
I've noticed that a couple of ladies of recent (BP) have posted ads stating they accept Paypal payments. We all know that BP ads can land you a stay at the 'Mansion' with 3 hots and a cot and if you're unlucky some guys cock. However should you choose to do so and make a payment via Paypal and get busted. Does that mean you can dispute the charges (money paid) using Paypal's dispute process and get your money back because the services you paid for were not rendered? And no I am not going to try that one out, well not unless Lindsay Paige takes Paypal!

Also this emote has nothing to do with this post, I just liked it.
CaptainMastPole's Avatar
I see that being less a risk than the ones that take credit card. The last thing I want is a BP provider scanning my credit card. That is asking for identity theft. money talks bullshit walks
sean rider's Avatar
Contracts for law breaking are not enforceable.