot of penis-enlargement e-mails and wonder which provider gave out my e-mail address.
Spikebaby's Avatar
Top 5 SPAM emails my monkey and I get:

5. ED meds (like I need that)
4. Penis enlargement (No thanks...I can just go by the Condoms To Go Store and pick up a new toy)
3. Luminosity (uh..have you met me....I am already brilliant...just ask me)
2. "You have been selected to receive 1.billion dollars...just send me your social security number" (I always do, but I never hear back from them)
1. "What's up with your monkey?"

I want me some "pleasance"....

Somebody must have let the cat out of the bag about me being a real dumb ass 'cause lately I've been getting a LOT of spam from for-profit online universities telling me I could get a job in medical records or automotive repair or international busines or rocket science or brain surgery in as little as 9 months! They quit worrying about my dick a couple of years ago. I guess the cat's out on that one, too......
Somebody must have let the cat out of the bag about me being a real dumb ass 'cause lately I've been getting a LOT of spam from for-profit online universities telling me I could get a job in medical records or automotive repair or international busines or rocket science or brain surgery in as little as 9 months! They quit worrying about my dick a couple of years ago. I guess the cat's out on that one, too...... Originally Posted by phildo

I must be on the same list
randall flagg's Avatar
My personal favorite spams are the ones I get to 'Randall Flagg' that I have been nominated for Who's Who due to my accomplishments. I wonder what my fictional character has done to earn me this great honor. It can't be any of the many ladies I have seen through P411 because my handle is not associated with that account, so it must be one of the few to whom I have revealed my handle. Thank you whoever you are. I must have given you some pleasance.

2. "You have been selected to receive 1.billion dollars...just send me your social security number" (I always do, but I never hear back from them)

and Spikebaby - I am holding your money cuz the name on the SSN you emailed to me was 'Original Jenna of Dallas' - if you get with Social Security to change it to 'Spikebaby' I can release your funds immediately.
bored@home's Avatar
I would rather get those as opposed to the number of the below on my work email at 3,4, and 5 AM;
<Male Name> sent you a PRIVATE MESSAGE
<Male Name> sent you a FRIEND REQUEST on Millionaire Dates
Just got out of a very long and verbally abusive marriage.
I'm now looking to have some fun and live my life the right way.
<Image of bald dude on phone walking from a plane>

I'm a commercial real estate investor that requires I travel throughout the US.
My hobbies include, boating, traveling, martial arts, cooking and reading, to name a few.
Looking for an attractive, smart and ambitious woman to keep me company and allow me to spend my riches on her.
Would be very supportive in contributing towards the achievement of your own goals, whatever they may be.

I will treat you with respect and show you a good time no matter where we are or what we do...
SOB works better than a alarm clock but never leaves a number
Spikebaby's Avatar
My personal favorite spams are the ones I get to 'Randall Flagg' that I have been nominated for Who's Who due to my accomplishments. I wonder what my fictional character has done to earn me this great honor. It can't be any of the many ladies I have seen through P411 because my handle is not associated with that account, so it must be one of the few to whom I have revealed my handle. Thank you whoever you are. I must have given you some pleasance.

2. "You have been selected to receive 1.billion dollars...just send me your social security number" (I always do, but I never hear back from them)

and Spikebaby - I am holding your money cuz the name on the SSN you emailed to me was 'Original Jenna of Dallas' - if you get with Social Security to change it to 'Spikebaby' I can release your funds immediately. Originally Posted by randall flagg

A Ha! Be on the look out for my paperwork

pmdelites's Avatar
...2. "You have been selected to receive 1.billion dollars...just send me your social security number" (I always do, but I never hear back from them)

and Spikebaby - I am holding your money cuz the name on the SSN you emailed to me was 'Original Jenna of Dallas' - if you get with Social Security to change it to 'Spikebaby' I can release your funds immediately. Originally Posted by randall flagg
A Ha! Be on the look out for my paperwork
Spikebaby Originally Posted by Spikebaby
and you know that the SSA office is just up Central on the access road between meadow and royal?

if randall wont release the money, i've got something for you to release.
and you know that the SSA office is just up Central on the access road between meadow and royal?

if randall wont release the money, i've got something for you to release.
Originally Posted by pmdelites
Hmmm...I need to get caught again and rejoin the spikebaby "catch and release program".