How to Get Caught

This thread is for tales of close calls with significant others, family members, bosses/coworkers or others to whom you don't wish your hobby activities be known. Of course the title is in jest...if you know how to get caught, you also know how to not get caught by not doing those things, so aside from being entertaining maybe it will help some people to not get discovered. Hopefully it will at least make for some interesting stories.

Condom wrappers are the devil. They stick to everything. Like wallets. I had been at an appointment and noticed an opened condom wrapper on the floor of the provider's residential incall. The place was pretty messy anyway so I should have just left it. But, instead I, being an idiot, picked it up and jammed it in my pocket. I am terrible about losing my wallet, keys, etc. so I always leave them in the same place, right out in the open. I can explain a lot of things, but an open condom wrapper stuck to my wallet isn't one of them. Busted!

I remember someone (Austin, maybe?) talking before about accidentally leaving a condom on and not discovering it until he got home. I have managed to do the same thing, though luckily found it before getting home.

A close call I had was getting a bank notice in the mail from my alternate bank account, used for things like paying my credit card bill for hotel rooms, or wire transfers from securities sales used to fund some activities. I got a free checking account where they literally don't have any paper statements, so I thought I was covered. I didn't use the thing very often and it turns out they do send paper correspondence if they are about to shut your account down for inactivity. Thank goodness I got to the mail first that day.

Let's hear your tales!
My dumb mistake was using my personal phone for the hobby.
g0lfnutt's Avatar
Luckily haven’t been caught yet but have had a few close calls like leaving ECCIE open on my phone and the wife has a habit of just grabbing whatever phone is closer to look up something. Had a wad of cash and my hobby phone in my backpack when I was ready for a trip and my wife’s work backpack looks very similar so she was looking in it but luckily did not see the evidence. I have a few more but those are the closest calls.
DallasRain's Avatar
I had a gent I would see regulary in KC..he would text me during the week between work hours so thats when we corresponded.....i knew never to text him unless he text me first and never on weekends.Well he was out at his fishing camp one saturday...i get a text from him with pics of the fishe he caught..he was flirty so i thought was ok to txt i sent a pic of me blowing him a kiss and a heart emoticon..well the guy had his wife right there with him and she saw it...oops that blew that outta the ballpark...never heard from him again!

So now I have a code..if i text you "bass pro"..thats my code to see if you can text..if you answer back,cool...if not then i delete and go on about my other business
A regular left her earrings at my incall, so being a nice guy I picked them up and put them in my laptop bag. A couple days later I asked my SO if she could bring me something and she asked where it was. As soon as I replied "in my laptop bag" I realized but it was too late.
Had a close call with the SO on numerous occasions having eccie up on my phone. Luckily she hasnt a clue what it is, just another forum as fat as shes concerned.
I've seen 200+ providers. But I never hobbied when I was married. Women are very adept. Anyone who thinks their wife doesn't know or suspect something is very naive. Providers can attest to women being more adept to situations than we give them credit for.
I thought I made it pretty clear what this thread is about (tales of getting caught, or almost getting caught). I thought of posting what it’s not about in the OP but didn’t and should have known better. I’m a little rusty lol.

This thread is not about conveying one’s superiority for not seeing providers when in a relationship, nor is it about moralizing that people shouldn’t hobby when in a relationship, to head off the next off topic comment likely to come up. None of us are saints here and everyone has their reasons for participating.

