micompanions refugees

If you were on that board, you could always come here and liven up the michigan section!!!!

Look forward to seeing some familiar faces here. If you are already here , invite your friends!!!
Marcus Aurelius's Avatar
That sounds great.
Nice new avatar Marcus!!! I hope they come here. Some of the ladies I know are here
Marcus Aurelius's Avatar
Thanks. The movie is Bounty Killer, on Netflix.

Have them PM me to get verified. YAY!
If they come I will. I figured that board would crash. So I kinda quit posting and wound up getting a profile on here
Marcus Aurelius's Avatar
Do you have any pics out there? Or are you uber stealthy?
Uber duber stealthy . I can give you my email if you like.
Guest041817's Avatar
I have been out of the state for a few weeks..what happened to the board? I tried to log on today and its like the site never was even there..i must of missed something.
Marcus Aurelius's Avatar
I had that problem too and they said they're fixing it.
Really they said they are bringing it back?
I had assumes that MiC had been eaten by Leo the lion, like EV, AES, and the late great Scorps. I hope that it does turn out to be just technical difficulties. I am very interested in hearing any rumors that anyone has heard or made up.
If you head over to Naughty Reviews, there is a posting in the Mich forums, from it doesn't sound like it will ever return.
Someone suggested if it comes back. It will return as a pay site.
Hope you have your throw away green dots cards lmao.
It was suggested that if it does return . It would do so as a paid sight.
Dang. Just as I find MI companions it goes away. I travel to western MI from Houston for business. Hopefully more people will come here or P411.