Another Welfare Scam..

A Seattle woman who is receiving welfare assistance from Washington state also happens to live in a waterfront house on Lake Washington worth more than a million dollars.
Federal agents raided the home this weekend but have not released the woman or her husband's name because they have not officially been charged with a crime.
However, federal documents obtained by KING 5 News show the couple currently receives more than $1,200 a month in public housing vouchers, plus state and government disability checks and food stamps. They have been receiving the benefits since 2003.
The 2,500 square-foot home, which includes gardens and a boat dock, is valued at $1.2 million. And even though the couple has been receiving the benefits for nearly 10 years, records show that they accurately listed the address of their current home when applying for the state and federal benefits.

A federal official told KING 5 that the couple likely took advantage of a loophole, which allows low-income individuals to receive financial assistance to help them pay their rent and move away from housing projects. However, the law does not require officials to verify what type of home the benefits recipient is living in.
As if the million dollar home weren't enough, the supposedly low-income couple also gave money to various charities and traveled around the world to locales in Turkey, Tel Aviv and resort towns in Mexico, according to court records.

GRRRR this makes me sooo sick!! Traveled to Fing Turkey and Tel Aviv?!?!? I'm paying taxes on my lady parts and saving to take my kids to Disney and they live in a lake side mansion on tax payer dime.. But sex s criminalized? This is such bull.
waverunner234's Avatar
Be happy that they were caught. They probably have to pay back all 10 years and will be forced to sell the home. Just wondering how they paid the property tax.
Be happy that they were caught. They probably have to pay back all 10 years and will be forced to sell the home. Just wondering how they paid the property tax. Originally Posted by waverunner234
Yeah, I suppose justice is served.. Just gets under my skin. I went into the welfare office to deal with my deadbeat ex's child support papers and ALL the people in there minus 2 vagrants were better dressed than the workers behind the counter. So many proud people are working their butts off to survive and the shameless few live WELL without a bit of effort.. This system is a joke.
Welfare should be limited to 18 months coupled with a job training and placement program. Once you have a job, you're off welfare for 2 years to avoid people from quitting their jobs and going back to bleed the system.
waverunner234's Avatar
Welfare should be limited to 18 months coupled with a job training and placement program. Once you have a job, you're off welfare for 2 years to avoid people from quitting their jobs and going back to bleed the system. Originally Posted by thehobbydude
Easier said than done
Happens all the time is a military base close to home the providers drive fancy cars have some mink coats and get food stamps.
Chica Chaser's Avatar
Everyone I have ever heard of being on welfare, food stamps, etc has to open up their banking records for income verification.

There must have been additional income somewhere as a $1200/mo housing subsidy isn't going to make the monthly mortgage payment on a home on Lake Washington. I know the area and this isn't for from Bill Gates and Paul Allens neighborhood.

These people are obviously scamming the system but the govt agencies dropped the ball verifying everything.
Yeah, I suppose justice is served.. Just gets under my skin. I went into the welfare office to deal with my deadbeat ex's child support papers and ALL the people in there minus 2 vagrants were better dressed than the workers behind the counter. So many proud people are working their butts off to survive and the shameless few live WELL without a bit of effort.. This system is a joke. Originally Posted by DreamGirlRosy
You don't know where those people got the clothes they're wearing so don't be so quick to judge them. Somebody got through the loops. For the average welfare is extremely difficult to get on. For you to suggest that people are "living off" the system is a joke.
You don't know where those people got the clothes they're wearing so don't be so quick to judge them. Somebody got through the loops. For the average welfare is extremely difficult to get on. For you to suggest that people are "living off" the system is a joke. Originally Posted by Liliana
No, it's not a joke in the least bit. I'm not judging anyone dear, just making educated observations. I very well know the difference between name brand bargain clothes bought at department stores and a Prada hobo bag; or the difference between someone who does their nails at home and the look of a $120 dollar mani-pedi. I know very well how much cars and stereo systems cost as well, are you going to tell me they got their fully customized escalade or impala with the nice rims by not cheating the system either? No. Now, I make damned good money and manage it pretty well but still can't afford the luxuries that seem to be common place among gov scam artists. Why? Because I have to pay rent, water, gas, garbage, cable, phone, internet, netflix, gamefly, xbox online, car note, buy food, and have 2 kids.

Now don't get me wrong, there are people who genuinely NEED the help, and for those I'm thankful the system exists. No child in the US should go hungry because of a lazy mom. The reality of the matter persists though, the vast majority of recipients are living far beyond their means because it's easy. I've done the research and read the rules, they check financial records as far as assets; as long as they don't produce a paper trail they are unchecked. Why do you think it's such a problem? It's not because the stats are doctored, no, countless thousands are making enough cash on the side to more than support themselves and still leeching off the government. Cause hey, whats it matter, its just the economy.. The country's livelihood.. Not that my kids still have to live here after it's all shot to hell or anything.

The sad part is that more commonly, those who really need it are too proud or ashamed to take it. It's the shameless, entitled, greedy slobs who feel it's ok to take a handout even though they are banking who are eating up the resources. I say drug testing across the board and stricter rules on what can be purchased with food stamps. If I'm paying taxes out of money I could really just not report so that some kid can stay fed the least they can do is make it so mom can't buy garbage. The job training idea is wonderful. How about encouraging, or hell, requiring birth control? (Yeah yeah I know the constitutional issues involved) Women are popping out babies BECAUSE of the benefits; having snotty heathens running around is a pretty lucrative business.
Rosy if you lived in my state I would vote for you. Please run for office in Mississippi. I'm sure you would WIN. Thank You.