Screenings !!! Why be....

I am going to write this to let guys know how petty pros can be because you do not see them. I've tried to get a few references different occasions from the same group of ladies and to my surprise I couldn't even get a screw you back.
This has been an ongoing issue here in central Arkansas since I have returned which is sad. I thought that we are to help eachother to keep eachother safe. I don't dislike pros, and I always give references in a timely manner.
I can screen without the verification from pros but I just want these gents and ladies that do respond and respect the game that this is happening. JUST BECAUSE SHE'S NICE WITH YOU DOESN'T MEAN SHE'S GOING TO BE NICE TO YOU!!! NOT ALL GIRLS ARE FRIENDLY BUT UNDERCOVER TRY AND SABOTAGE YOUR NEW ADVENTURE. Js.
Get mad if you like.. This is for those that need to know and if the shoe fits....
Always FRIENDLY ladies I don't hate I'd rather participate!!!
Some Providers don't view guys as human beings, just tricks to earn easy money. And that means they don't like you, as you're messing with their bread & butter.

It's a mental issue with them. You won't change their minds. It's either they think the hobby is dirty and evil so turn it into a business transaction, or they think their crap doesn't stink so don't you dare drink from the same fountain.

Just like Politicians. Good people know serving isn't a weakness.
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  • BK
  • 07-17-2019, 11:46 AM
petty pros dislike pros, verification from pros
Originally Posted by Issabella Monroe
What & Who are you considering pros?
Lmao. Your funny.
austin88998833's Avatar
Well, I'll say this. If that happens to me while I am trying to book with a provider that is new to me, and I am able to verify it....believe me I will investigate it and find out the truth. If that happens, any provider that does that can rest assured that she won't be seeing my ass or my cash again. There is no excuse for this. We are all grown adults here. For the love of Pete quit acting like mean ass high schoolers and start acting like grown ups. Anyone that cockblocks is just shooting themselves in the foot. Isabella, I am sorry you have had to deal with this, its inexcusable. I have no idea who you are referring to and dont really want to. But if it happens when I am trying to get a reference, I am done. Ok its late i'll shut up now
Yes. Sir
I remember a semi-popular arkansas provider who recently said something to the effect, " IF you(guys) are not putting money in my pocket, I have no interest in helping you ( guys) get pussy". This is not an exact quote. I took it as the provider did not feel she needed to help provide references.

Sorry for bumping your thread, and I am NOT referring to you.

Any one else remember ????
And the reverse is true as well...I had a meeting with an out-of-town provider who did a pretty extreme amount of due diligence. I had a couple of gals who went out of their way to help get me what was needed. They didn't like it that I wasn't booking with them that weekend, but they helped. And I will remember that - both in coming to them when I can, and also in recommending them when a fellow hobbyist comes into town and wants to know who is a reliable professional to see while here. That happens more than you'd think.

Bottom line, what comes around goes around...both negative and positive.

Thank you girls who helped me - you know I'm promoting you whenever I get the chance!
Nicolefoxx1's Avatar
A guy is gonna see who he wants no matter what! Variety is key ! It’s great to have variety! An each girls gives you a different feeling !
I’m always reference friendly I’m sorry you have been dealing with this! Anytime you need reference text me girl!!