It is about the stated topic of sharing tales of being caught or almost caught. More of that please!
I've seen 200+ providers. But I never hobbied when I was married. Women are very adept. Anyone who thinks their wife doesn't know or suspect something is very naive. Providers can attest to women being more adept to situations than we give them credit for. Originally Posted by John Knox
And yet, not one single review . . . Hmmmm
austin88998833's Avatar
Yes it was me with a condom wrapper also but what happened is the provider had set the wrapper on her bed and when I got up to get dressed as I slid across the bed, the wrapper got stuck on back of my thigh. A few minutes later I noticed my leg was itching a little so I reached down to scratch over my jeans. I get home and it’s really itching by now so I decide to take a shower and voila, the wrapper that was still stuck to my leg falls to the floor. My wife was outside and came back in less than 5 minutes after my discovery. Disaster averted. Earlier this year my renewal came due for p411 so I logged in and pulled out my debit card to pay for it. Except it was the card for our joint account! Fortunately p411 has some generic processing company name on the transaction so I told my wife it was for a financial newsletter subscription, which happened to be the same $ amount, 99. Another disaster averted. She also uses my iPhone when hers isn’t working and handles all of the phone replacements and switch outs. So I didn’t know that each time I visit a site that safari has the folder of each site until you double click home button and you scroll through each one to delete or leave open. She went in and cleaned out those folders a few times because it was sucking too much power from my battery. She flipped through them so fast deleting them that she didn’t ever notice.

Regarding how adept women are to picking up on those things, I agree with John Knox. I hobby because my wife can’t / won’t have sex due to numerous health issues. But sometimes I wonder if she suspects anything. A part of me says yes and she doesn’t want to know because her life has been more peaceful since I started hobbying.
Merlin012's Avatar
I always carry condoms to appointments because you never know when a lady might forget them. Plus some seem to only have Magnums and while that’s flattering it’s not me, LOL. Anyway I left an appointment, went back to work and finished my day. Got out to the car and was leaving the parking lot when I pulled out my phone and realized I still had condoms in my pocket. So of course I go back to the locked office, open the locked file cabinet, open the locked mini safe where my secret life goodies reside, and put them back. Disaster averted.
But if I hadn’t pulled my phone out of that pocket then, everything would have been dumped out on the bed when I got home and changed. And she probably would have been right there.
I thought I made it pretty clear what this thread is about (tales of getting caught, or almost getting caught). I thought of posting what it’s not about in the OP but didn’t and should have known better. I’m a little rusty lol.

This thread is not about conveying one’s superiority for not seeing providers when in a relationship, nor is it about moralizing that people shouldn’t hobby when in a relationship, to head off the next off topic comment likely to come up. None of us are saints here and everyone has their reasons for participating.

It is about the stated topic of sharing tales of being caught or almost caught. More of that please! Originally Posted by SpankyJ
You must have a guilty conscious because I didnt say anything moralizing. I was simply stating most significant others already know what their boyfriends/husbands are up to. They just chose to remain silent for whatever reason. Maybe theyre ok with it. Maybe theyre in denial. Maybe theyre getting theyre ducks in a row before filing for divirce. Your reference to getting caught implies you dont think women already know. Anyone who thinks most women dont know what their husbands are secretly doing underestimates women and is very naive. Not judging. Just pointing out most men have already been caught by their significant others.
You must have a guilty conscious because I didnt say anything moralizing. I was simply stating most significant others already know what their boyfriends/husbands are up to. They just chose to remain silent for whatever reason. Maybe theyre ok with it. Maybe theyre in denial. Maybe theyre getting theyre ducks in a row before filing for divirce. Your reference to getting caught implies you dont think women already know. Anyone who thinks most women dont know what their husbands are secretly doing underestimates women and is very naive. Not judging. Just pointing out most men have already been caught by their significant others. Originally Posted by John Knox
Okay, you have now established that anyone who worries about getting caught is very naive because their wives already know and that you are superior because you know better. And if you re-read what I actually said you might note that I specifically mentioned the moralizing example was to head off the next off topic comment, not yours. You were covered in the first part of the statement re: superiority. Can we get back to the actual topic now?
I sometimes travel for business and like to have someone visit if possible. Talked Britt into an overnight. This was years ago before her hiatus. We went out to dinner and she put a hair scrunchie in the passenger pocket of my door and forgot she did it. My wife later asked where did this come from? Took some fast talking.
Parttimehobbyist's Avatar
Don’t get too over confident and cocky. That’s what I did and got caught. I left my hobby phone in an old jacket thinking no one would go through my old clothes....