Hobbying less

In the past year I probably have seen 4 providers. That is the least I have seen in my years of being in this hobby. Selection seems limited these days, not really any new providers that are worth wasting the time. Also too much drama on Twitter. I see all their postings which makes me not want to set something up, and if you do they flake out. But then they call out the guys who flake out on them. I ask one of the guys on this board if a provider is worth the coin. He goes and run to the provider and tells her,SMH. Don't see anything wronng with the question asking another guy. I've been in this hobby for about 20 years. Think I have less desire to see anyone which might be a good thing, saves me time and money. Maybe I'm missing out on something. What you think?
lilylivered's Avatar
Im still having fun going broke
Man good for you! This year I have more money in the bank lol
Frank Fucks It Right's Avatar
You need to come to Europe to re-charge your hobbying batteries. Spain, Germany and Ukraine are amazing.

In the past year I probably have seen 4 providers. That is the least I have seen in my years of being in this hobby. Selection seems limited these days, not really any new providers that are worth wasting the time. Also too much drama on Twitter. I see all their postings which makes me not want to set something up, and if you do they flake out. But then they call out the guys who flake out on them. I ask one of the guys on this board if a provider is worth the coin. He goes and run to the provider and tells her,SMH. Don't see anything wronng with the question asking another guy. I've been in this hobby for about 20 years. Think I have less desire to see anyone which might be a good thing, saves me time and money. Maybe I'm missing out on something. What you think? Originally Posted by papitoloco
PhoenixFux's Avatar
Well, the coin question was about me. You had difficulty and indecisiveness with setting up. Said person was with me while texting you. It was all apart of the conversation.
You get fed up with the drama.... us ladies do as well!

You also need to understand I can have this game of tag with dozens of people on any given day. It gets exhausting. Shit or get off the pot... IMO
offshoredrilling's Avatar
ah noooooooooooo please just get off and stop killing my view
Mr Dingleberry's Avatar
The drama on Twitter with some of them is ridiculous. Love the ones that say they dont want drama but yet post drama all the time. Arianna is one of the worst ones.
SweetElizabeth's Avatar
Alright- here's a question for you: when you believe certain women are full of drama and another lady ReTweets a tweet of travel update or info or something of such a person, does the lady that RTd turn you off?
jokacz's Avatar
Here's the solution, shitcan all the tweets and the texts. Get on the phone and have a conversation for 3 minutes. All problems solved, all questions resolved. They won't do it because they can't organize their bullshit in real time.
offshoredrilling's Avatar
Here's the solution, shitcan all the tweets and the texts. Get on the phone and have a conversation for 3 minutes. All problems solved, all questions resolved. They won't do it because they can't organize their bullshit in real time. Originally Posted by jokacz
shhhhhhh ya killing the best reading
jokacz's Avatar
bigdickdaddydom's Avatar
Havin the best time ever. Twitter opened up new world. High end girls who refused to use shit sites like this I didn't Kno about. Like tryst.link too.
Plastic Man's Avatar
High end girls who refused to use shit sites like this I didn't Kno about. Originally Posted by bigdickdaddydom
thens gets the fucks off ...this beloved board an spares ...us all ...froms yer exploits a violatin high ...end land whales
I cant stand Arianna. She thinks she is the best thing since sliced bread because some of these ole dudes feed into her pity parade. What she doesnt realize is that she has alienated so many people. Complaining about cancellations yet she is habitually late and cancels all the time. Not worth the drama.
I see a lot of Twitter messages with ladies complaining about cancellations. They say who wants to hop in?

I think it's just another way of saying they've gotten no calls all day.